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Gestational Diabetes

  1. Every pregnant woman with diabetes mellitus in the family has an increased risk of developing gestational diabetes. What is it? Is there a danger to the fetus? How is the diagnosis made? Can you complete the pregnancy properly? Are there physical complaints from the woman? Does the baby need follow-up care after birth? How is the woman's glucose level after birth? An overview:

Gestational diabetes, who is predisposed to it?

  1. On average, one in fifty pregnant women can develop gestational diabetes. Those who have extra talent for it are women who:

What is gestational diabetes?

  1. Gestational diabetes only occurs during pregnancy. The pregnant woman has too high a blood sugar level during pregnancy.

How does gestational diabetes develop?

  1. The action of the hormone insulin The pancreas produces the hormone insulin. The role of insulin is to ensure that the body cells can absorb glucose from the blood.

Placenta produces hormones during pregnancy

  1. As soon as the woman is pregnant, the placenta starts to produce hormones. These hormones from the placenta counteract the action of the insulin!

Insufficient production of insulin, high glucose level

  1. However, if the pregnant woman now produces too little insulin, the hormones of the placenta can take over. This can lead to too high a glucose level in the blood, with the ultimate result: gestational diabetes.

Normalize blood sugars during pregnancy through a special diet

  1. Pregnant women who are at increased risk and women who develop gestational diabetes during pregnancy, following a special diet to normalize blood sugars during pregnancy is usually sufficient. In very rare cases, the use of insulin is necessary by injection.

Symptoms and characteristics of gestational diabetes

  1. In general, pregnant women with gestational diabetes have no physical complaints. It is often discovered during a check that:

Diagnosis of gestational diabetes

  1. The diagnosis is made by the demonstration of an elevated sugar level in the blood of the pregnant woman.

Fetus too heavy and too big

  1. If the woman with gestational diabetes is not treated, there is a very good chance that the fetus will become overweight. This can cause major and significant problems during labor. If the woman is not treated, a caesarean section should be seriously considered. It is virtually impossible for an overweight and overweight fetus to exit through the birth canal.

Children of mothers with gestational diabetes

  1. The children - whose mothers had gestational diabetes during pregnancy - are more likely to have low blood sugar after birth. They may require extra care from a pediatrician.

Special Diet for Gestational Diabetes

  1. Once the diagnosis has been made, the gynecologist will prescribe a special diet through a dietician. In general, this means:

Insulin injections

  1. Does this special diet work insufficiently, however, or the woman does not adhere to it enough, she will have to switch to injecting insulin injections.

Check blood sugar level yourself

  1. Every pregnant woman diagnosed with gestational diabetes will receive instructions on how to check the blood sugar level herself through a check-up schedule provided by the gynecologist.

Ultrasound examination

  1. Every pregnant woman diagnosed with gestational diabetes will have to undergo regular ultrasound examinations. This is to keep a close eye on the growth of the fetus.

Gestational diabetes and the end of pregnancy

  1. Almost every pregnant woman diagnosed with gestational diabetes will be able to finish the pregnancy without too much of a problem. Once the woman is treated, the baby will often be able to give birth naturally.

After delivery: the newborn baby

  1. After the birth, the newborn child will be examined very carefully and thoroughly. Particular attention is paid mainly to monitoring the blood sugar of the child.

Newborn baby has low blood sugar

  1. If the newborn child has too low a blood sugar level, observation is desirable. Treatment of the child in the neonatology department is necessary.

After the delivery: the mother

  1. After childbirth, the glucose level will generally return to normal in the woman, i.e. at the same level as before the pregnancy. The special diet and possible insulin injections are a thing of the past after delivery.

Had gestational diabetes and a possible next pregnancy

  1. The chance is very real that once the woman has had gestational diabetes, the next pregnancy will be diagnosed with gestational diabetes.

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