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Natural remedies for irritable cough or ticklish cough

  1. Stinging cough or ticklish cough is an annoying ailment that many people have to deal with in the fall or winter. This cough can sometimes last for weeks. There are medicines for irritating cough, but these can cause side effects. Fortunately, there are also natural remedies that often go a long way.

How does irritant cough or ticklish cough develop?

  1. Colds Coughing occurs when our mucous membrane - which is located from the inside of the nose to the inside of our lungs - becomes irritated. When this cough is not productive, and you therefore do not cough up mucus, we speak of irritation cough, ticklish cough or dry cough. It often arises from a (flu) virus or a cold. Although this virus often disappears within a week, the (irritant) coughing symptoms sometimes persist for weeks.


  1. Ticklish cough or ticklish cough can also be caused by an allergic reaction to smoke, air pollution or dust. Tests can prove whether there is an allergy or hypersensitivity to these substances. But also people without allergies often suffer from smoke and dust when they have irritable cough.

Regular resources

  1. Ticklish cough or ticklish cough is often an eventual response to an underlying virus. Viruses have to disappear from the body and cannot be treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics are only effective in the case of a bacterial infection. However, remedies such as cough syrup and codeine tablets are often prescribed for irritable cough / ticklish cough. It has not been proven whether these remedies work. They also cause side effects such as drowsiness in certain people.

Natural remedies for irritable cough

  1. Have you been suffering from irritable cough or ticklish cough for less than two weeks and do you not want to use regular remedies for the time being? Then you can try whether the 'old-fashioned' natural remedies are effective in combating irritable cough.

Salt water

  1. To combat irritable cough and ticklish cough it is recommended to dissolve a teaspoon of salt in lukewarm water three times a day. Sniff this through one of the nostrils. Take a deep breath and then sniff some salt water through the other nostril. The cleansing power of salt should counteract the irritating cough.

Make your own cough syrup

  1. You can make your own natural cough syrup by boiling brown candy and liquorice (preferably bay leaf) in a little water. Then add honey and let it cool down a bit. Take a tablespoon of cough syrup in the morning and evening to reduce the ticklish cough.

Chamomile bath

  1. Take a warm steam bath with fresh chamomile or eucalyptus in the evening before going to sleep. This has a good effect on hoarseness, sore throat and also irritating cough.

Onion syrup

  1. Cut an onion in writing and sprinkle some sugar over it. Then leave this for a few hours. The syrup that results from this is very effective against irritable cough or ticklish cough. You can drink the syrup as usual. Also, many people leave the onion mixture next to their bed at night.

Nettle tea

  1. Three times a day a cup of fresh nettle tea is said to be very effective in treating all types of coughs. Nettles have a purifying effect and are effective against irritating cough or ticklish cough.


  1. Put a linen cloth in cold or lukewarm water. Wring the cloth well and then put it around your neck. Cover this with a thick woolen tie and then quickly go to bed. The irritable cough is guaranteed to be less the next morning!

Other tips for irritating cough and ticklish cough

  1. Try to cough as little as possible! Coughing or clearing the throat further irritates the mucous membrane in your throat, which in turn causes a coughing stimulus Quit smoking or avoid secondhand smoke Air conditioning and temperature differences also lead to an increase in irritable coughs. Avoid very dry, drafty or damp rooms as much as possible

Long-term complaints

  1. Do you have long-term complaints or serious complaints such as a respiratory tract infection, bronchitis or complaints that resemble pneumonia? Then of course consult a doctor as soon as possible. For older people and babies it is advisable to consult a doctor earlier.

  2. Do you have long-term complaints or serious complaints such as a respiratory tract infection, bronchitis or clac

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