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Weeds, our best medicinal herb

  1. 'Weeds' along road edges and on wastelands appear to be our most valuable medicinal herbs. They are full of nutritional value and precious secondary metabolites. That certainly sounds good. They can therefore replace the most expensive nutritional supplements without any problems.

The top ten list of master weeds

  1. 1. Nettle - Urtica dioica

2. Yarrow - Achillea millefolium

  1. The flower tops are being picked. The bitter tea or tincture is good for the digestion of our food. Furthermore, the plant is also styptic, to be used for painful menstruation and for varicose veins and hemorrhoids. A jack of all trades.

3. Shepherd's purse - Capsela bursa-pastoris

  1. We use the entire flowering plant, it is styptic but also very good for menstrual complaints, especially with excessive bleeding and uterine bleeding.

4. Ground ivy - Glechoma hederacea

  1. Used to be widely used for the respiratory tract, can be used in a mixed herbal tea, use no longer than 3 weeks, the plant contains pyrrolyzidine alkaloids that can damage liver cells. The fresh leaves rubbed on the skin soothes itching and irritation from, among others, nettle.

5. Dandelion - Taraxacum species

  1. Bitter substance plant that is good for liver, bile and digestion, even diabetics benefit from it. Root, leaf and flower can be used. Is, together with nettle and birch, the very best purifying spring tea.

6. Celandine - Chelidonium majus

  1. The striking yellow sap from the stem or root does indeed remove warts, touch it externally. Good antispasmodic liver plant, use internally only as a diluted tincture.

7. Narrow Plantain - Plantago lanceolata

  1. I had my first experience with plants with plantain, the fresh leaves have a good anti-itching effect, this mucilage plant is soothing for the skin and respiratory tract, a first aid par excellence. So with a cold, cough, sore throat and hay fever.

8. Horsetail - Equisetum arvensis

  1. Growing rhizome plant, the green sterile stems are easy to harvest and dry in June. Especially as a tea to be used internally and externally for chronic complaints: recurring cystitis, joint wear (arthrosis) and arteriosclerosis. But also effective as an astringent.

9. Blackberry - Rubus fructicosis

  1. The young leaf is dried, a tasty herbal tea with a slightly stopping effect, so it can be used for diarrhea.

10. Bastard Swallow - Epilobium angustifolium

  1. A new asterisk in the herbal firmament with one clear indication: prostate disease. We pick the whole flowering plant, make a tea or tincture.

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