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Looking for the best fish

  1. Fish is delicious. Yet it is quite a complex matter to find a fish that is healthy, sustainably caught and safe. A hunt for the best fish.

  1. Tastes differ, so what one person finds a delicious fish, another will find significantly less tasty. One swears by a Dutch New, while the other is already disgusted at the sight of it. But there are also some more objective things to say about fish, such as about health, sustainability and safety.


  1. Fish provides many beneficial substances for your health, such as B vitamins, proteins and minerals. But what makes fish â € uniqueâ € ™ is the presence of the fish fatty acids EPA and DHA. These fish fatty acids are good for your heart and blood vessels. In babies they help develop the brain and vision. EPA and DHA are mainly found in fatty fish. That is why it is advisable to eat fish once a week. Preferably fatty fish, such as mackerel, herring, sardines or salmon.


  1. There is a lot to do about sustainability in fish. It also has many different sides. Overfishing of (parts of) seas is an example of a problem. There is so much fishing that some fish species are now endangered. Unwanted by-catch is also a problem. In addition, fishermen fish for a certain species, but also get other fish in their nets. Many of these fish are killed. Other sustainability issues include energy consumption in fishing and degradation of ecosystems.


  1. In the handy VISwijzer you can read exactly which fish is an excellent choice if you consider sustainability important, which fish is second choice and which fish you should even prefer not to eat. The latter category includes, for example, eel, cod from the North Sea and catfish. Great choices include oyster, Canadian swordfish and catfish.


  1. Due to environmental pollution, all kinds of harmful substances can occur in fish. Think of dioxins, PCBs and heavy metals. Predatory fish contain most of such substances. Predatory fish are not eaten very often in the Netherlands, examples are marlin, swordfish, zander, shark, king mackerel and fresh tuna. However, eel from the Dutch rivers also contains a relatively large amount of dioxin, which you should therefore not eat. To further reduce the risk of dioxins, you should not eat more than four servings of fatty fish per week. The following advice applies to pregnant women: do not eat raw fish (including herring and sushi) or smoked ready-to-eat fish from the refrigerator. This may contain the Listeria bacteria. Do not eat predatory fish and no more than two servings of oily fish per week and vary with fish types. Always heat them well.


  1. Listeria is a bacteria that is dangerous for pregnant women and the elderly. Prepackaged smoked fish, such as salmon, mackerel and trout, can contain harmful amounts of listeria as the expiration date approaches. Pregnant women and the elderly should not eat these prepackaged products.

Now what?

  1. If you put all the information together, you will automatically see which types of fish you should eat and which should not. For example, eel is good for your health because of the fish fatty acids, but eel scores poorly on sustainability, and eel from the Dutch rivers is unsafe. You are very healthy, sustainable and safe if you eat one of the following fish species once a week, for example: â € ¢ a herring from the Northeast Atlantic â € ¢ canned mackerel â € ¢ wild Alaska salmon

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