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What are the seasonal vegetables? And what seasonal fruit is there?

  1. Seasonal fruit and vegetables are less damaging to the environment than varieties imported from countries outside Europe, shipped by air, or grown in a heated greenhouse.

What are the seasonal vegetables?

  1. Vegetables are most sustainable when they come from the Netherlands from the field or from a greenhouse that does not need much heating. Vegetables from Europe are also often a sustainable choice. In the store it says on the shelf or on the label of the product where your fruit and vegetables come from. You can also ask an employee. It is not stated whether a vegetable comes from a greenhouse that needs a lot of heating. Is the vegetable in the overviews below? Then you can assume that it is a sustainable choice. Always a good choice These vegetables are a sustainable choice all year round, even if they do not come from the Netherlands: Celery Cauliflower Broccoli Iceberg lettuce Kohlrabi Leeks Turnips Radish Beetroot Red cabbage Oxheart cabbage Brussels sprouts Tomato Onion Carrots chicory White cabbage Good choice in the different seasons The following vegetables are seasonal vegetables from the Netherlands in different years:

  1. Jerusalem artichoke Endive Spring onion Cauliflower Kale Broccoli Chinese cabbage Iceberg lettuce Celeriac Rutabaga Butterhead lettuce Bok choy Parsnip Snow peas Pumpkin Purslane Leeks Turnips Turnip greens Rhubarb Radicchio Radish Radish Rettich Beetroot Red cabbage Roma tomato Arugula Savoy / green cabbage Salsify Haricot Oxheart cabbage Brussels sprouts Tomato Vine tomato Onion Lamb's lettuce Fennel bulb Beef tomato Winter carrot chicory White cabbage Carrots

  1. Jerusalem artichoke Kale Chinese cabbage Celeriac Rutabaga Parsnip Pumpkin Purslane Leeks Rhubarb Radish Radish Rettich Beetroot Red cabbage Savoy / green cabbage Salsify Oxheart cabbage Brussels sprouts Onion Lamb's lettuce Winter carrot Winter purslane chicory White cabbage

  1. Asparagus Chinese cabbage Cucumber Lamb's ears Bok choy Pumpkin Purslane Leeks Turnips Turnip greens Rhubarb Radish Rettich Beetroot Red cabbage Roma tomato Salsify Tomato Vine tomato Broad bean Onion Lamb's lettuce Beef tomato Winter carrot Winter purslane chicory White cabbage Carrots Samphire

  1. Endive Celery Cauliflower Carrot Spring onion Broccoli Chinese cabbage Zucchini Pea (fresh) Iceberg lettuce Cucumber Kohlrabi Butterhead lettuce and others Lamb's ears Bok choy Snow peas Purslane Leeks Turnips Rhubarb Radicchio Radish Rettich Beetroot Red cabbage Roma tomato Arugula Savoy / green cabbage Green bean Spinach Oxheart cabbage Sweet corn Tomato Vine tomato Broad bean Onion Lamb's lettuce Fennel bulb Beef tomato Winter carrot chicory White cabbage Carrots (not available in June) Samphire

Which seasonal fruit is there?

  1. A lot of fruit is a sustainable choice all year round, from the Netherlands, but also from further afield. You can buy apples and pears from the Netherlands all year round. Firm fruit such as bananas, citrus fruit and grapes come from further afield, but these come in large numbers at the same time with the truck from Southern Europe or by boat from tropical countries. As a result, the environmental impact is not too bad. Always a good choice The following fruits are a sustainable choice all year round: Apricot Pineapple Apple Banana Lemon Grape Pomegranate Grapefruit Kiwi Coconut Lime tangerine Melon Nectarine Pear (hand and stew) Peach Plum Orange

  1. Is this too much to remember? Then use the mnemonic ABCDE: always good are a peels, bananas, citrus fruit, grapes, and pears. Hallmarks There may be other problems with tropical products. Consider the use of a lot of pesticides and poor working conditions. Then pay attention to quality marks, such as On the way to Planet Proof, the Eko quality mark and Rainforest Alliance. Only a sustainable choice in summer In the Netherlands we grow a lot of soft fruit. That is also a sustainable choice in the summer, such as: Strawberry (this is still from the greenhouse at the beginning of spring) Berry Blackberry Raspberry Cherry Plum

Menu of the week

  1. Tip: sign up for the Menu of the Week. The seasons have already been taken into account in this menu. Sometimes a recipe says "climate fanatic". That means that all ingredients are sustainable. Or check out all the "climate fan" recipes (if you want to pay attention to the sustainability of all ingredients)

Read more

  1. How do you know if fruit or vegetables are seasonal products?

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