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  1. Before we can explain to you why certain bread is or is not healthy, we have to give you some explanation about the so-called glycemic index and load. The glycemic index is a simple way to quantify how the carbohydrates in certain products can affect the levels of glucose in the blood.

  1. If a food product scores high in this index, it means that it contains carbohydrates that cause a large rise in glucose levels. The reverse is true for products that score low on this index.

  1. Glycemic Load is a formula developed by Harvard University to predict blood sugar response after a given meal. The calculation is as follows: you multiply the glycemic index value of a product by the number of carbohydrates per serving and then divide this by 100. For example: one cup of cooked spaghetti has a GI value of 41 and contains 52 grams carbohydrates. The glycemic load is then 41 x 52/100 = 21. With the help of this index and formula you can make the right food choices easier and faster.

How Starch Affects Blood Sugar

  1. The starch from carbohydrates can increase your blood sugar in two ways:

  1. How fiber affects blood sugar

  1. The fiber content in your diet also determines the influence it has on your blood sugar. But it's not that simple: not all high-fiber bread is good for you. Finely ground wheat fibers are very small and therefore do not slow down the absorption of starch. Whole grain bread with very finely ground fibers will still receive a high GI index rating. Whole grain bread where the grains are still whole, and therefore the fiber too, can create a barrier to the digestion of starch and is therefore good for you, even if you have diabetes.

White bread

  1. White bread is made from wheat flour that has been finely ground and from which the bran and germ are removed. Moreover, the flour is often also bleached with chemical products. Fiber, iron, and vitamins are lost in this process. White bread has a GI score of 70, making it a poor choice for diabetics, and actually everyone.

Whole wheat bread

  1. Whole grain bread is made from (almost) whole grains. The exact composition can differ. Not all wholemeal bread is equally good or contains the same constituents of the grain. The biggest problem, however, is that most wholemeal bread is made from grain that is ground on steel rolls. This grinds the grain into very small particles. And as you could read above, the starch is then digested faster. This type of bread therefore scores high on the GI index.

Stone-ground bread

  1. Stone-ground bread is made from 100% whole wheat flour. This contains all the nutrients that are present in grain and in addition, the fibers remain better intact in this process. This type of bread is therefore a good choice for people with diabetes.

Rye bread

  1. Rye bread contains a lot of fibers that remain intact and therefore scores low on the GI index (41). The enzymes have difficulty breaking down the starch. Again a good choice if you have diabetes.

Sourdough bread

  1. The flour of this bread contains a lactobacillus culture and mold. The acids present in it slow down the digestion process and thus also the speed at which the starch can be absorbed. This bread has a GI index of 53 and a glycemic load of 10. Relatively healthy in other words.

  1. If you have diabetes you should always moderate your consumption of bread. Even the healthier bread with low GI values ​​increases your blood sugar and you should therefore not eat too much. But you shouldn't cut bread completely from your diet either. Industrially baked and ground bread and white bread are to be avoided. But more traditionally produced or organic whole grain bread or rye bread can be left on your menu.

  1. Which bread do you like to eat? And do you think this bread is part of a diabetic diet? Or are you not quite sure? Leave your questions and comments here!

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