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Hot flushes? It's not always the transition!

  1. Hot flashes are very annoying. Heat that literally goes up to your head, making you red and sweating a lot. Very annoying, especially when you are at work or just in the supermarket. Most women attribute these vapeurs to menopause. But that is not always the culprit. 13 other causes.

  2. Hot flashes are very annoying. Heat that literally goes up to your head, causing you to become red and sweat profusely. Very annoying, especially when you are at work or just in the supermarket. Most women attribute these vapeurs to menopause. But that is not always the culprit. 13 other causes.

  1. About 80 percent of menopausal women suffer from hot flashes. Heat attacks that cause redness, sweating and a glowing face, which can sometimes last up to half an hour. While hot flashes - also called vapeurs or flashes - are certainly a transitional phenomenon, these sudden onset of heat attacks can have other causes as well. A

  2. About 80 percent of menopausal women suffer from hot flashes. Heat attacks that cause redness, perspiration and a glowing face, which can sometimes last up to half an hour. While hot flashes - also called vapeurs or flashes - are certainly a transitional phenomenon, these sudden onset of heat attacks can have other causes as well. A

1. Hot flashes from spicy food

  1. Spicy, spicy foods are known to cause hot flashes. This food dilates your blood vessels and stimulates your nerves. But also caffeine, sulfite (additive in wine) and hot drinks occasionally give off vapeurs.

2. Hot flashes from drugs

  1. Take the package insert: hot flashes are a common side effect of certain medicines. In particular, drugs that act on the hormone balance (such as the pill), antidepressants, beta blockers (drugs that lower heart rate and blood pressure) and opiates (pain killers) can generate this undesirable effect. Medicines for the treatment of osteoporosis, the so-called bisphosphonates, can also cause hot flushes as a side effect. Do you suffer from these kinds of side effects? Always indicate this to your doctor. He or she may be able to switch you to a different medication that does not cause hot flashes. Incidentally, it may also be that the hot flashes stop as soon as your body is used to the medication.

  2. Just take the package insert: hot flashes are a common side effect of certain medicines. In particular, drugs that act on the hormone balance (such as the pill), antidepressants, beta blockers (drugs that lower heart rate and blood pressure) and opiates (pain killers) can generate this unwanted effect. Medicines for the treatment of osteoporosis, the so-called bisphosphonates, can also cause hot flushes as a side effect. Do you suffer from these kinds of side effects? Always indicate this to your doctor. He or she may be able to switch you to a different medication that does not cause hot flashes. Incidentally, it may also be that the hot flashes stop as soon as your body is used to the medication.

3. Breast Cancer Hot Flashes

  1. As if breast cancer were not bad enough, treatment can have hot flashes as a side effect, also in men. Men produce female hormones, just like women produce male hormones. When treating men with breast cancer with tamoxifen, hot flushes may develop as a side effect of treatment. The chemotherapy that breast cancer patients often receive is also the cause of menopausal symptoms due to the hormone fluctuations it gives. That is age-dependent and can differ per chemo type. Finally, with hormone therapy, estrogen production is temporarily stopped. This disrupts the heat center in your brain, causing hot flashes.

4. Hot flushes from another condition

  1. Breast cancer isn't the only disease that can accompany hot flashes. They also cause other medical problems. For example, it is a known phenomenon in hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid gland), it can cause spinal cord injury and viral infections sometimes have this side effect.

5. Pregnancy Hot Flashes

  1. You don't expect it, but just like menopause hot flashes are caused by fluctuations in your hormone balance, the same hormones sometimes cause hot flashes in pregnancy. This mainly occurs in the first and second trimester. The sudden rise in the pregnancy hormone hCG disrupts the 'thermostat' in your brain. This gives you a glowing, red face and makes you sweat. The pregnancy hormone progesterone also makes your blood vessels weaker and thinner. Your circulation changes and accelerates, so that your skin and sweat glands have better blood flow. This will make you warm up faster and sweat.

6. Hot flashes from surgery

  1. A uterine removal (hysterectomy) or removal of the ovaries will lead to an early transition. Including the accompanying hot flashes, annoying enough. A

7. Hot flushes from anxiety or stress

  1. Anxiety and stress can manifest itself in palpitations, triggers and hot flushes. The only way to deal with this is to address the cause through, for example, breathing and relaxation exercises, meditation, mindfulness, coaching or therapy.

More causes of hot flashes

  1. 8. Overweight 9. Smoking 10. Over-warm blankets or too much clothing at night 11. Too warm bedroom 12. Bending over quickly 13. Wearing too tight clothing

  2. 8. Overweight 9. Smoking 10. Blankets or clothes that are too warm at night 11. Bedroom too warm 12. Bend over quickly 13. Wear too tight clothing

Tips for hot flashes Do not wear too warm clothes and wear layers so that you can easily take off if you feel a hot flash coming. Cotton clothing regulates body heat better than synthetic clothing. It also helps if the clothes are not too tight. Use a cotton comforter or a comforter that regulates heat. If you find yourself getting more hot flashes after drinking coffee, tea or alcohol or eating spicy meals, you can choose to cut down or leave it alone. It may be nice to bring a fan or bottle of water. You can rinse your wrists with cool water for faster relief during a hot flash. Cooling scarves are also available via the internet. During a hot flash, try to relax as much as possible. Make it negotiable in your environment. Do you regularly have hot flashes and are you not (yet) in the transition? Then try to find out if it is caused by any of the above. Do you continue to suffer from it for a long time or do you have no idea where the hot flashes come from? Then pay a visit to your doctor. Also read Healthy eating against hot flashes Hot flashes? This helps against this transitional complaint Don't miss anything anymore?

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