Endive: Health benefits of this leafy vegetable
Endive (Cichorium endivia) is an annual leafy vegetable belonging to the daisy family and closely related to chicory, green chicory and chicory. This vegetable is edible raw or cooked, and people sometimes drink endive juice. Both flat and curly varieties are available. Endive has a crunchy texture and a robust flavor. The leafy vegetable contains many nutrients, minerals and vitamins. The vegetable therefore has amazing health benefits. Endive is good for the bones, eyes, skin and brain, among other things.
Nutrients of leafy vegetables
Raw endive
Treatment of acute asthma
The anti-inflammatory effect of endive puts an end to all kinds of respiratory infections and also protects against serious conditions such as asthma (chronic inflammation)
11 minMain dishpeanut oil, tofu stir-fry cubes finely seasoned, stir fry sauce sweet and sour, thick noodles, carrot julienne, beetroot julienne, yellow bell pepper, watercress,rainbow salad with tofu
45 minMain dishRed cabbage, mild olive oil, quinoa plus, forest outing, lemon, sesame oil, soy sauce less salt, Bio Today tahini white in pot, tap water,grilled red cabbage with quinoa salad
30 minDessertBrie, Roquefort, port salut, gruyere, Camembert, walnut, garlic, thyme, honey, grape, baguette, Red onion, red grape, raisins, Red wine, Red wine vinegar, Brown sugar,generous cheese plate with onion marmalade
30 minDessertFull Milk, whipped cream, macaroon, custard powder, vanilla sugar, sugar, protein, amaretto, almond liqueur, basic recipe cooking pears,macaroon pastry with casserole
Anemia Treatment
Anemic patients should include endive in their diet. The blood disease is mainly the result of a lack of iron in the body
Good for the brain
Several components of endive, such as potassium, folic acid, and various antioxidants, provide neurological benefits. A sufficient intake of folic acid, for example, prevents Alzheimer's disease and also reduces cognitive decline. Potassium increases blood flow to the brain
Good for the skin
Acne Drinking fresh endive juice is beneficial for the skin as it helps get rid of acne, a skin condition
5 minDrink without alcoholbananas, cool fresh apple-pear raspberry juice, Soy drink vanilla,soy fruit shake
20 minMain dishsauerkraut, sticking potato, liquid baking product, half-to-half minced, Spice meatballs, pineapple, olive oil, liquid baking product,gratin sauerkraut dish with minced meat
40 minMain dishlemongrass, fresh ginger, Red peppers, onions, tomato cubes, fresh cod fillet, coriander, oil, ground turmeric (koenjit), coconut milk, salt,fish in creamy coconut sauce
15 minSide dishsweet potato, soft goat cheese, egg, spring / forest onion,stuffed sweet potato with egg
Good for the eyes
Endive is a rich source of beta-carotene, which is useful for vision. Beta-carotene can be converted into vitamin A. Due to an adequate intake of beta-carotene, for example by eating endive, people do not get vitamin A deficiency. Known eye-related symptoms of this are itchy eyes, eye sores and dry eyes. Endive is therefore an example of nutrition that is good for eye health
Good for teeth and bone
Endive is high in calcium, which is the most essential component of the teeth and bones. Including this leafy vegetable in the diet counteracts the loss of calcium in the body. This strengthens the bones and teeth and reduces the risk of developing serious diseases such as arthritis (joint inflammation), osteoporosis (loss of bone mass with risk of fractures), tooth decay
Good for the heart
Endive contains soluble fiber. These may lower total blood cholesterol by lowering low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or "bad" cholesterol levels. Fiber also provides other heart health benefits
20 minMain dishTasty vine tomato, (olive oil, fresh basil, onion, garlic, Parmigiano Reggiano, zucchini spaghetti, pumpkin spaghetti, mini buffalo mozzarella,lukewarm pumpkin and zucchini spaghetti
15 minSide dishtraditional olive oil, curry powder, wheat flour, coconut milk, sambal oelek, chicken broth tablet, water, fresh mango,curry sauce with mango
30 minMain dishtraditional olive oil, lean ground beef, frozen Mexican wok vegetables, salsa sauce mild, taco shell, grated young cheese, creme fraiche,Mexican vegetable in tacos
95 minMain dishmaize chicken, lemon, coarse sea salt, pepper, extra virgin olive oil, garlic, thyme, zucchini, tomatoes (small to), black olives without pit,provençal chicken with zucchini and tomatoes
Good for losing weight
The main ingredient of endive is water
Good for patients with diabetes
Patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus who consume a fiber-rich diet have lower blood glucose levels. Patients with diabetes mellitus
Good for pregnant women and their babies
Endive is a good source of the vitamin B complex such as folic acid. Folate aids in neural tube formation and red blood cell formation in prenatal babies. A lack of folic acid in pregnant women leads to the birth of babies with a low birth weight. Neural tube defects such as spina bifida may also develop in newborns
25 minSmall dishflour, frozen puff pastry, egg, milk, walnut, mature cheese, paprika, dried Provençal herbs,puff pastry-sticks
20 minSide dishEggs, lettuce, parsley, olive oil (extra virgin), tarragon vinegar, salt and freshly ground pepper,lettuce with egg dressing
15 minSmall dishbaking flour, peanut oil, flat leaf parsley,ar'nabit mi'li
15 minAppetizerScottish salmon fillet, butter or margarine, fresh dill, creme fraiche, dry white wine, arugula lettuce melange, pan tostado,baked salmon with white-wine sauce
Low in calories and improved digestion
Endive is a very low-calorie food. One hundred grams of raw endive contains only 17 calories and contains 6 grams of dietary fiber. The daily recommended fiber intake for men and women is 38 grams and 25 grams, respectively. Fiber aids in digestion by causing constipation