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Sore throat and difficulty swallowing, what to do?

  1. A sore throat can be accompanied by complaints such as general malaise, tiredness, coughing, difficulty swallowing and sometimes even a fever. A sore throat or sore throat is often the first sign of a cold or flu. Sore throat can also occur independently as a result of a viral or bacterial infection. However, a sore throat can also be the result of irritation from too much smoking, too low humidity in the winter or some screaming during a sports game the day before. The tips below can help with a sore throat.

What can you do about a sore throat?

  1. Tip 1: Popsicles and cold drinks Tip 2: Suck on a licorice if you have a sore throat Tip 3: Lozenges with chlorhexidine Tip 4: Hot drinks Tip 5: Gargle with a sore throat Tip 6: Take enough rest and keep your throat warm Tip 7: Moisten the air Tip 8: Drink tea with fresh ginger for a sore throat Tip 9: Take a painkiller Tip 10: Go to the doctor on time

Tip 1: Popsicles and cold drinks

  1. Drinking cold or an ice cream can have a soothing effect, because they have a brief anesthetic effect. Simple popsicles, such as a rocket, often work best, requiring you to suck rather than chew. Chilled water or (sugar-free) lemonade can also cause a sore throat

Tip 3: Lozenges with chlorhexidine

  1. Against a beginning sore throat

Tip 4: Hot drinks

  1. Hot drinks such as tea with honey and a little lemon are soothing to the throat and can help cough up phlegm

Tip 5: Gargle with a sore throat

  1. Gargling with chamomile tea or salt water helps to relieve a sore throat. To gargle with salt water: mix 1 teaspoon of salt in half a liter of warm water. Gargle every hour, but don't swallow the liquid or you'll end up with too much sodium

Tip 7: Moisten the air

  1. A sore throat on waking can result from sleeping with an open mouth, causing the throat to become dry and irritated. To counter this, you can use a humidifier

Tip 8: Drink tea with fresh ginger for a sore throat

  1. Tea with fresh ginger slices

Tip 9: Take a painkiller

  1. If the sore throat is very bothersome, you can take a painkiller if desired. Examples of pain killers are: paracetamol, ibuprofen, diclofenac or naproxen

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