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Speed ​​up hair growth - Make your hair grow faster

  1. How can you accelerate and stimulate your hair growth? There are several reasons why someone wants to grow their hair faster: a failed haircut, a desire for variety, dry and broken hair, etc. With these tips and tricks you can speed up and stimulate your hair growth and your hair will be between 1 and 3 centimeters per inch. grow faster month.


  1. Your hair grows faster in the summer than in the winter. Do you know why? Hair grows faster when it is exposed to the vitamin D that is in sunlight. So come out as often as possible and do not stay in a dark room.


  1. A lack of protein is the main reason for dry hair and poor hair growth. So to make your hair grow faster, you need to make sure you eat enough protein. Proteins are found in meat, fish, eggs, milk, soy milk, cheese, lentils and beans, among others. You can also regularly make a milkshake based on whey protein (for example from MannaVital). This is a high-quality protein supplement in powder form that is perfectly incorporated into the body due to its perfect amino acid profile. The milkshake can be used to replace a meal (for example in combination with soup) or as breakfast. It is ideal to mix the whey protein with milk (or soy milk), a banana and a spoonful of nut butters. Drinking this every day will give your hair growth a real boost.

Vitamin B

  1. To make your hair grow faster, it is recommended to take a vitamin B complex. You will find this in most hair growth preparations. However, you can also opt for brewer's yeast tablets or chlorella (both rich in vitamin B).

Silicon or silica

  1. Silicon or silica guarantees beautiful and strong hair. Silicon supplements can be purchased at health food stores. Or you can opt for horsetail tea and / or nettle tea which is particularly rich in silicon. Just don't forget to drink several cups of it every day.

Scalp Massage

  1. Scalp massage is one of the most important aspects when it comes to stimulating and accelerating hair growth. Massage your scalp at least once a day, but preferably at any time when you get the chance. With a good scalp massage, you move the flesh over the bone. Tapping the scalp lightly is also ideal for accelerating and stimulating hair growth.

Garlic and onions

  1. Some people swear by rubbing the scalp with garlic or onions because they contain a lot of sulfur. Apply just before going to sleep and then leave it on overnight is ideal. Because massaging garlic directly into the scalp is not always easy, you can also opt for olive oil in which you put a few cloves of garlic. Not convinced because of the smell? Then there is still a garlic-based shampoo.

Lavender Oil

  1. If you don't feel like massaging garlic oil into your scalp, try massaging your hair with lavender oil. For many people, lavender oil is a real miracle cure when it comes to hair growth. Massage the lavender oil into your hair once a week, wrap a towel around it and let it soak for 30 minutes before washing your hair.

Aloe Vera

  1. Massage Aloe Vera into your scalp and leave it on for at least one hour. Aloe Vera is packed with vitamins, minerals and proteins and really works wonders for hair growth.

Apple cider vinegar and sage tea

  1. After shampooing, rinse your hair with a mixture of apple cider vinegar and sage tea. This stimulates hair growth as long as it gets to the scalp.


  1. Add a few drops of rosemary essential oil to your shampoo. Rosemary stimulates the local blood supply and thus also hair growth.

Complete nutrition

  1. Dieting and starving yourself is about the worst thing you can do for your hair. If you have hair problems, ask yourself if you are getting a full meal three times a day.


  1. Try to combine as many of the above remedies as possible. The more hair growth tips you apply, the faster your hair will grow.

Best known hair growth products

  1. Fytostar Hair Nails: Capsules based on yeast cells, bladderwrack, kelp, lecithin, wheat, alfalfa, silica, zinc sulphate and blue algae Chlorella. Phital Hair / Nail Capsule: Capsules based on Vitamin C, MSM, Vitamin E, Kelp, PABA, Inositol, Carotenoids, Bioflavonoids, Horsetail, Nettle, Ginger, Vitamin B3, Silicon, Vitamin B5, Zinc, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B2, vitamin B1, manganese, retinol, copper, folic acid, biotin, vitamin B12, selenium, vitamin D. Alopesan 400 from Vitamust: for when heredity is the basis of your hair growth problems. Hair from EBL: the combination of shampoo and balm is said to accelerate hair growth up to approx. 3 cm per month. F.A.S.T. from Nisim: shampoo and conditioner to accelerate hair growth up to 45%. Hair Grow Plus from Velform: A 100% natural formula based on plant extracts ensures that the hair grows faster. Dabao Hair Grower

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