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Aloe Vera special part 2: Benefits of Aloe Vera for health

  1. Click below to read Part 1: Aloe Vera special part 1: The Aloe Vera legend

  1. As described in part 1 of this series, Aloe Vera contains many beneficial substances that have a positive effect on general health. In addition, Aloe Vera can also be used for special conditions. We list the most important ones:

Aloe Vera for the skin

  1. There are numerous products based on Aloe Vera on the market for external use. And that is not surprising, because a lot of scientific research has already proven that Aloe Vera has a positive effect on your skin in many ways. Did you know that the Egyptian queen Cleopatra also used Aloe Vera to care for her skin? Legend has it that she owes her famous beauty to this, among other things.

  1. Aloe Vera is now used in the treatment of burns, inflammation, insect bites, abrasions, eczema, neurodermatitis, rashes and psoriasis.

  1. If we talk in general terms about the benefits of Aloe Vera for your skin, we come to the following list:

  1. Aloe Vera for burns

  1. Okay, a burn is also a skin problem, so it should have been in the previous section. But Aloe Vera has so much results in the care and recovery of burns that it deserves special attention.

  1. Both the juice and the gel of the plant are used to treat burns. After application you immediately notice the cooling and pain-soothing effect of this. The healing is positively influenced by the anti-inflammatory effect of Aloe Vera, which will help the skin to heal faster.

Aloe Vera for Crohn's Disease

  1. Crohn's disease occurs mainly in younger people and can be life-threatening. It concerns a chronic inflammation of the intestines. Several studies would prove that internal use of Aloe Vera can inhibit the inflammatory process and promote healing.

Aloe Vera for stomach and intestinal complaints

  1. For use with stomach and intestinal complaints, Aloe Vera is made for both internal and external use. When used externally, the Aloe Vera has an antibacterial and an antifungal effect. It quickly relieves these kinds of problems because it is well absorbed through the mucous membranes and through the skin.

  2. For use with stomach and intestinal complaints, Aloe Vera is made for both internal and external use. When used externally, the Aloe Vera has an antibacterial and an antifungal effect. It quickly relieves such problems as it is well absorbed through the mucous membranes and the skin.

  1. For internal use there is an Aloe Vera juice from which the laxative element Aloin has been extracted.

Aloe Vera for osteoarthritis and rheumatism

  1. Osteoarthritis and rheumatism are both diseases in which inflammation takes place in and around the joints. This can be very painful, and the range of motion becomes increasingly limited as the disease progresses. Of course, Aloe Vera cannot replace tissue that has been damaged or disappeared, but it can ward off inflammation, which will also reduce pain. Also, not unimportantly, the further deterioration of the joints is counteracted.

Aloe Vera for allergy

  1. This is caused by an extreme reaction of the immune system to a certain substance. Aloe Vera is particularly known for its more than positive effect on the immune system, thanks to the more than 200 active ingredients in the gel. Due to the positive effect of Aloe Vera on the immune system, the body will show less allergic reaction.

Aloe Vera for babies and children

  1. Aloe Vera is never harmful to health, and can therefore also be used perfectly for babies and children. A good example of this is the moment when the first teeth come through. Very annoying and sometimes painful for the baby, and a powerless feeling for the parents. To cool off, you can smear a little Aloe Vera on the gums.

  1. Aloe Vera is also very useful for diaper rash, abrasions and eczema. It not only provides cooling, but also a faster healing process.

  1. Baby happy, and parents happy too!

Aloe Vera for hemorrhoids

  1. Did you know that one in three Dutch people has hemorrhoids? It's not painful for everyone, and most often won't even notice. But if it continues, it can be very painful. For the people who don't know: Hemorrhoids are swollen blood veins around the anus. Aloe Vera seems to be very suitable for treating this. When used internally, the intestines are cleaned. This, in combination with the anti-inflammatory power of Aloe Vera, ensures that the risk of infections and ulcers will be minimal.

Aloe Vera for acne

  1. There is nothing more annoying than acne. This is a major problem, especially during puberty, when young people are insecure anyway. Aloe Vera is said to have the property of making the pimples disappear 5 days after application of the gel. Given the list of benefits of Aloe Vera, this also makes sense: Anti-inflammatory and promotes the healing process and the recovery of the skin.

Aloe Vera for Cancer

  1. How wonderful it would be to have a panacea for cancer. Some scientists claim that Aloe Vera stops the growth of a tumor due to its anti-inflammatory effect, other doctors say it is nonsense. The opinion of patients is also very different: Some benefit, others say not. The fact remains that Aloe Vera does indeed have an anti-inflammatory effect and can give the immune system a strong boost. These two properties are important in the fight against cancer.

Aloe Vera for Diabetes

  1. Aloe Vera also seems to have beneficial effects on Diabetes patients. A number of studies in the US have shown that diabetic patients who have taken aloe vera for at least 3 consecutive months, notice a marked decrease in blood sugar. The Aloe Vera is also said to lower cholesterol.

Aloe Vera for gum problems

  1. Again thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of Aloe Vera, a treatment for gum disease is also an option. Put some Aloe Vera powder on your toothbrush and brush your teeth as you normally do. Drinking the gel can also help with this: Take a sip of gel, let it roll well in your mouth before swallowing.

Aloe Vera for better oxygen transport

  1. If you regularly drink Aloe Vera juice, it has a very positive effect on your blood and circulatory system. Blockages are dissolved and thinning blood vessels regain their old proportions, so that every part of your body is optimally supplied with oxygen. This would directly result in longer stamina and less acidity of the muscles.

  1. As this list shows, Aloe Vera can be used for a very wide range of ailments, disorders and illnesses. You can actually conclude that you can always try it, if it doesn't work then it doesn't harm. But the fact remains that especially the anti-inflammatory effect and the boost that Aloe Vera can give to the immune system are very important for general health.

How can you use Aloe Vera?

  1. Aloe Vera is sold in many forms: gels, concentrated liquid, powder form and drinks, just to name a few. In addition, there are numerous products available that contain Aloe Vera, whether or not in a high dose.

  1. To give your general health a significant boost, it is best to make drinking Aloe Vera Juice part of your daily eating routine. These juices, made directly from the interior of the leaves, promote weight loss and contribute to healthy digestion, removing all toxins from your body. So drink a mix of fruit juice, water and Aloe Vera juice every day.

  1. Another way to use Aloe Vera is through nutritional supplements. These supplements combine the power of Aloe Vera with other much needed substances such as vitamin C. This is particularly effective for gastrointestinal problems and constipation.

  1. Click below to read Part 3: Aloe Vera special part 3: Frequently asked questions about Aloe Vera

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