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The healing power of mesquite

  1. In 2015, the culinary world is rapidly shrinking. All kinds of products that were previously only enjoyed on a local scale are increasingly available, although sometimes only through internet shops. Mesquite is a powerful South American product traditionally eaten by Native Americans. The mesquite flour is sweet and is suitable for both bread and candy. In addition, eating this flour has no disadvantages for diabetics. A syrup and honey can also be made from the seeds of the legumes. These diverse applications make mesquite multifunctional.


  1. Spread mesquite Strong tree Applications of mesquite History of use of mesquite Modern use of mesquite Naming Ingredients mesquite Mesquite as an allergen Mesquite as animal feed The healing power of mesquite pods Skin problems and mesquite Medicinal application leaves

Spread mesquite

  1. Mesquite is a tree grown in the southern United States. , Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America is growing. It is the national symbol of Venezuela. The tree has been introduced to parts of Asia and Australia. In addition, the tree was introduced to Africa from the 19th century. The tree was introduced in Kenya in 1973. Mesquite spreads quickly through a tropical country after introduction. The tree was first introduced to Africa in Senegal in 1822. At that time the French were in power in Senegal.

Strong tree

  1. The tree has traditionally been used as a source of nutrition. This tree can also provide food in difficult times. The tree can grow in very dry parts of the tropics. Even in areas with only 100mm of rain per year, this tree can survive. It is an evergreen tree that bears fruit even in the driest parts of a year. The tree is widely used as an ornamental tree in cities and other urban communities. The tree grows fairly quickly and the first harvest can already be expected after two to three years. Mesquite produces legumes. On one hectare, the tree can yield up to 10,000 kilos of legumes per year. These legumes are edible. In addition, the hardwood is used as a building material and firewood. The tree also provides shelter from the bright tropical sun. In Brazil, among others, there is a large mesquite plantation.

Applications of mesquite

  1. Besides the decorative qualities, parts of this tree have medicinal properties and nutritional value. Edibility and medicinal capabilities more often go hand in hand in the food country. The seeds of the mesquite pods can be used to make both drinks and solid foods. These foods have various medicinal uses.

History of the use of mesquite

  1. When the Spanish conquistadors arrived in South America, especially in what is now Chile, Peru and Argentina, they saw that the local inhabitants, the Indians, were eating the mesquite. The Spanish commanders also decided to eat the mesquite pods and made, among other things, alternative bread and honey that they gave to the soldiers during their conquests of Central and South America.

Modern use of mesquite

  1. In 2015 the mesquite pods are still used in the kitchen of the Indians. All kinds of drinks such as syrup, cocktails and coffee are made from it, in addition to the fact that plain flour can be produced from the pods. Bread, cakes and cookies can be baked from this flour. The algarobina cocktail made from mesquite is considered a stomach tonic, a general vitalizing agent and an aphrodisiac. Furthermore, the sweet flour can be used to make candy. This flour is rich in protein and suitable for people with diabetes or diabetes mellitus. In Brazil, the pods are only eaten in the same way as green beans. In Peru and Argentina a syrup is made from mesquite that is mainly given to children, sick people and the elderly; this syrup is extra nutritious.


  1. The Latin name we use in science for this tree is Prosopis juliflora. In English, the tree is also called mesquite, meskit, ironwood and cashaw. Spanish speakers say prosópis, cují yaque and bayaconda blanca to this tree. In Dutch we know no other word than mesquite. In total there are 44 types of mesquite, all of which start with the name prosopis in Latin.

Ingredients mesquite

  1. There is a lot of protein in mesquite. It is known that it contains 19 different amino acids. In addition, mesquite contains many of the minerals calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and iron. Copper, zinc and manganese are only in small amounts in mesquite. It is also a rich source of fiber. In terms of vitamins, it contains B1, B2, B6, B11, E and vitamin C. Quercetin in mesquite has analgesic, anti-allergenic, antibacterial, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory and antiviral activity. 5-Hydroxytryptamine has an anti-depression effect, just like tryptaine, which is in mesquite. The bark of mesquite contains tannins with an antiviral, antibacterial and anti-diarrheal effect.

Mesquite as an allergen

  1. Mesquite is a safe product, but a few people sometimes suffer from hay fever when their sense of smell comes into contact with the pollen of mesquite. Some suffer from digestive problems when they eat the seeds.

Mesquite as animal feed

  1. Mesquite is not only eaten by humans. In South America it is given to all kinds of animals such as cows, donkeys, pigs, goats, sheep and poultry.

The healing power of the pods of mesquite

  1. The medicinal activities listed below are considered folk medicine. Only very limited scientific research has been done on the medicinal activities of mesquite. There are both internal and external applications. The pods can be used to make an infusion that can serve as water for washing the eyes. The beans can be made into a puree that serves to soften the effects of animal sting. Throat pain can be relieved by eating this puree.

Skin problems and mesquite

  1. All kinds of skin problems such as ulcers, wounds, burns, sunburn, infections and irritations are counteracted by collecting the thick juice that comes out of the trunk and applying it to the skin.

Medicinal application leaves

  1. The leaves can be used as a tea that can be used for eye washes. Intestinal problems such as diarrhea can also be counteracted by this tea. It is also a remedy for headaches, painful gums and cystitis. An ointment made from crushed leaves is used for the nasty stings of the red ant. Sometimes the leaves themselves are eaten as an emetic; in this way the inner man can be cleansed.

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