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Orange stools: causes of orange stools

  1. Orange stools or poop is not something you expect when you go to the toilet. Stools come in a variety of colors and while orange stools are not the normal color of stools, they are certainly not always a symptom of a disease or condition. What is considered a 'normal' stool color is unique to each person and is always a spectrum rather than one color. That's because the color of your poop is affected not only by the actual digestive process, but also by what you eat: food, drink, and even vitamins and supplements. Some unusual colors that stool may have indicate a potential health problem. Orange stools, on the other hand, are usually a harmless and temporary color change. Orange stools are often caused by certain foods or dietary supplements. Once digested, your stool will return to its normal color.

Causes of orange colored stools

  1. Often through food

Orange poo from medicines and supplements

  1. Some supplements and drugs can cause orange colored stools. These include supplements containing beta-carotene (pro-vitamin A, which is converted into vitamin A in the body

Orange stools from food

  1. Beta-carotene

Digestive Problems

  1. In most healthy people, orange-colored stools usually result from eating one or more of the foods or supplements listed above. However, there are also medical conditions that can cause orange stools. The stool may not be exposed to or absorbing enough bile salt. Bile is a yellow-green fluid that is produced in your liver and then stored in your gallbladder

Orange colored faeces due to liver diseases

  1. An alcoholic liver disease, liver cysts (hepatic cysts) liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, liver fibrosis, hepatitis (liver inflammation), jaundice, fatty liver disease and primary sclerosing cholangitis (a condition in which the bile ducts inside and outside the liver are inflamed ), are some examples of liver disease

Orange poo from parasitic infection

  1. Some parasitic infections can lead to an orange stool color. This is often accompanied by other complaints, such as (orange) diarrhea, vomiting and nausea

Orange stools due to reflux?

  1. Reflux refers to the backflow of stomach contents including stomach acid to the esophagus. Reflux irritates the lining of the esophagus. Because the acid irritates the lower part of the esophagus, esophagitis can develop. This can lead to blood loss and dark stools

When should you call a doctor?

  1. If you have single orange colored stools, chances are it is caused by a food or supplement and not an underlying medical condition. If you repeatedly notice that your stool is orange, it makes sense to keep a finger on the pulse and contact your doctor if necessary. If you cannot attribute the color of your stool to food (such as orange or yellow food or a supplement) or if you have other symptoms (such as diarrhea, constipation)

Examination and diagnosis

  1. Interview and physical examination

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