Jerusalem artichoke: A forgotten vegetable
Few people know about this: Jerusalem artichoke. A great pity, because you can eat this tuber just like the Dutch potato, but then it has a lot more flavor: A sweet taste, combined with a hint of nuts. It is also said that it is reminiscent of artichokes. Hence the nickname Jerusalem artichoke. Let's take a closer look at this forgotten vegetable in this article. I am going to tell you what Jerusalem artichoke is, its health benefits, how to use this tuber in the kitchen, and of course I will close with an easy, but very tasty recipe.
What is Jerusalem artichoke?
The name Jerusalem artichoke is not used by everyone. There are several names in circulation such as bluebell, tuberous sunflower or Jerusalem artichoke. Jerusalem artichokes are tubers that, like the potato, grow underground. Traditionally, it was food for the poor, because Jerusalem artichoke was very easy to cultivate: Jerusalem artichoke grows fine even on the poorest soil, and weed killers are not necessary because this crop grows faster than most weeds. Pests do not come to it either, so insecticides are not necessary. Also impoverishment of the soil because the Jerusalem artichoke is grown on the same piece of land for a number of years is not applicable. All in all, a very easy to grow tuber. A tuber that, especially by enthusiasts of organic products, has many advantages. Particularly health benefits. But more on that later.
The name Jerusalem artichoke is not used by everyone. There are several names in circulation, such as blueberry, tuberous sunflower or Jerusalem artichoke. Jerusalem artichokes are tubers that, like the potato, grow underground. Traditionally, it was food for the poor, because Jerusalem artichoke was very easy to cultivate: Jerusalem artichoke grows well even on the poorest soil, and weed killers are not necessary because this crop grows faster than most weeds. Pests do not come to it either, so insecticides are not necessary. Also impoverishment of the soil because the Jerusalem artichoke is grown on the same piece of land for a number of years is not applicable. All in all, a very easy to grow tuber. A tuber to which many advantages are attributed, especially by enthusiasts of organic products. Particularly health benefits. But more on that later.
Jerusalem artichokes can be bought, but it is also possible to grow them yourself. If you have one square meter of soil, you can sow them in April, after which you can harvest Jerusalem artichokes all winter long. The plant is frost resistant. In fact, the frost only makes them tastier.
Jerusalem artichokes can be bought, but it is also possible to grow them yourself. If you have one square meter of soil, you can sow them in April, after which you can harvest the Jerusalem artichokes all winter long. The plant is frost resistant. In fact, the frost only makes them tastier.
11 minMain dishpeanut oil, tofu stir-fry cubes finely seasoned, stir fry sauce sweet and sour, thick noodles, carrot julienne, beetroot julienne, yellow bell pepper, watercress,rainbow salad with tofu
45 minMain dishRed cabbage, mild olive oil, quinoa plus, forest outing, lemon, sesame oil, soy sauce less salt, Bio Today tahini white in pot, tap water,grilled red cabbage with quinoa salad
30 minDessertBrie, Roquefort, port salut, gruyere, Camembert, walnut, garlic, thyme, honey, grape, baguette, Red onion, red grape, raisins, Red wine, Red wine vinegar, Brown sugar,generous cheese plate with onion marmalade
30 minDessertFull Milk, whipped cream, macaroon, custard powder, vanilla sugar, sugar, protein, amaretto, almond liqueur, basic recipe cooking pears,macaroon pastry with casserole
Talking about tasty: The taste of Jerusalem artichoke is very special. It has a soft-sweet taste with a hint of nut. Some describe it as a smoky aroma that is a bit like the taste of artichoke. Hence the nickname Jerusalem artichoke. In terms of taste, therefore, cannot be compared with the Dutch potato!
Talking about tasty: The taste of Jerusalem artichokes is very special. It has a soft-sweet taste with a hint of nut. Some describe it as a smoky aroma that is a bit like the taste of artichoke. Hence the nickname Jerusalem artichoke. In terms of taste, therefore not comparable with the Dutch potato!
Jerusalem artichokes can be used in many ways, such as boiled, steamed or as gratin from the oven. You will find a delicious Jerusalem artichoke recipe later in this article.
Jerusalem artichoke health benefits
One of the active substances in Jerusalem artichoke is Inulin, an active plant fiber that cannot be digested by humans. This therefore applies to the raw tuber. After cooking, this inulin is converted into Fructose, which gives the tuber a sweet taste. In addition, the tubers contain so-called Bifidobacteria, which have a very positive effect on the growth of a healthy intestinal flora.
5 minDrink without alcoholbananas, cool fresh apple-pear raspberry juice, Soy drink vanilla,soy fruit shake
20 minMain dishsauerkraut, sticking potato, liquid baking product, half-to-half minced, Spice meatballs, pineapple, olive oil, liquid baking product,gratin sauerkraut dish with minced meat
40 minMain dishlemongrass, fresh ginger, Red peppers, onions, tomato cubes, fresh cod fillet, coriander, oil, ground turmeric (koenjit), coconut milk, salt,fish in creamy coconut sauce
15 minSide dishsweet potato, soft goat cheese, egg, spring / forest onion,stuffed sweet potato with egg
Jerusalem artichoke also contains a large amount of other nutrients such as biotin, sodium, iron, silicon and calcium. It is precisely because of their presence that Jerusalem artichokes have a beneficial effect on gout, rheumatism and constipation, among other things.
So what does this mean for common conditions? We will list them one by one:
Jerusalem artichoke and Diabetes
People who suffer from diabetes, or diabetes, can benefit from Jerusalem artichoke. It is important to eat the Jerusalem artichoke raw. The Jerusalem artichoke contains inulin (no, no confusion with insulin). When you cook the Jerusalem artichokes, this inulin is converted to fructose, which gives the tuber the final sweet taste. Raw food is fine in salads, for example, grated or cut into very thin slices. The positive effect of Jerusalem artichoke on diabetic patients is threefold:
People who suffer from diabetes, or diabetes, can benefit from Jerusalem artichoke. It is important to eat the Jerusalem artichoke raw. The Jerusalem artichoke contains inulin (no, no confusion with insulin). When you cook the Jerusalem artichokes, this inulin is converted into fructose, which gives the tuber the final sweet taste. Raw food is fine in salads, for example, grated or cut into very thin slices. The positive effect of Jerusalem artichoke on diabetic patients is threefold:
20 minMain dishTasty vine tomato, (olive oil, fresh basil, onion, garlic, Parmigiano Reggiano, zucchini spaghetti, pumpkin spaghetti, mini buffalo mozzarella,lukewarm pumpkin and zucchini spaghetti
15 minSide dishtraditional olive oil, curry powder, wheat flour, coconut milk, sambal oelek, chicken broth tablet, water, fresh mango,curry sauce with mango
30 minMain dishtraditional olive oil, lean ground beef, frozen Mexican wok vegetables, salsa sauce mild, taco shell, grated young cheese, creme fraiche,Mexican vegetable in tacos
95 minMain dishmaize chicken, lemon, coarse sea salt, pepper, extra virgin olive oil, garlic, thyme, zucchini, tomatoes (small to), black olives without pit,provençal chicken with zucchini and tomatoes
Jerusalem artichoke and digestion
The previously mentioned Inulin is also responsible for the better functioning of the intestines: Food passes through the intestines faster and much smoother because this same Inulin is a vegetable, active fiber. Especially people with chronic constipation can benefit from eating the RAW Jerusalem artichoke. The cooked version contains no inulin, because it is converted into Fructose during the cooking process. Raw food!
Jerusalem artichoke and osteoporosis
For the absorption of, among other things, calcium by the body, it is very important that the PH value in the intestines is relatively low. The fermentation process of the Inulin and Bifidobacteria in the digestive process ensures the production of lactic acid, propionic acid, butyric acid and acetic acid. These substances lower the Ph level in the intestines. By eating 40 grams of Inulin, the absorption capacity of the body, with regard to calcium, can increase by as much as 58%!
Jerusalem artichoke and overweight
If you are overweight, Jerusalem artichoke can also be of service to you. Jerusalem artichoke is moisture-wicking, contains very few calories and contains the hormone phytoestrogen. The effect on obesity manifests itself in two ways:
Using Jerusalem artichoke in the kitchen
Despite the fact that in seduction the Jerusalem artichoke was daily fare for the poor, this tuber is now used in the most prestigious restaurants. This is mainly due to the soft-sweet taste, combined with a subtle taste of nuts. But you can also use the Jerusalem artichoke in the kitchen. Here are a few examples of the versatility:
The â € ˜normalâ € ™ preparation method, so just like the Dutch potatoes, is done as follows: You can peel the Jerusalem artichokes beforehand, but this is not necessary. Do wash well! Due to the uneven skin, in some cases brushing is necessary to remove all dirt. Boil the Jerusalem artichokes for 15 to 20 minutes. Definitely don't cook them any longer as they tend to fall apart. Add a few drops of lemon juice to the water to avoid discoloration of the tubers.
25 minSmall dishflour, frozen puff pastry, egg, milk, walnut, mature cheese, paprika, dried Provençal herbs,puff pastry-sticks
20 minSide dishEggs, lettuce, parsley, olive oil (extra virgin), tarragon vinegar, salt and freshly ground pepper,lettuce with egg dressing
15 minSmall dishbaking flour, peanut oil, flat leaf parsley,ar'nabit mi'li
15 minAppetizerScottish salmon fillet, butter or margarine, fresh dill, creme fraiche, dry white wine, arugula lettuce melange, pan tostado,baked salmon with white-wine sauce
Recipe: Casserole with Jerusalem artichokes, bacon strips and Parmesan cheese
This recipe is very easy and quick to make. It is a basic recipe, where you can also replace the Jerusalem artichokes with regular Dutch potatoes. But it is precisely the sweet taste, combined with a hint of nuts, that makes this casserole so special.
Will you let me know if the recipe was successful, and if you liked the Jerusalem artichokes?