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The healing power of oats

  1. The oats we now eat are probably an improved plant from a variety of oats that grew in the Middle East. Oats are an annual type of grass and have great healing power. It is also a calming cereal; those who are nervous, agitated or hyper will benefit from grain as it calms and relaxes. Whenever you feel stressed, start the day with an oat decoction and add some oats to the breakfast muesli.

Oats and oatmeal

  1. The Latin name of oats is avena sativa. Avena means 'healthy' and sativa means 'cultivated'. In Dutch oats are also called feather oats, feed oats, ordinary oats, cultivated oats and cultivated oats. After a number of operations, oats become oatmeal

Eating and drinking oats

  1. Oats can be eaten in different ways. Its medicinal properties come in when you eat it, especially if you eat a bowl of oatmeal every day, it is good for your overall health. You can also put a few oat flakes in the soup. Oat flour is great for making pancakes. Oat semolina and oat cereal are other culinary uses of grain. You can add germinated oat flakes to a homemade muesli

Use of oats in history

  1. The ancient Romans used oats as animal feed and medicine for humans. It was not seen as a meal by the Romans. After the second century, oats slowly began to develop into a staple food for Europeans. For the potato

Oats are a type of grass

  1. Wheat, barley and rye

Nutrients oats

  1. Oats contain a wide variety of nutrients. It contains alkaloids, lecithin, polyunsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic acid, phytosterols, mucilage polyphenols such as coffee acid and ferulic acid, a lot of vitamin B1 and for the rest vitamins B2, B3, B6, E, K, choline, biotin and folic acid (B11). Furthermore, it mainly contains calcium and other minerals such as: magnesium, iron, phosphorus, silicon, potassium, copper, cobalt, manganese, zinc

Oat bran good against hyperglycaemia

  1. The fibers present in oats bind with carbohydrates and ensure that the carbohydrates (sugars) are released more slowly into the blood. As a result, oats ensure that the blood sugar level fluctuates less, which is good news for people who suffer from hyperglycaemia, such as people with advanced diabetes. In addition, people with diabetes or diabetes mellitus have an increased risk of obesity

Barked, unripe fruit against unrest

  1. The full oat flake has a calming effect. It calms and relaxes without falling asleep. It is also anti-anxiety. It is used against insomnia, exam anxiety, stress, nervousness, irritability and overworkedness. The calming effect is due to gramine and bromine contained in oats. Full-fat oats are also a good way to stop smoking

The healing power of the whole oat grain

  1. The whole oat grain is very nutritious and contains various medicinal properties already mentioned. The oat grain becomes Young oats / Source: H. Zell, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA-3.0)

External application oats

  1. The chopped oat straw, or the bran and oat flakes themselves, have a soothing, anti-inflammatory and distracting effect. It is in phytotherapy

Consult the herbalist

  1. If you want to use oats as a medicine, it is best to consult a herbalist. Oat extracts and medicines in the form of mother tinctures, powders and capsules should only be taken on prescription by authorized persons. A doctor or herbalist can advise you on this. All the medicinal effects of oats mentioned in this article are based on scientific research and come from Geert Verhelst's Great Handbook of Medicinal Plants, a standard work in the field of healing plants. The book is widely used in phytotherapy.

  2. If you want to use oats as a medicine, it is best to consult a herbalist. Oat extracts and medicines in the form of mother tinctures, powders and capsules should only be taken on prescription by authorized persons. A doctor or herbalist can advise you on this. All the medicinal effects of oats mentioned in this article are based on scientific research and come from Geert Verhelst's Great Handbook of Medicinal Plants, a standard work in the field of healing plants. The book becomes v

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