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Which food increases your satiety?

  1. If you want to lose weight quickly, you should eat less and exercise more in the first place. You can eat less by prolonging your feeling of satiety. As a result, you will be less hungry, you will automatically eat less and lose more and quickly. Your nutrition is therefore central to extending your satiety feeling. But which foods increase your satiety?

Postpone hunger

  1. Hunger is undoubtedly the greatest enemy of all those who want to lose weight quickly. Hunger largely depends on your feeling of satiety. The longer you feel full, the less quickly you will be hungry and will usually reach for sweet, high-calorie and therefore unhealthy snacks. The longer you feel satiated, the less quickly you will eat again. When you eat, your body releases certain hormones that stimulate your senses. It is precisely these hormones that stimulate the part of your brain where both your hunger and satiety are regulated. Scientific research has shown, for example, that your satiety has nothing to do with the amount of energy your food provides.

Your senses influence your satiety

  1. So it is your senses that perceive your feeling of satiety, and whether or not the hunger devil appears. The more you come into contact with food, the longer you feel satiated. That also means that the slower you eat, the faster you will be satisfied and the longer you will stay out of hunger. If you want to lose weight quickly, you have to eat more slowly. As a result, you will eat less and lose more weight.

The tastier your food, the longer you feel full

  1. When your senses prolong your feeling of satiety, it has a lot to do with the smell and taste of what you eat. The better your food experiences, the faster you will be saturated. Food that smells good has a positive impact on both your sense of smell and taste. As a result, your body produces extra gastric juices to digest your absorbed food. The faster your body processes and digests your food, the faster you will feel full. Food with a good taste also stimulates your brain, making you satiated faster.

Eat enough protein for a quick satiety

  1. You lose weight quickly by eating enough nutrition with proteins. Proteins quickly make you feel full, so that you stay away from hunger for longer. Proteins are more difficult to digest by your body. Your body will therefore use more energy and need more time to digest these proteins. You are then satiated faster and longer and you are less hungry.

Food rich in proteins:

  1. Fatty fish: salmon, eel, tuna, mackerel, trout, sardines, herring, and anchovies Meat Dairy: milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, and eggs Legumes: peas, beans, lentils, sprouts and chickpeas, seaweed, algae chlorella Fruit: strawberries, all kinds of berries, avocado, bananas, and mangos

Slow carbohydrates prolong your satiety

  1. In contrast with fast carbohydrates, slow carbohydrates ensure a longer feeling of satiety. Fast carbohydrates are easily and quickly digested by your body. As a result, your blood sugar level will rise quickly, only to fall even faster shortly afterwards.

Food rich in fast carbohydrates:

  1. Potatoes White bread and biscuits Refined white sugar Refined white pasta, pasta and rice

Food rich in slow carbohydrates

  1. Whole grain products: wholemeal bread, wholemeal pasta, pasta and brown rice Legumes: beans, peas, sprouts, lentils and chickpeas.

Dietary fiber

  1. Dietary fiber also plays an important role in prolonging your satiety feeling. In your intestines their effect is comparable to that of a sponge. Dietary fiber absorbs water and gastric juices into your stomach, significantly increasing their volume and prolonging your feeling of satiety. Dietary fiber makes you eat less and contains no calories, so you will lose weight quickly.

Food rich in fiber:

  1. Whole grain products: bread, pasta, pasta and brown rice Vegetables: vegetable smoothies, legumes, raw vegetables, seaweed, rhubarb, radishes, asparagus, salsify, courgettes and aubergines Fruits: berries, raspberries, blackberries, plums, apricots, currants, raisins, figs, dates, fruit smoothies, apples, pears, pineapple, kiwis, and all citrus fruits nuts: peanuts and student oats Kernels and Seeds: Linseed, Sesame Seeds, Chia Seeds and Quinoa

Other food that also prolongs your satiety:

  1. Soup Oatmeal nuts Dark, black chocolate Water Gherkins Sauerkraut

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