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Stomach pain after eating or drinking: causes and symptoms of stomach pain

  1. Stomach pain after eating or drinking can have many different causes. Irritant substances in the diet or frequent alcohol consumption can lead to stomach pain, but there can also be a delayed emptying of the stomach, which gives a feeling of pressure on the stomach. If you often experience stomach pain after eating, there may be a digestive problem that requires medical attention. Pain in all organs, ranging from the stomach, intestines, appendix, liver, gallbladder, spleen, or pancreas, can contribute to a feeling of discomfort after eating. The main causes that can cause stomach pain after eating or drinking are discussed. You often get stomach pain after eating because of wrong eating habits, such as eating too much or too fat, or by eating too spicy food. This can be prevented by changing your lifestyle, but there are also factors that can cause stomach pain after eating or drinking and that require a doctor.

  2. Stomach pain after eating or drinking can have many different causes. Irritant substances in the diet or frequent alcohol consumption can lead to stomach pain, but there may also be a delayed emptying of the stomach, which gives a feeling of pressure on the stomach. If you often experience stomach pain after eating, there may be a digestive problem that requires medical attention. Pain in all organs, ranging from the stomach, intestines, appendix, liver, gallbladder, spleen, or pancreas, can contribute to a feeling of discomfort after eating. The main causes that can cause stomach pain after eating or drinking are discussed. You often get stomach pain after eating because of wrong eating habits, such as eating too much or too fat, or by eating too spicy food. You can prevent this by changing your lifestyle, but there are also factors that can cause stomach pain after eating or drinking and that you should see a doctor.

Stomach pain after eating due to wrong eating habits

  1. Incorrect eating habits such as not chewing properly, overeating or eating too fast can cause stomach pain. A lot of people don't chew their food properly. Digestion starts in the mouth and not in the stomach. By chewing the food, it is not only ground finely, but also mixed with saliva that contains enzymes that break down the food. When you chew well, these enzymes really start to work. Your body can also absorb the nutrients better if you chew well and you also have a feeling of satiety faster, so that you gain weight less quickly. Also gobbling and overeating can lead to stomach pain and stomach cramps

  2. Incorrect eating habits such as not chewing properly, eating excessively or eating too quickly can cause stomach pain. A lot of people don't chew their food properly. Digestion begins in the mouth and not in the stomach. By chewing the food, it is not only ground finely, but also mixed with saliva, which contains enzymes that break down the food. When you chew well, these enzymes really start to work. Your body can also absorb the nutrients better if you chew well and you also have a feeling of satiety faster, so that you gain weight less quickly. Also gobbling and overeating can lead to stomach pain and stomach cramps

Stomach pains after drinking or eating due to wrong lifestyle

  1. Lifestyle habits such as smoking, (excessive) alcohol consumption, coffee, tea, too spicy or too fatty food, persistent stress and tension, an irregular life, can all cause stomach pain. Smoking irritates the stomach lining, as does alcohol and coffee. In addition, a lot of coffee or alcohol stimulates the production of stomach acid. Stop smoking

A feeling of pressure on the stomach due to a delayed stomach action

  1. Delayed gastric emptying (lazy stomach) is the result of a disturbance in the movements of the stomach muscle that contracts too little or too irregularly. As a result, the food in the stomach is kneaded too slowly and there is insufficient mixing with gastric juices. In addition, the food pulp is not properly advanced towards the duodenum and the stomach takes longer to process fatty, heavy meals. In people with delayed gastric emptying food remains in the stomach for too long, which can cause all kinds of complaints, including a feeling of pressure on the stomach, bloating, burping and / or regurgitation and heartburn

  2. Delayed gastric emptying (lazy stomach) is the result of a disturbance in the movements of the stomach muscle that contracts too little or too irregularly. As a result, the food in the stomach is kneaded too slowly and there is insufficient mixing with gastric juices. In addition, the food pulp is not advanced properly towards the duodenum and the stomach takes longer to process fatty, heavy meals. In people with delayed gastric emptying the food remains in the stomach for too long, which can cause all kinds of complaints, including a feeling of pressure on the stomach, a bloated feeling, burping and / or regurgitation and heartburn

Food poisoning

  1. Food poisoning can also cause sharp pain in the abdomen after eating. This is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting


  1. Constipation or blockage can have many causes. For example, certain use of medication, too little exercise or an underlying condition, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Constipation can, among other things, give rise to flatulence

Gnawing or burning pain in the upper abdomen due to stomach inflammation

  1. Stomach inflammation or gastritis can be caused by irritation of the gastric mucosa such as excessive alcohol consumption, chronic vomiting, or the use of certain drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen

  2. Stomach inflammation or gastritis can be caused by irritation of the gastric mucosa as well as by excessive alcohol consumption, chronic vomiting, or the use of certain drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen

Stomach pain from stomach ulcer

  1. A stomach ulcer is an ulcer of the stomach wall or duodenum and causes pain in the stomach area or pain in the upper abdomen. There may also be a burning sensation behind the breastbone

Intestinal blockage

  1. An intestinal blockage is also called an ileus. An intestinal blockage is the temporary absence of the normal contractile movements of the intestinal wall. This prevents the passage of the intestinal contents. In the first place, a blocked bowel gives cramping stomach pain. A bowel blockage also leads to bloating in patients. This is often accompanied by a lack of appetite, nausea and vomiting. Also the absence of stools or getting water-thin diarrhea

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

  1. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection of the higher reproductive organs. The infection is usually caused by bacteria entering the vagina, usually during sexual intercourse. Most of the time, PID is caused by a sexually transmitted infection (STI). If your stomach or intestines


  1. When a benign bulge in the colon becomes inflamed, it becomes diverticulitis


  1. Gallstones are stones that are in the gallbladder

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