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Cereals and grain substitutes

  1. Most grains are actually grasses. Yes, we humans like to eat fried grass seeds. Wheat is the most famous cereal; there are many more types. Grains are consumed daily by most people. It is a delicious and filling nutrient. Almost all grains are very healthy, but you must eat grains made from the whole grain. White flour is not healthy at all and increases the risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes.


  1. Buckwheat is an annual plant and is widely cultivated. Boekwijt is gluten-free. There is a lot of magnesium, potassium and phosphorus


  1. Bulgur is a processed cereal made from different types of grain. Mostly durum has been used as a base. It is often used in Arab cuisine, especially as a filling for bell peppers, for example. It can bake cookies and bread. Bulgur is a binding element in the soup. It is not suitable for a gluten-free


  1. Couscous is made from durum wheat or pearl millet. It is edible hot as a substitute for rice. You can let couscous cool and mix with vinegar and olive oil


  1. Barley comes from wild barley, a grass that grows in the Middle East. Hulled barley is called barley. Barley contains little gluten, which makes it difficult to bake bread. Usually wheat is added to barley to bake bread. As in all grasses there are healthy minerals, fats and fibers


  1. Millet


  1. Semolina in the Netherlands is made from wheat, but in other countries semolina is also made from rice, spelled or corn


  1. Oats were widely eaten in the Netherlands in the Middle Ages. They made oatcakes, ate porridge called oatmeal and ate oat soup. Oats are known to be cultivated at least 7,000 BC. Oats are very healthy. It consists of 12% protein and contains saponins, silica, cobalt, magnesium, iron and the vitamins


  1. Oatmeal


  1. Kamut is an ancient cereal that became popular after a pilot sent several seeds from Egypt to the US in 1949. brought. His father cultivated the seeds and knew how to use the seeds for a good harvest. Kamut is very healthy. It consists of 15% protein and contains all the important vitamins. It also contains 10 different amino acids


  1. Corn


  1. Quinoa is also called goose foot. It is a seed that originates from the South American Andes Mountains. The Incas already used it to make bread and porridge. Quinoa is related to the amaranth and spinach. There are a lot of proteins, carotene, calcium


  1. Rice is a type of grass that grows mainly in tropical and subtropical regions. The oldest evidence that rice has been cultivated comes from South Korea. Rice grains of 13,000 years old have been found there. There are many types of different rice. The healthiest rice is whole grain, such as brown rice


  1. Rye is especially popular in the northern half of Europe. The Romans


  1. Spelled


  1. Wheat is perhaps the most famous cereal there is. Wheat ranks first among the most commonly grown cereal crops, along with corn. The healing power of the whole wheat grain is widely known and contrasts sharply with the unhealthy properties of its derivative called flour or wheat flour. Wheat flour is often white flour and it is actually unhealthy; only wholemeal flour is healthy. Wheat grains are also used to make very healthy wheatgrass


  1. The ancient Egyptians already used teff. This grain was found in the pyramids. Teff is suitable for people on a gluten-free diet. It does contain gluten but not the harmful gluten fraction. Celiac sufferers can eat teff without any problems. Teff is seen as a food for endurance athletes. Marathon runners from Ethiopia like Haile Gebrseselassie swear by teff. In Ethiopia, a lot of teff is traditionally eaten and scientists suspect that this grass grows indigenously.

  2. The ancient Egyptians already used teff. This grain was found in the pyramids. Teff is suitable for people on a gluten-free diet. It does contain gluten but not the harmful gluten fraction. Co

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