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Adult acne. What is the cause and the solution?

  1. Do you currently have acne while you are no longer 15? You are certainly not alone, acne in adults is more common than you might think. It is the cause of a lot of shame and discomfort because you simply no longer want to have blemished skin. Nowadays there are many acne treatments on the market, most of them only work minimally.

  2. Do you currently have acne while you are no longer 15? You are certainly not alone, acne in adults is more common than you might think. It is the cause of a lot of shame and discomfort because you simply no longer want to have blemished skin. Now there are many acne treatments on the market, most of them only work minimally.

  1. In this article you will discover the causes of acne in adults, what treatments there are and how to control acne with some helpful tips. [! 176238 => 1130 = 2!] What Causes Adult Acne?

  2. In this article you will discover the causes of acne in adults, what treatments there are and how to control acne with some helpful tips.

What Causes Adult Acne?

  1. Acne is caused by excessive sebum on the skin. Sebum produced by the sebaceous glands clogs your pores. Then bacteria are added and voilà ©, you have an inflammation.

  1. The question then of course is: How do these pores get clogged and how can I reduce the production of sebum?

  1. In some adults this has to do with the hormone balance. The overproduction of androgens is a cause. An imbalance in the hormones is a trigger for acne in many adults. For example, acne can occur especially during pregnancy, menopause, medication (such as the pill) and even your lifestyle has an influence. In short, when your hormones are not completely in balance, the production of sebum can give an extra boost.

  1. But accumulation of toxins in your body is also a factor. This is reinforced by the following factors:

How do you treat acne in adults?

  1. That is why most treatments are aimed at reducing the production of sebum. Less sebum means less inflammation. I must say that many of these medications are counterproductive for me. There is less sebum production, but the skin is a lot more sensitive and drier. Certainly not optimal! In addition, you cannot compare your skin to that of a teenager. Teenagers have relatively thick skin, which is why as a teenager you can apply more to your skin against acne. An adult has a thinner skin and that acne means can then be far too strong.

  2. That is why most treatments are aimed at reducing the production of sebum. Less sebum means less inflammation. I must say that many of these medications are counterproductive for me. There is less sebum production, but the skin is a lot more sensitive and drier. Certainly not optimal! In addition, you cannot compare your skin to that of a teenager. Teenagers have relatively thick skin, which is why as a teenager you can apply more to your skin against acne. An adult has a thinner skin and that acne remedies can then be far too strong.

  1. To give you an example:

  1. When I started having acne, I was prescribed a whole shopping cart full of ointments and medication. Ranging from minocycline to salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide. As a teenager I could tolerate minocycline 50 mg and benzoyl peroxide 20%. Now I certainly shouldn't try that! My skin is completely dry and hypersensitive to the sun.

  2. When I started to get acne I was prescribed a whole shopping cart full of ointments and medication. Ranging from minocycline to salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide. As a teenager I could tolerate minocycline 50mg and benzoyl peroxide 20%. Now I certainly shouldn't try that! My skin is completely dry and hypersensitive to the sun.

  1. For more information about regular acne treatments, read this article.

  1. The solution to control acne in adults can be summarized in 3 steps:

Keeping hormones in balance

  1. The first step is to find out if you actually suffer from acne because of an imbalance in your hormones. If you are a woman, this is easy to find out because you have more or less acne during different phases of the menstrual cycle. Especially a week before menstruation that you get more acne. In addition, acne due to hormones is a bit worse than normal, it is more subcutaneous inflammation than a pimple.

  2. The first step is to find out if you actually suffer from acne due to an imbalance in your hormones. If you are a woman, this is easy to find out because you have more or less acne during different phases of the menstrual cycle. Especially a week before menstruation that you get more acne. In addition, acne due to hormones is somewhat worse than normal, it is more subcutaneous inflammation than a pimple.

  1. In men, acne is exacerbated when you produce too many male hormones. You often suffer from acne on your back, chest and a lot of hair on your body and perhaps starting baldness.

  1. Let me clarify that:

  1. The hormones responsible for sebum production are called androgens. Especially testosterone such as DHT (this is also responsible for baldness). Hormones do have a significant effect on your body. That is why hormone therapy is so dangerous, it affects your entire body!

  1. When too many androgens are produced, the effect will be that more sebum is produced. But it goes much further than that. It may also be that normal amounts of androgens are produced but that you have fewer hormones to keep androgens in balance. The bottom line is, there are a lot more hormonal factors that make acne breakouts.

  2. When too many androgens are produced, the effect will be that more sebum is produced. But it goes much further than that. It may also be that normal amounts of androgens are produced but that you have less hormones to keep androgens in balance. The bottom line is, there are a lot more hormonal factors that make acne breakouts.

  1. Don't forget that your lifestyle influences your hormones. For example, the following causes are known to influence the development of acne:

  2. Don't forget that your lifestyle affects your hormones. For example, the following causes are known to influence the development of acne:

  1. As you can see, there is a lot you can do to get the hormones in balance. Genetic factors certainly also play a role, of course. However, a healthy, varied diet with a low glycemic burden will go a long way (I'll talk about that in a moment). All this in combination with normal amounts of stress.

Correct skin treatment

  1. What strikes me when coaching people is that many have the habit of using all kinds of skin products together. This has a counterproductive effect on many, more is certainly not always better!

  1. Good skin treatment should be very simple. I have tried several myself and currently have the best experience with the following steps:

Diet with a low glycemic index / burden

  1. Finally, your diet should certainly not be underestimated! Now, many doctors and dermatologists will disagree with me that diet affects the development of acne in adults. However, if you do some research and read people's reactions, you will notice that there is actually a connection! I notice when I do not eat too many foods with a high glycemic index (such as bread products, ready-made snacks, potatoes, white rice) and replace that with vegetables, a little fruit and starchy foods such as brown rice, quinoa, that I am much less suffer from acne. Now I have to say that you should not eat too much fruit, normal amounts are no problem. The basis should mainly be vegetables and foods with a low GI index.

  1. Don't forget to eat lots of healthy fats! Healthy fats are important for your hormone balance and protection against cardiovascular disease. My favorite sources include flaxseed oil, unbroken flaxseed, fatty fish, avocados, olive oil, coconut oil and of course nuts such as walnuts and almonds!

What's next?

  1. The most important thing is not to give up! Even when you have acne and have already tried everything. Getting your hormones in balance, proper skin treatment and a diet with a low GI index can dramatically improve your skin! It seems that high peaks and troughs in your blood sugar have an effect on your hormone balance.

  1. Do you have a good additional tip yourself? Be sure to let me know by leaving a comment below!

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