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The irritable bowel syndrome and the FODMAP diet

  1. For a large proportion of people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), the FODMAP diet can make a world of difference. What Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome? What possible solutions are there for some people with irritable bowel syndrome? What is the FODMAP diet? What contains FODMAPs? What results can the FODMAP diet give?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

  1. People with irritable bowel syndrome (also called spastic bowel) can suffer from;

How many people suffer from irritable bowel syndrome?

  1. About 5 to 20% of the Dutch suffer from irritable bowel syndrome.

Possible Solutions Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  1. Possible solutions for people with irritable bowel syndrome may lie in;

FODMAPs and irritable bowel syndrome

  1. In Australia a diet, the FODMAP diet, has been tested that caused fewer complaints for more than 70% of people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. With the FODMAP diet, all foods that are rich FODMAPs (Fermentation of Oligosaccaharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides And Polyols) have been removed from the daily diet and replaced by foods that contain little or no FODMAPs. The diet is based on the fact that many people with irritable bowel syndrome suffer more from certain foods (FODMAP rich foods) than other foods (low FODMAP foods). This is because there is a suspicion that in people with irritable bowel syndrome, some sugars enter the colon partially or completely undigested. The colon contains bacteria that convert these sugars into gases and substances that stimulate and irritate the colon. In addition, the sugars can attract moisture. This can cause the bowel to swell and a bloated stomach.

What contains FODMAPs?

  1. FODMAPs are in;

What does a low FODMAP diet look like?

  1. A low FODMAP diet can look like this (always consult an expert if you want to start with this diet);

Starch products with a low FODMAP content

  1. Gluten free products Spelt Bread rice oatmeal Quinoa potatoes

Vegetables with a low FODMAP content

  1. Aubergine bamboo shoots zucchini green beans cucumber pumpkin radish lettuce Spinach carrot peppers olives

Fruit with a low FODMAP content

  1. Strawberries pineapple banana blueberries clementines grapes raspberry Kiwi orange

Milk products with a low FODMAP content

    Meat and fish

    1. All kinds of meat, fish, crustaceans and shellfish may be eaten, provided they are not breaded.

    Meat substitutes and eggs with a low FODMAP content

      Butter, oil and the like

      1. All kinds of butter, oil and the like are allowed.

      Herbs and seasonings with a low FODMAP content

      1. Vinegar lemon juice lime juice mustard sugar maple syrup peanut butter dark chocolate mayonnaise

      Drinks with a low FODMAP content

        The FODMAP diet

        1. The FODMAP diet is a strict diet. In the first phase, the so-called elimination phase, all foods rich in FODMAPs must be avoided. FODMAPs are in many ready-to-eat foods and these are best avoided and labels should be read very carefully. In practice, people who follow the FODMAP diet eat a lot of fresh and unprocessed food. After the elimination phase, one or two foods are added. If the complaints return, these foods will be stopped and you will return to the elimination phase. After a few weeks, another food can be added. If this goes well, another food can be added.

        Children and the FODMAP diet

        1. In principle, there are all enough essential nutritional values ​​in the FODMAP diet, so that any partner and children can eat with this diet without any problems.

        FODMAP diet guidance

        1. The FODMAP diet is a difficult diet to follow. It must be determined for each food whether or not it contains FODMAPs and whether or not this can be on the 'may-I-eat-list'. In addition, any complaints must be closely monitored to determine whether or not foods should be added or eliminated. It is therefore important to follow the FODMAP diet under the guidance of an expert.

        Results of the FODMAP diet

        1. The FODMAP diet was developed by Peter Gibson and Susan Shephard at the Monash University of Melbourne (Australia). Of their patients with irritable bowel syndrome, 75% benefited from the FODMAP diet. Their symptoms diminished or disappeared altogether.

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