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The healing power of bee pollen

  1. Bee pollen is a very nutritious natural nutrient. It contains so many nutrients that it has a rejuvenating effect on the body. The function of various glands and organs is stimulated by bee pollen so that it is a general tonic for the whole body. This agent, which is made by bees, has nutritional, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.


  1. Antioxidants in bee eels Bee pollen nutrients Follow up nutrients bee pollen Amino acids in bee pollen Research Good for the unborn child Antibacterial Structural food source Guarantee the quality of bee pollen Bee pollen and top athletes Bee pollen for the prostate Use bee pollen

Antioxidants in bee eels

  1. Free radicals can overload our immune system. When there is an excess of free radicals floating around in our body, lifestyle diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus and obesity can develop. Antioxidants trap these free radicals and make them harmless through chemical bonding. Bee pollen contains a large number of antioxidants, especially in the form of natural flavonoids, vitamin A and vitamin C.

Bee pollen nutrients

  1. Bee pollen is a very rich source of nutrients. It contains the following vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B12, C and D. It also contains rutin and various flavonoids. Flavonoids are substances that are mainly discovered and studied in the 21st century. Hundreds of new flavonoids are discovered every year in 2014. These substances enhance the effect of vitamins. The minerals available in bee pollen are: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, silicon, magnesium, sulfur, copper and zinc.

Follow up nutrients bee pollen

  1. Bee pollen is a vegetarian source of protein. Proteins or proteins make up about 30% of bee pollen and a third of it is provided in the form of free amino acids. The most protein and carbohydrates are found in bee pollen, according to a study from the University of Santiago de Compostella. Bee pollen contains linolenic acid, linoleic acid, oleic acid and palmitic acid. It also contains gallic acid, catechins and beta-carotene. Incidentally, bee pollen from each different region has a different composition because the bees use different plants to make it, according to the Spanish research from 2012. It also contains enzymes, lecithin, vitamins, minerals, carotenoids and the flavonoids quercetin, myricetin, rutin and transcinnamic acid.

Amino acids in bee pollen

  1. Chinese research from 2009 showed that the amino acid A bee collects bee pollen. / Source: Jon Sullivan, Wikimedia Commons (Public domain)

Scientific research

  1. The healing power of bee pollen, referred to by some as bee pollen, is no smudge; Scientific research has been used to indicate that the strengthening of our immune system by bee pollen helps reduce allergies and hay fever. Incidentally, there are people who are allergic to bee pollen. For them, bee pollen has no cure and they have to look for another remedy.

Good for the unborn child

  1. Chinese research shows that pregnant women who eat bee pollen give birth to a child with a better weight and that the risk of premature death of the child is smaller. Egyptian research on rabbits from 2011 shows exactly the same effect. Another Chinese study shows that especially lipid peroxidation, a process in which oxygen compounds damage body tissue, is counteracted. Adding bee pollen prevents this process. The immune system is boosted by bee pollen, the researchers conclude.


  1. Slovak research from 2013 shows that bee pollen has a great antibacterial and antioxidant effect. The bacteria against which bee pollen is most effective appears to be Staphylococcus aureus. To a lesser extent it also works with salmonella and e.coli bacteria. The researchers at the Slovak Institute of Agriculture used ethanol and methanol extracts to map the antimicrobial activity of bee pollen. This activity benefits the digestive process. Germs are less likely to develop. Bee pollen is a natural antibiotic that can be used in addition to plant antibiotics.

Structural food source

  1. In a Japanese study in which rats were given a scientifically standardized form of paw eczema, it was found that bee pollen dissolved in ethanol penetrates and fights eczema. Bee pollen dissolved in water was found to lack the anti-eczema effect. The researchers were able to isolate five active flavonoids from bee pollen. The researchers concluded that bee pollen is not only a useful supplement but it has value as a structural food source.

Ensuring the quality of bee pollen

  1. A French study from 2013 concluded that it is important to preserve biodiversity for the functional value of bee pollen for bee colonies. In other words, humans should not create too many agricultural land and always leave room for wild flowers, plants and trees to grow so that bees can forage from the blooms and flowers they need. This is also important for people; the healing power of the bee products bee pollen, propolis and honey is guaranteed if we leave space in the landscape for wild nature to grow freely, without disturbing human actions.

Bee pollen and top athletes

  1. Bee pollen is sometimes taken by top athletes so that they quickly have more energy and feel fitter. Research has been conducted into the use of bee pollen among athletes and it did not show that bee pollen has a performance-enhancing effect. But the studies were only conducted over a six-week period; a longer period of time may be required to establish efficacy. What was clear from the research is that athletes who use bee pollen miss fewer days of training due to infectious diseases such as colds and flu.

Bee pollen for the prostate

  1. This bee product is good for the whole body but extra good for the prostate. It is a medicine for enlarged prostate and prostate cancer. Bee pollen may find a place in the treatment of an enlarged prostate, according to researchers at the hospital's urology department in Cardiff. Chinese research then shows that bee pollen obtained from the brassica camestris flower, known in Dutch as turnip greens, prevents prostate cancer.

Use bee pollen

  1. You can take one to two tablespoons of bee pollen per day. It is possible to add this to the yoghurt. In addition, there are companies that offer bee pollen in capsule form.

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