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Unknown vegetable: Kailan - origin and use

  1. Kailan is still an unknown vegetable to many people. Some people may know this vegetable as Chinese broccoli. The vegetable is frequently used in oriental cuisine. The Far East is also where this vegetable originates. Sometimes as a side dish and often also as a main course. What kind of vegetable is it, how healthy is this vegetable and how do you use kailan in the kitchen?

Kailan, the base

  1. Kailan, possibly known to us as Chinese broccoli, is sometimes also called gailan. It is a vegetable that you originally come across in Canton, a Chinese province. Kailan is widely used in oriental cuisine, especially Chinese, Burmese, Thai and Korean cuisine.

The plant

  1. The stems have a firm structure and can continue to grow in length. Normally up to about 50 centimeters, but if the plant shoots through it can grow up to 2 meters high. The stems have hard green leaves with a blue undertone and small white flowers appear on the stems. Flowering is from May to August.

Fresh kailan from our own garden

  1. You can also grow Kailan yourself, because the better garden centers sell the seeds. The vegetable grows relatively easily, you have little work on it, the plant rarely or never suffers from fungi (which, for example, ordinary broccoli does have) and the plant can easily cope with significant temperature differences. This means that your harvest will almost always be successful. Furthermore, vegetables fresh from their own soil are the best. In this way you have the only certainty of eating vegetables that have not been sprayed with chemical pesticides.

Health aspects

  1. Kailan is a vegetable that fits perfectly in a healthy and varied diet. The vegetable contains several vitamins and minerals, namely:

How to use in dishes?

  1. Kailan can be used in various ways in dishes, such as by stir-frying, boiling, blanching or leaving it raw.


  1. Stir-frying on low heat generally gives the best result. In the wok, kailan is a great alternative for things like:


  1. You can also cook, so you have to keep an eye on the time. The vegetables will become soggy if you let them cook for too long (max. 3 minutes).

Raw food

  1. Raw is a possibility, but the stem is very tough. Remove the outer edge with a vegetable peeler. Wash the leaves and stems well in cold water. Let them drain or cover the leaves dry with a clean kitchen towel.


  1. Blanching also gives a good result, especially with regard to the tough stems. During blanching, the vegetables are cooked very briefly and then immediately placed in cold water or rinsed under a cold tap. The cooking process, which normally continues for a while, is stopped by the cold water.

Season to taste

  1. Kailan doesn't really have a distinct taste. It's a little bit sweet and crunchy, but overall it has a pretty bland taste. That makes the vegetable extremely suitable to combine with various real seasonings, such as:


  1. Kailan can be kept in the refrigerator, but not too long. Think fresh (from the toko or your own vegetable garden) two or three days maximum. Leftovers from a cooking or stir-fry dish for a maximum of two days (but close it well in the refrigerator).


  1. Kailan in the wok with peppers 1 bunch of kailan 2 tablespoons oyster sauce (not everyone likes oyster sauce, garlic mayonnaise can be used if necessary) 1 red pepper 1 green pepper


  1. Kailan is not much of a flavor enhancer in the kitchen. You can easily combine this vegetable with all kinds of seasonings. It contains vitamins and minerals and therefore fits perfectly in a healthy and varied diet. You usually still have to go to the Asian shop or you can grow it yourself.

  2. Kailan is not much of a flavor enhancer in the kitchen. You can easily combine this vegetable with all kinds of seasonings. It contains vitamins and minerals and therefore fits perfectly in a healthy and varied diet. Usually you still have to go to the Asian shop or you will grow it yourself.

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