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Hiccups - dangerous or just annoying?

  1. Everyone has hiccups from time to time. Such as during greedy eating, hasty drinking, gasping for too much air. After about ten minutes, or even less, that annoying hiccups usually pass. In some, however, the hiccups can last for days. The result: exhaustion and insomnia. During hiccups, the dome-shaped muscle (diaphragm) that separates the chest and abdominal cavities contracts continuously and uncontrollably. There are all kinds of home remedies to stop that annoying hiccups. Usually the ailment goes away on its own without having to do anything for it. For example, if something else demands attention and the hiccups escape attention for a while. But nothing is as harmless as it seems. If the hiccups last for hours, or come back often, it is important to see the doctor. The cause can be, for example, a lung or heart disease. Or a disease of the central nervous system.


  1. What is the hiccups? Origin of the hiccups Innocent causes Dangers of hiccups As long as the hiccups don't go away Serious causes The hiccups and renal insufficiency Treatment of hiccups Home remedies for hiccups Take a teaspoon of sugar, drink a glass of water and tickle Breathe into a paper bag Eat, blow and swallow dry bread Stinging the vagus nerve, gargling and holding your breath

What is the hiccups?

  1. The hiccups (singultus) is a clonic spasm of the diaphragm. This means that the domed diaphragm muscle with the central tendon blade - the division between the chest and abdominal cavities - and the interrib muscles contract and immediately relax again. This in contrast to a tonic cramp, where a muscle (or muscle group) contracts continuously for hours or even days. Many medical hypotheses are circulating about the cause of hiccups. To begin with, the hiccups were already there before birth. Premature babies are more likely to hiccup, simply because the lungs

Origin of the hiccups

  1. According to some scientists, hiccups are the remainder of a primitive reflex (amphibian breathing). In any case, the vagus and phrenic nerves, whose motor fibers are the diaphragm

Dangers of hiccups

  1. A harmless hiccup usually lasts only briefly, at most a few minutes. Numerous home remedies can silence hiccups. But usually that is not necessary and the hiccups will disappear after a while. One of the dangers of hiccups is choking and acid regurgitation, which can lead to acidic stomach contents entering the trachea. The long hiccups, for example hours and sometimes days, are associated for obvious reasons with less food, poorer digestion

Just as long as the hiccups don't go away

  1. A hiccup that does not want to stop is called a chronic hiccup. Numerous ailments

The hiccups and renal insufficiency

  1. The symptoms of acute renal failure depend on the cause. The symptoms vary from anuria (little or no urine), vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and coma (uremia). Creatinine, potassium and urea will be greatly increased in blood tests. In the end there is also acidosis, or acidification of the body with a very characteristic kussmaul breathing

Treatment of hiccups

  1. In the case of an occasional hiccup attack, the treatment will not be specific. Usually the cause is

Home remedies for hiccups

  1. Hiccups are as old as mankind. The home remedies for this basically harmless ailment are therefore not countable. A very simple, yet effective method is breath holding. The carbon dioxide level in the blood

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