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Lavender: beautiful, fragrant and healing

  1. Lavender is such a plant / herb that many take for granted. It's so common with those nice purple flowers and some varieties have such a cozy crest on top. We often find lavender in the Dutch garden. But lavender is more than that, because lavender has a delicious scent fresh and dried. You can make scented oil and lavender has medicinal properties. What's up with that?

Lavender, the base

  1. Lavender, from the Latin Lavendula, which means "that which must be washed". In the ancient Egyptian and Greek empires, lavender was used for bathing and as soap. Mainly because of the wonderful scent, but also because of the healing power that lavender has. This last aspect is a little known phenomenon for many people. Around the year 1000, monks took it to the more northerly areas and in the Middle Ages it was scattered on the floors for its pleasant smell and to prevent vermin. From the 16th century onwards, it was used as a bath herb and to make linen smell good because of the same pleasant scent. From a century or so later in Grasse, France, the large fields of lavender were created, in connection with the perfume industry.

The shrub

  1. It is a lush growing shrub of the lavender family, officially called lamiaceae. Lavender is native to the Mediterranean and likes calcareous soil. The lavender has narrow, lance-shaped gray / green leaves. The flowers are purple / violet and are like small clusters at the top of the stem. The plant blooms for a long time, namely from June to September. The plant is easy to prune after the first flowering period, and then just start flowering again. You can apply this just about three times during the flowering phase. Lavender likes a lot of sun, but has trouble with frost.

Medicinal effect

  1. Less well known is the medicinal properties of lavender. Put fresh or dried (the scent is dried even more intense) lavender flowers on a dish, a dash of lavender oil on a tea burner and / or some drops on your wrists or temples. Gently massage the droplets and you will notice that within a few minutes you become calmer and it has its effect. In addition, the space also smells wonderful. There are some psychological and / or physical disorders that the use of lavender can have a positive effect on.

Psychological complaints

  1. Lavender is an excellent herb that will calm you down. It has a harmonizing, relaxing and calming effect when you are nervous. This is due to the essential oils linalol and linalyl acetate contained in lavender. It is used if you suffer from muscle tension, you are easily irritated or irritable. But also with mild depression, listlessness and restlessness. Of course it also helps you sleep.

Digestive complaints

  1. Lavender can also help if you have problems related to your digestive system. Think of cramps, diarrhea, flatulence or colic.


  1. Finally, lavender is also used for problems related to menstruation, such as a missed period. It has a diuretic and antiseptic effect on the respiratory tract. This can dissolve stuck mucus, for example.

Lavender Oil

  1. You can buy lavender oil in the health food store, but you can also make it yourself. What do you need to make your own lavender oil :)


  1. Lavender is a beautiful versatile plant / herb for in the garden, at home and to make you feel better. This is already possible because of the color, the smell or by applying it to various ailments. [! 165395 => 1130 = 3966!] Finally

  2. Lavender is a beautiful versatile plant / herb for the garden, at home and to make you feel better. This is already possible because of the color, the smell or by application to various ailments.

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