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Why you should drink beetroot juice more often!

  1. In the past it was used as a coloring agent at most. Nowadays it is becoming more and more popular for very different properties than that beautiful red color: beet juice. Many athletes swear to improve their performance, and it is even called a â € €natural dopingâ € ™.

  1. In this article we explain exactly where that stimulating effect comes from! We also tell you about the other health benefits of beetroot juice and explain how you can make it very easily yourself.

Why is beetroot juice so healthy?

  1. Beetroot juice, like most other vegetable juices, contains enormous amounts of essential vitamins and minerals. In this case, these are mainly vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and C. These substances are of reasonable importance for your sports performance. Vitamin B6, for example, ensures the production of sufficient red blood cells. Without vitamin C you are less able to absorb iron from your food.

  1. However, it is mainly the minerals in beetroot juice that are decisive. Calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, folic acid and phosphorus play a major role in the formation of red blood cells and new body cells in general.

Beetroot juice for your sports performance

  1. Beetroot juice is very popular nowadays among endurance athletes. It is like a kind of legal doping with which you can get more out of your body. This is mainly due to the substance nitrate in this juice. Nitrate is converted into nitrite in your body, which in turn widens your blood vessels. This way, more blood flows to your muscles - and thus more oxygen, which improves sports performance.

  1. Exactly how much effect this has differs per person, of course, but there is talk of a significant improvement, according to this study. It may also depend on how far in advance you start drinking beet juice regularly.

Beetroot juice for detoxification

  1. A big advantage of beetroot juice, in short, but certainly not the only thing this drink has to offer. Even those who are not a fanatic athlete can benefit from a regular glass of beet juice! It contains countless antioxidants. these help your body fight inflammation and excrete harmful substances as quickly as possible.

  1. This does not only apply to internal infections. For example, many people with severe acne also see improvement when they increase their consumption of beetroot juice. Finally, the aforementioned widening of your blood vessels also reduces blood pressure and stimulates blood flow to the brain. This reduces the risk of strokes, heart attacks and possibly even dementia.

  1. That sounds almost too good to be true - and yet many people still hesitate to drink a glass of beetroot juice regularly.

Is beet juice carcinogenic?

  1. The reason for this is that the Nutrition Center warned some time ago to be careful with this drink. The large amount of nitrite could be carcinogenic. However, this warning has been widely criticized.

  1. According to research by Andrew Jones of the University of Exeter, nitrate is actually very healthy. The Nutrition Center has also announced that the health hazards are negligible.

  1. They do advise not to consume nitrate-rich sports supplements such as beet juice on concentrates on a daily basis and not to make infant formula from water from private sources. So now and then a portion of beet juice doesn't seem to harm. Good news, in short!

Making beetroot juice

  1. Of course you can choose beetroot juice in the supermarket. But often you have to watch out to avoid all added sugars and other junk. If you have a juicer, you can also choose to make your own beet juice. Use raw beets - preferably organic - and throw them in the centrifuge in large blocks.

  1. You can also add other ingredients, such as carrot or apple, so that you can keep varying the taste. Don't have a juicer? Then you can also throw the beets in the blender with a splash of water and run the result through a fine sieve!

  2. You can also add other ingredients, such as carrot or apple, so that you can keep varying the taste. Don't have a juicer? Then you can also throw the beets into the blender with a splash of water and run the result through a fine sieve!

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