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The healing power of root vegetables

  1. Root vegetables or tubers grow underground. They are vegetables. Root vegetables are preferable to pasta and white rice. As far as the potatoes are concerned, it is wise to use only organic potatoes. They are tasty and less well grown than supermarket potatoes. There are root vegetables that you only eat raw, such as radishes. Most need to be cooked. Washed and sliced ​​celeriac and sweet potatoes can be fried raw in a pan.


  1. What are root vegetables? Radish Parsley root Celeriac Sweet potatoes Parsnip Turnip Celeriac Ginger Cassava Carrot Kohlrabi Beets Potatoes Jerusalem artichoke

What are tubers?

  1. Root vegetables are a type of vegetables. They are characterized by growing underground. Their root or the thickened part of the root is edible. Sometimes you can eat parts of a root vegetable above ground, but not always. Root vegetables are very filling. They satisfy hunger. It is a misconception that root vegetables contain mostly fattening carbohydrates. There are root vegetables with which you can lose weight. In addition, there are many nutrients in tubers. Some root vegetables can only be eaten raw. In practice it is good to eat some root vegetables every day, combined with other vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains and grain substitutes, legumes and seeds.


  1. Radish, black radish and radish are all vegetables from the same family and with approximately the same taste. You can only eat these root vegetables raw. Black radish is especially good for the formation of bile. This makes them good for the liver and digestion in general. In addition, radish is used more for weight loss. It is also good for the kidneys. That's why you can detox well with radish.

Parsley root

  1. The root of this parsley variety is cultivated instead of the leaves. You can find it regularly at health food stores and organic markets. Parsley root or parsley root is used in Ayurveda, the traditional Indian medicine against various diseases such as flatulence, cough, toothache, earache and indigestion. The ancient Greeks also used it for indigestion and liver problems. Furthermore, this root type prevents menstrual problems.


  1. Knolkervel is a plant that originally grows wild in the Netherlands. The Dutch ate this plant together with parsnip as a basic food. Celeriac is a healthy plant. It is good for health in general. Because it is a forgotten vegetable, no research has been done on this plant, so little can be said about its medicinal effect. For example, it is easy to name 10 kinds of forgotten vegetables that have hardly been researched.

Sweet potatoes

  1. Sweet potatoes come from the tropics. They are from a different family than the nightshade potatoes we usually eat. Sweet potatoes are a lot healthier than regular potatoes. They have a lot of carotenoids and polyphenols. These promote immune system function and inhibit cellular or low-grade inflammation.


  1. Parsnip is a white carrot. In the past, when potatoes were not yet cultivated, the Dutch ate parsnips as a basic vegetable. Parsnips are sometimes recommended for diabetes, but sometimes not. In any case, there would be a lot of anti-inflammatory substances in it, which prevents arteriosclerosis. In the Middle Ages, eating parsnips was recommended as an aphrodisiac.


  1. Turnip or turnip is a good vegetable against Alzheimer's disease. This is partly because it contains vitamin K. This vitamin tends to repair neurons in the brain. Turnip also contains cancer-fighting substances. It is also used in a diet aimed at weight loss.


  1. The top of celeriac is called celery. Celeriac has scientifically proven beneficial effect on cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's and cancer. The effect against Alzheimer's comes from the fact that it contains a lot of vitamin K. This has been shown to benefit Alzheimer's patients. Celeriac also contains a relatively large amount of iron. 100 grams contains 9% of the RDI for iron. One ounce contains 34% of the RDA for vitamin K.


  1. Ginger is a medicine in phytotherapy. It is a great inhibitor of nausea. A ginger tea and the nausea is over when it comes to a mild nausea. If you suffer from motion sickness, you could buy ginger candies from an Asian food shop. Ginger itself can be fried in vegetable dishes. It's packed with anti-inflammatory antioxidants.


  1. If you have a tropical garden and you plant a cassava tree, from now on you will always have vegetables. The leaves are edible and work against rheumatism. You can grow cassava on a field for its roots. The root itself is good for irritable bowel syndrome. In addition, it is eaten to prevent arteriosclerosis. Arteriosclerosis is the precursor to heart problems.


  1. Carrots or carrots are good for the liver. You can start eating a carrot daily to support liver function. In addition, the carrot provides many nutrients in the form of antioxidants. These are good for the smooth running of the digestion and the protection of the body from disease.


  1. Kohlrabi is a type of cabbage. Like other types of cabbage, it contains substances that work against cancer. In addition, it contains fiber. The fibers ensure that sugars are retained longer. This makes it good against, among other things, high blood pressure, but also reduces insulin requirements. Furthermore, kohlrabi contains little energy while it contains many nutrients. This means that you can eat it, you feel full but it does not make you fat. Kohlrabi is the ideal vegetable to use during weight loss.


  1. You can also eat the leaves and stems of beets. Beets are especially good for the blood and heart. They contain a lot of iron. You can combat anemia with beets. The Phytonutrients in Beets Provide Potatoes are a Root Vegetable / Source: Scott Bauer, USDA ARS, Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain)


  1. Potatoes are a well-known root vegetable. The potato is very healthy. It contains many nutrients. You can use raw potato against some conditions, such as with heartburn. But you only need a little bit of it.

Jerusalem artichoke

  1. Jerusalem artichoke has a nice but inedible top. He is growing abundantly. You can easily harvest 50% every year without losing a large bunch of Jerusalem artichokes. The Jerusalem artichoke itself has a sweet taste. Jerusalem artichokes regulate blood sugar. This makes them a godsend for people with metabolic syndrome or diabetes. They are especially good for the bones and digestion.

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