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Unknown vegetables: Salsify

  1. Salsify vegetables have been around for a long time, but it is still relatively unknown. The vegetable faded into the background somewhere in the mid-20th century and has only been gaining popularity since the beginning of the 21st century. It is a vegetable that fits perfectly in a healthy diet. What kind of vegetable is it actually, what does this vegetable taste like, how healthy is it exactly and how do you use this unknown vegetable in the kitchen?

Salsify, the base

  1. The great salsify, scorzonera hispanica is its Latin name, is a plant that comes from the composite family. Originally from the Mediterranean, this vegetable was brought to Western Europe via Spain and Italy in the sixteenth century. It is a biennial plant and in the first year the leaf rosette and the sturdy taproot form. The plant will flower in the second year. The plant then forms bright yellow flowers.

Health aspects

  1. Vitamins and minerals Based on 100 grams of salsify, these vegetables contain 12.5 grams of carbohydrates, 1.5 grams of protein and 0.5 grams of fat. The kilocalories are minimal, namely 69. The plant also contains vitamins and minerals, namely:


  1. The high iron content (100 grams contains 18% of the daily recommended amount) in salsify, helps if you suffer from anemia or an (imminent) iron deficiency. Because there can also be other causes of anemia and iron deficiency, it is good to always consult your doctor.

Salsify preparation

  1. Salsify are readily available during the season. In addition to the specialty store, more and more supermarkets have also included salsify in their range. How do you clean the salsify and how can you prepare it?

Basic cooking recipe

  1. Divide the salsify into pieces of three to four centimeters and put them in a pan with about one liter of water with a dash of vinegar. Vinegar prevents them from browning quickly and has no negative effect on the taste. Then add some milk and a pinch of salt and let them boil for about twenty minutes.


  1. You will see fried salsify less often, but it is possible. Clean them as previously indicated and then place them in a container with lemon juice. This is another way to counteract that brownish discoloration.


  1. Many vegetables can be stir-fried and that also applies to salsify. You clean them again and make pieces that are no larger than four centimeters. You also clean an onion and take a stock cube with spicy herbs. Put everything in the wok, with a splash of water and stir it regularly.

Combine with other vegetables

  1. The cleaned salsify go well with, for example, fresh Brussels sprouts. Cook them well until al dente and drain. Then add some fresh walnuts and a pinch of salt and let it stand on low temperature with a knob of butter. At the last minute, chop some fresh chives on top. Some fried bacon rounds it off.


  1. We have known salsify in Western Europe since the sixteenth century. Although they have also been out of favor for many years, the salsify is increasingly on the menu and has, as it were, been rediscovered. A vegetable that fits into a healthy diet and can easily be combined.

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