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The best 12 bread substitutes ever

  1. Bread is the basis of many Dutch breakfasts and lunches. If for some reason you no longer want to eat bread, because of an allergy or because you are trying a new diet, I have listed the best bread substitutes.

  1. First I start with the obvious logical substitutes and then I continue with the more paleo diet-like substitutes.

  1. To know what you are replacing it is important to know what benefits (whole grain) bread actually has. Whole grain bread is made from the whole grain and all. Not only do you get more vitamins than white bread, but you also get more fiber that helps keep your blood sugar stable.

  1. Bread mainly contains vitamins B1, B2, B6 and folic acid. These vitamins are important for the absorption of nutrients and folic acid is important for healthy blood.

  1. In addition, you get the minerals from bread:

  2. You also get the minerals from bread:

  1. These minerals are important for your blood pressure, bones, the structure of your cells and your nervous system. Very important! That's why it's important to find healthy bread substitutes that also provide you with these vitamins and minerals.

Cracker as bread substitute

  1. If you want something different than bread for once, cracker is a good substitute. There are many different types of crackers to choose from. A cracker can contain twice as many calories as bread and other crackers have fewer calories. If you substitute bread for calorie restriction, check the package to make sure it contains less than 500 calories per 100 grams.

  1. You almost always eat fewer calories per cracker than per slice of bread. A cracker provides your body with the same vitamins and minerals as bread.

Rye bread

  1. Rye bread is also a good substitute for bread. It contains only half the calories per 100 grams compared to normal whole grain bread. Still, it can make you feel quite full. This is probably because it is very dense and less fluffy than bread.

  1. Rye bread also contains the same minerals and vitamins as wholemeal bread.

Rice cake as bread substitute

  1. The rice cake is also a popular bread substitute. You can top the waffle just like bread, so that's perfect. A rice cake has rice as a base instead of wheat, so you get a different ratio of the vitamins and minerals than with bread. For example, it contains much less sodium. This is very useful if you can eat less sodium because of high blood pressure.

  1. In addition, a rice cake is also very light, which means that you automatically eat fewer calories.

  1. Now we come to the bread substitutes that are slightly less obvious than a cracker, rye bread or rice cake. You can also use these alternatives if you want to eat less carbohydrates or are currently following the paleo diet or the paleo lifestyle. Another benefit is that these foods do not contain gluten.

  1. The advantage of these bread substitutes is that they stimulate fat burning by your body because it has less carbohydrates that it can burn as sugar. The metabolism is then replaced by ketosis, which has several benefits.

Fried egg as a bread substitute

  1. Breakfast with a fried egg is delicious. It provides your body with all kinds of important vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B12 which is good for your brain and you also get a lot of protein so that you get a good feeling. If you want you can also make an omelet with vegetables through it for an extra healthy effect.

  2. Breakfast with a fried egg is delicious. It provides your body with all kinds of important vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B12, which is good for your brain and you also get a lot of protein so that you feel good. If you want you can also make an omelette with vegetables through it for an extra healthy effect.

Apple as bread substitute

  1. A slice of bread gives your body about 67 calories. An apple gives you about 60 calories and a lot of water. It is not for nothing that an nest egg has become a proverb. This will refresh you nicely during your lunch and because it contains natural sugars that you absorb evenly with the fiber from the apple, you can concentrate well throughout the afternoon. Because you are not investing an apple, this is also a good way to do calorie restriction.

  2. A slice of bread gives your body about 67 calories. An apple gives you about 60 calories and a lot of water. It is not for nothing that an nest egg has become a proverb. This gives you a nice refresh during your lunch and because it contains natural sugars that you absorb evenly with the fiber from the apple, you can concentrate well all afternoon. Because you don't invest an apple, this is also a good way to do calorie restriction.

  1. An apple naturally provides other vitamins and minerals than a slice of bread, namely:

  1. Scientific research also shows that people who have apples in their diet are less likely to develop cardiovascular disease, diabetes and even asthma.

Spinach wrap as bread substitute

  1. If you still like to experiment with ingredients and flavors, then a spinach wrap is also a good option. Spinach is a healthy vegetable and its large leaves are ideal for wrapping other foods, just like a tortilla.

  1. For example, you can fill the spinach wrap with chicken, tomato, and other delicious ingredients.

  1. Spinach also has other vitamins than bread namely:

  1. Spinach contains twice as much folic acid as bread. Folic acid is important for scabbing when you have a wound.

Carrots as bread substitute

  1. Carrots are increasingly popular as a snack. It is not without reason that you can buy a bag of snack carrots in some supermarkets for only 1 euro. So instead of grabbing a sandwich, you can also grab a few carrots. In addition, 100 grams of carrots has only 33 calories. So you can eat in it completely drowsy if you want. In addition, carrots also have other benefits that bread does not have.

  1. Carrots contain much more potassium than bread. Potassium is important for good blood pressure. So carrots can sometimes help to prevent cardiovascular disease.

Sweet potato with banana pancake

  1. Another thing you can invest in is a pancake made from sweet potato, banana and egg. You practice the sweet potato and mix it with the egg and the banana. The egg should hold it together while you cook it and then… tadaa a delicious pancake that you can top just like bread.

  1. Just like the other bread substitutes without wheat or rice, a sweet potato has vitamins A, C and a higher potassium content. Furthermore, it contains the same minerals and vitamins as in bread. The banana makes it extra healthy because a banana also contains a lot of vitamin C and potassium.

Cucumber as a bread substitute

  1. Have you ever noticed that a cucumber is like a baguette? If you cut a cucumber in half instead of slices, you can top the cucumber just like a pistolet sandwich. For example, a cucumber with tuna is delicious, you can also add a little onion and enjoy. A cucumber also has the advantage that you get a lot of moisture through it.

Stuffed tomato as a bread substitute.

  1. A large tomato can be filled with delicious ingredients, such as you can top bread with toppings. So no small tomatoes as a substitute, you are now looking for a large meaty tomato that you can fill with corn, tuna, feta cheese or whatever you can think of yourself. Tomato has the great advantage that it contains a substance, namely lycopene, which protects your skin from UV radiation from the inside. Bread doesn't.

  1. You also get important vitamins such as vitamin C.

Lettuce as a bread substitute

  1. Another popular way to replace bread is to eat more lettuce. Lettuce has the advantage that it provides your body with fiber, minerals and vitamins and makes you feel full without having eaten a lot of calories. If you want to lose weight it is important to leave salad dressings, if your only goal is to eat less bread and not lose weight, you can use salad dressings. There are several types of lettuce to choose from so that you can also vary with them.

  1. Iceberg lettuce is one of the most popular types of lettuce to use in salads. The lettuce is nice and fresh and can easily be combined with other flavors. Iceberg lettuce has all the minerals found in bread, but in smaller amounts. It is also a source of vitamins A and C.

  1. Lamb's lettuce is the second best source of iron from leafy vegetables after spinach. Lamb's lettuce does not contain all the minerals, like bread in lamb's lettuce, you will only find the following minerals:

  1. You have to get zinc, copper and magnesium from another source, such as fish or tomatoes that you add to the lamb's lettuce. Lamb's lettuce also contains a lot of vitamin C, four times as much as iceberg lettuce.

  1. If you cannot choose a type of lettuce, you can always use a salad mix. This can also contain oak leaves and arugula.

  1. Arugula also contains folic acid, which is important for healthy blood.

Soup as bread substitute

  1. When you mention lettuce, you really cannot do without mentioning soup. A soup for lunch instead of two slices of cheese sandwich does not hurt. Soup helps to hydrate your body and you get something warm. As with lettuce, there are several types of soup to choose from.

  1. Chicken soup has the advantage that chicken contains vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is important for your memory. This is very useful if you have another afternoon to do. Be careful with the amount of salt (sodium) in the soup.

  1. Another type of soup with which you can replace bread is tomato soup. Tomato soup is one of the most popular soups in the Netherlands. The taste is of course delicious and you get a lot of vitamin C and lycopene from this soup that protects your skin against UV radiation from the sun.

  1. You also get potassium and magnesium which is good for your blood pressure and nerves.

  1. To fully enjoy the healthy tour, you can also enjoy vegetable soup. Leeks, carrots, onions, and other healthy ingredients provide plenty of vitamins and all the minerals you need for optimal health.


  1. There are bread substitutes and bread substitutes. You can choose bread substitutes that provide you with carbohydrates such as rye bread, crackers and rice cakes. In addition, you have bread substitutes that make sure you eat fewer carbohydrates and stimulate a metabolism called ketosis. In addition, you can also substitute bread for something as nutritious as a soup or salad.


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