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How many calories in a Mars, Snickers and Twix?

  1. When did you last enjoy a Mars, Snickers or Twix? Or do you prefer a healthier alternative? Of course we know these famous candy bars are not exactly healthy for us. If you really cannot hold back, it is quite useful to know what the â € damageâ € ™ actually is. Maybe you are busier than necessary!

  1. Or the other way around: in this case, an extra visit to the gym is not an unnecessary luxury. How many calories are actually in a Mars, Snickers or Twix? We will list the facts for you and immediately provide an overview with the number of calories of known similar snacks.

Mars Calories

  1. We recognize the well-known Mars - with its black wrapper and gold-rimmed red letters - out of thousands. The normal bar weighs 51 grams, of which 35.8 grams of carbohydrates, 8.5 grams of fat (4.2 grams of saturated) and 2.1 grams of protein. The sugar content is considerable at 31.5 grams: about 10 sugar cubes! In total, a Mars provides 229 calories. That is not disappointing….

Calories Snickers

  1. We say Snicker, but officially it is â € Snickersâ € ™. A 'regular' Snickers weighs 50 grams and provides 241 calories. The proportion of carbohydrates is 30.3 grams, of which 25.9 grams are sugar. More than 5 grams lower than in a Mars, but still good for at least 8 or 9 sugar cubes.

  1. In terms of fat content, Snickers comes out at 11.3 grams. 4 grams of this is saturated. The protein content is slightly higher (4.3 grams), probably because of the peanuts.

Calories Twix

  1. If you can't choose between left and right and therefore just eat the whole Twix (2 x 25 grams), that's 124 calories per side. So left and right together are good for 248 calories.

  1. The proportion of carbohydrates is 32.2 grams, of which 24.4 grams are sugar. Lower than in a Mars or Snickers (but still 8 sugar cubes). The biscuit bars contain 12 grams of fat, 7 grams of which are saturated. The protein content is also the lowest in Twix, namely 1.1 grams.

Comparison with responsible alternatives

  1. Of course you have many types and flavors. We take as an example the dark chocolate from Lindt Excellence (85% cocoa). This contains 265 calories per 50 grams. That's more than Mars, Snickers, or Twix! This is due to the fat content.

  1. On the other hand, there is a much lower sugar content. Incidentally, cocoa is rich in healthy fats and: the purer the bar, the more cocoa! Due to the calorie value, a block of 20 grams is a perfect amount. Moreover, the 'bitter' taste ensures that you do not overeat too quickly

  1. A banana is also nice and sweet. No wonder, because a medium-sized banana provides about 15 grams of sugar (naturally present in the banana). At the same time, a banana also contains more dietary fiber, so that the sugars are absorbed more slowly. Also in terms of calories (105) the banana is doing a lot better! Moreover, you immediately have some vitamins and minerals!

  1. A handful of nuts is of course not sweet, but it is full of vitamins, minerals and nutrients in the form of healthy fats and proteins. Substances that are largely absent from the sugary candy bars discussed.

  1. As a starting point we take the Natural Unsalted Nut Mix from AH, good for approximately 200 calories per 30 grams (1 handful). The sugar content is only 1.35 grams and the protein content almost 5! The healthy fats will also keep you feeling full for longer.


  1. In terms of calories, Mars, Snickers and Twix don't even come off that bad and you can really enjoy them now and then. But do question the nutritional value in time! Especially because of the high proportion of pure sugars, which are only added to give it that delicious and recognizable taste.

  1. You will certainly get a boost of energy by eating one of the three, but it is not long-lasting due to the absence of dietary fiber. Other than sugar, the bar doesn't have much to offer your body. So empty calories! A shame, because food is primarily intended to nourish your body without having to empty the kitchen cupboards again with a growling stomach shortly afterwards!

  2. You will certainly get a boost of energy by eating one of the three, but it is not long-lasting due to the absence of dietary fiber. Apart from sugar, the bar doesn't have much to offer your body. So empty calories! A shame, because food is primarily intended to nourish your body without having to empty the kitchen cupboards again with a growling stomach shortly afterwards.

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