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Sweet urine smell: causes treatment of urine with sweet smell

  1. What does it mean if you have a sweet urine smell? Your urine reveals a lot about your health and lifestyle. While its color is a good indicator of whether you are drinking enough, your diet, and possible medical conditions, the scent can also reveal some of what is going on in your body. Provided you drink enough, the color of your urine is normally light yellow and hardly smells. A small change in smell or color is probably due to something very small, such as food you ate. But there are some smells that can indicate an underlying condition or health condition. There are several possible causes of a sweet urine smell. Urine that smells sweet can indicate a urinary tract infection (cystitis), diabetes, the maple syrup urine disease, etc. Sweet or fruity urine does not normally indicate an STI. Treatment of the sweet urine smell depends on the cause.

Causes sweet urine smell

  1. If you notice a sweet or fruity aroma after urinating, it could be a sign of a more serious medical condition. There are several possible reasons why your urine

Urinary tract infections

  1. Urinary tract infections are very common. It is the collective name for all infections that affect the urinary tract: kidney, ureter, bladder and urethra. A urinary tract infection is caused by bacteria moving through the urethra. The urethra is the connection between the bladder and the outside world. Due to the female anatomy, women are more likely to have urinary tract infections. One of the first signs of a urinary tract infection is strong smelling or sweet smelling urine. This is because bacteria are expelled through the urine. Other symptoms include a constant urge to urinate and a burning sensation when you urinate. Your doctor can diagnose a urinary tract infection with urinalysis

Sweet urine due to hyperglycemia and diabetes

  1. Hyperglycemia means a blood sugar level that is too high or a blood sugar level above 200 mg / dl. High blood sugar is a sign of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. If you have diabetes, you can tell because your pee smells sweet or is fruity. This is because the body is trying to get rid of the excess blood sugar and get rid of glucose through your urine. For people who have not yet been diagnosed with diabetes, this symptom may be one of the first signs that they have diabetes. Diabetes can be diagnosed through urinalysis and blood tests

Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)

  1. Diabetic ketoacidosis

Foetor hepaticus

  1. Fetor hepaticus refers to a stale, sweet breath that sometimes occurs in people with liver disease. This odor usually affects breathing, but it can also affect urine. Fetor hepaticus is a consequence of portal hypertension and liver disease

Urine smells sweet due to medication and medicines

  1. Some supplements, especially vitamin B6

Nutrition and sweet smell of your pee

  1. Consuming asparagus, beer, garlic

Dehydration and a fruity urine smell

  1. When you are dehydrated, your urine is more concentrated. The urine may appear very yellow and dark, or even brown. Concentrated urine also smells stronger; there may even be smelly urine. While the most common odor in dehydration is a pungent ammonia odor, some people report that their urine smells sweet or fruity. If your urine is very dark and smells strong, you should drink more water

Fungal infection and other urine odor

  1. A vaginal yeast infection is an infection of your vagina caused by a fungus, usually the Candida fungus. A fungal infection of the penis is less common

Prognosis sweet smelling urine

  1. Sweet smelling urine is often the result of nutrition, dehydration or diabetes, but can sometimes indicate a dangerous and even life-threatening underlying condition. By starting treatment quickly, most causes of sweet-smelling urine can be treated well. the sooner treatment is initiated, the better the outlook is.

  2. Sweet smelling urine is often the result of nutrition, dehydration or diabetes, but can sometimes indicate a dangerous and even life-threatening underlying condition. By starting treatment quickly, most causes of sweet-smelling urine can be remedied

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