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How do you prevent increased intestinal permeability?

  1. Increased intestinal permeability means that your gut allows more substances into your body than is good for you. Not all substances in food are nutrients. There are toxins in food. When the intestinal mucosa is working properly, these substances are filtered out and the body will not absorb them. Often times, toxins bind to fiber so that they are not absorbed by the body. Unfortunately, for all kinds of reasons, the mucous membranes do not work well for everyone to perform the barrier function. This is called increased permeability, or in an expensive word: increased intestinal permeability.


  1. Low-fiber meals Sugary meals Acidic foods Hot foods Medicines (Undiagnosed) celiac disease Imbalanced intestinal flora Heavy metals or other toxins Stress Preventing increased intestinal permeability

Low-fiber meals

  1. Low fiber means that a meal contains too little natural fiber. You cannot supplement a low-fiber meal with regular fiber because it is actually bad for the intestinal wall; fiber is best taken in its natural form. Fiber is found in all types of fruit and vegetables, but slightly more in some than in others. An example of a low-fiber meal is whipped cream pie, fries with mayonnaise and ice cream. Fiber-free food disrupts the balance in the intestinal flora, causing an overgrowth of a certain fungus or bacteria to occur more quickly. The body responds to this overgrowth with an infection. This infection restores the balance, but people interrupt the infection by taking medicines. As a result, the problem of intestinal flora disturbances remains and can manifest itself in a more serious illness than an infection.

Sugary meals

  1. Many people are addicted to sugary foods. Sugar is a drug. High in sugar often equates to fiber-free. Those who snack too much, regularly indulge in marches, snickers or utilities, eat a lot of supermarket pies or pies, run the risk of disturbing their intestinal flora for a longer period of time. Sugar is the main inflammatory promoter. In addition, the body needs substances such as chromium and vitamin B1 to digest sugar. Overconsumption of sugar can lead to shortages of these substances.

Sour foods

  1. Acidic foods are unhealthy. But what is sour? Not only a lemon is acidic, but also a soft drink that contains a lot of phosphoric acid. Other highly acidifying products are coffee, black tea, white vinegar (not the cloudy apple cider vinegar), alcohol and tomatoes. When the acidic foods are taken in combination with carbohydrates, the pro-inflammatory aspect is enhanced.

Hot foods

  1. Not everyone will like that hot food can lead to inflammation. In fact, red pepper is also anti-inflammatory. How exactly does it work? The science is not sure yet, but there is a strong suspicion that hot food in hot countries is better and healthier than in cold countries such as the Netherlands.


  1. Anyone who reads package inserts knows that medicines are bad for the stomach and intestines. There are some drugs that are much worse than other drugs. Here is a list of synthetic culprits that have so many side effects that the cure is worse than the disease; they cause ailments. Examples are omeprazole, esomeprazole, aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, antibiotics, steroids, hormone preparations, antihistamines.

(Undiagnosed) Celiac Disease

  1. Celiac disease is a form of gluten intolerance. People with celiac disease become very sick when they eat wheat. But there are also people who get less sick from wheat or who react differently to wheat. Wheat contains morphine-like substances that in case of increased permeability or permeability of the intestines can lead to depression and even psychoses. This is not called celiac disease by doctors, but the cause is the same, namely a hypersensitivity to gluten.

Unbalanced intestinal flora

  1. Intestinal flora consists of billions of tiny organisms that, if they are in the right proportion, help our body enormously. They are responsible for digestion. If we put too much nutrient-free food in our body, such as white flour products, processed milk, trans fat, sugar and fructose syrup, the harmonic balance of the intestinal flora changes. In that case, some bacteria can get into a surplus situation, causing problems. The body will want to restore balance through an infection. The person then feels sick, is in pain, and goes to a doctor. A stomach infection normally resolves the body itself, but through drug intervention the body can no longer find and fight the infection site. As a result, the surplus situation of a fungus or bacteria remains. The intestinal flora no longer works properly and a basic condition has been created for obtaining increased permeability of the intestines

Heavy metals or other toxins

  1. Nowadays every food, even fresh food, contains toxins.


  1. Food and environmental pollution are important factors, but the current stressful society is also a factor in the disease process. Stress ensures that hormones are put into circulation that ensure that, among other things, the food is digested less well. Furthermore, stress causes the presence of free radicals. Normally, the body resolves inflammation at the cellular level through the use of antioxidants. However, when too many toxins are in the body, it can no longer eliminate all free radicals, which must also be combated by antioxidants. This can give the body the final blow; an overloaded immune system, years of poisoning in combination with increased intestinal permeability can lead to a variety of serious diseases.

Preventing increased intestinal permeability

  1. How should you prevent increased intestinal permeability? By eliminating all dangers as much as possible.

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