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More information about eating mushrooms

  1. Although generally considered a vegetable, mushrooms are actually a fungus. In addition, many mushrooms are both tasty and nutritious. Mushrooms are often added to a salad or presented as a side dish to a main meal.

  1. Rarely are mushrooms recognized as a source of many health-promoting nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, nutrients linked to a reduced risk of chronic disease, and better general health. W

  1. Look at some of the different benefits of mushrooms, why they are so healthy, and why they should still be eaten in moderation.

More information about mushrooms

  1. Mushrooms have always been a part of our history. Of the many thousands of mushroom varieties, only a few are edible, but these mushrooms have been harvested and eaten for as long as we have written sources.

  1. Egyptian Pharaohs regarded mushrooms as such a delicacy that “ordinary people” were not allowed to eat mushrooms. Mushrooms, the hallucinogenic species, were likely associated with religious activities, and the poisonous mushrooms were used by hitmen to kill their victims.

  1. The commercial cultivation of mushrooms is a much more recent phenomenon than people probably think. The French started growing mushrooms in caves in the 17th century. The first authoritative article on mushroom cultivation was written by a Frenchman, Monsieur Tourefort, in 1701.

  1. From France the mushrooms slowly spread to England and from England eventually to the rest of the world.

  1. Nutrient density is the term used to describe the concentration of nutrients per calorie of a particular food. There are various books and scientific studies that indicate the nutrient density of certain nutrients. In a recent book by Dr. Joel Fuhrman gives him the nutrient density of a variety of foods.

  1. He ranks these nutrients based on their nutrient density, and mushrooms score 134. This is a higher score than most fruits such as blueberries and raspberries, some vegetables, and all meat products, eggs , and dairy products. According to Fuhrman, mushrooms belong to the category of foods that are so nutritious and low in calories that they can be eaten in almost unlimited amounts.

  1. So mushrooms have a low energy density, which means they have very few calories per cup. A ½ cup of cooked mushrooms has an average of only 20 calories and a ½ cup of raw mushrooms. only 10 calories. Of these foods such as mushrooms and other vegetables it is possible to eat a large amount. So you get full without having to take in a lot of calories.

  1. Dietary fiber in mushrooms and other vegetables also gives us a feeling of fullness.

  1. Choosing mushrooms and other foods with a low nutrient density can help you control your calorie intake and prevent weight gain. Use mushrooms to replace certain foods that have higher levels of nutrition. calorie value. For example, replace half of the eggs or cheese in an omelet with boiled mushrooms. You get just as full of this, but you get a lot less calories.

  2. Choosing mushrooms and other foods with a low nutrient density can help you control your calorie intake and prevent weight gain. Use mushrooms to replace certain foods that have higher levels of nutrition. calorie value. For example, replace half of the eggs or cheese in an omelet with cooked mushrooms. You get just as full of this, but you get a lot less calories.

Is eating lots of mushrooms healthy?

  1. Vegetables are an essential part of a healthy diet. Most people should eat at least 4½ cups of vegetables a day. Mushrooms contain very few calories per serving, and this means that you can eat many of these mushrooms without consuming too many calories. Mushrooms provide a good source of some important nutrients.

  1. Of course there are many different types of mushrooms you can eat, some of them have more nutrients than others. For example, Crimini mushrooms are packed with many different vitamins, including Riboflavin, Niacin and Vitamin B-5 (a vitamin essential for developing a strong metabolism).

  1. Most mushrooms are very good sources of other B vitamins, including B-1 and B-6, and a good source of folic acid, which is involved in the proper functioning of red blood cells and synthesis of DNA.


  1. Mushrooms are an excellent source of many different minerals, such as selenium. We know that selenium is a powerful antioxidant. In addition, there are also potassium and phosphorus in mushrooms. A serving of 140 grams gives us 35 percent of the daily required amount of copper.

  1. Mushrooms are also a very good source of manganese and zinc, both minerals that control nerve impulses and the release of hormones. In addition, most mushrooms are a good source of calcium and iron. If you ensure that you regularly consume mushrooms, you could almost say that you can leave the multivitamins in the cupboard! A

Nutrients cooked and raw

  1. Cooked mushrooms contain slightly more nutrients than raw mushrooms. A ½-cup of cooked mushrooms contain about 2 grams of dietary fiber, 2 grams of protein, 6 percent of your recommended daily intake of vitamin C, and 8 percent of your recommended daily iron intake. A ½ cup of raw mushrooms provides only 1 gram of protein and 2 percent of your recommended daily vitamin C and iron intake. One serving of five medium raw mushrooms provides 300 mg of potassium.

Carbohydrates in mushrooms

  1. So a serving of mushrooms contains about 2 grams of carbohydrates. This is the amount of carbohydrates in a small glass of wine, a serving of green beans, or a serving of steamed broccoli. However, 1 gram of these 2 grams of carbohydrates in mushrooms is dietary fiber. This means when someone is paying attention to how many carbohydrates they are taking in each day, only 1 gram of carbohydrates actually counts.

  1. This is because those other grams are an indigestible fiber that does not affect blood sugar or carbohydrate levels. Eating too many mushrooms can harm someone in the early stages of a low to no carb diet like Atkins or the Paleo diet.

  1. Since the induction phase of these diets only allow about 20 grams of carbohydrates per day, too many mushrooms would put someone well above this.

Mushrooms as a protein source

  1. Mushrooms contain 2 grams of protein per cup. This is a relatively small amount of protein in terms of nutritional value. The problem with eating too much of anything - including low calorie mushrooms - is that you may be eliminating important foods from your daily meals.

  1. If people eat a lot of mushrooms and few other things, it could cause their daily diet to become too low in both calories and fat. As a result, we don't get enough energy to fuel our body for exercise and the general functioning of our body.

  1. About 10 to 35 percent of our daily calories should be made up of protein. That would be roughly between 50 and 175 grams of protein per day. Eating too many mushrooms could result in someone getting too little protein food for a healthy diet.

  1. However, in Dutch it is known that we always get enough protein through other foods.

Health Benefits

  1. Eating a diet rich in fiber-containing vegetables promotes healthy digestion and may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Diets rich in potassium-containing vegetables, such as mushrooms, promote healthy blood pressure, reduce bone loss, and may help reduce the risk of developing kidney stones. So you don't eat mushrooms just because they are so tasty.

Different variations

  1. There are many different types of mushrooms available in our local supermarket, including Crimini mushrooms, which resemble white mushrooms but have a dark coffee color, a stronger flavor and more nutrient density. . Portobello mushrooms are large and meaty, making them suitable for serving as an appetizer. Porcini mushrooms have a long, fleshy stem and pores on the underside of the hood, while oyster mushrooms have a soft, velvety texture.

Serving tips

  1. Mushrooms are tasty when sliced ​​and added to salads. But you can also use them in addition to carrots and celery with your favorite dip. Since important nutrients can be destroyed or reduced by overcooking mushrooms, the healthiest option is to bake them for just a few minutes. Use vegetable stock instead of oil when frying and try mushrooms with garlic or onions.

Is it possible to eat too many mushrooms?

  1. Whether you eat too many mushrooms, chips, or any other food, the source of the problem is not necessarily the food itself. ready meals that are full of sugar, fat, and salt. These substances stimulate people to eat more.

  1. Our food today is so highly processed that people become addicted to the chemical compounds found in many ready-to-eat and fast food restaurants. It is necessary to have a balanced diet.

  1. [!Pullquote] Although mushrooms are full of fiber and antioxidants, eating too many mushrooms can lead to health problems. [!/ pullquote] All foods, including mushrooms, should be eaten in moderation for the simple reason that there is not one type of food that can provide all the vitamins and minerals you need to support a healthy lifestyle.

  1. If you eat too many mushrooms, you are likely missing out on nutrients available in other foods. Aim for a variety of healthy foods to achieve optimal nutrition.

Mushroom poisoning

  1. Not all mushrooms are edible and some wild mushrooms are even poisonous. Buy mushrooms from a reputable supermarket instead of collecting them yourself. It can be difficult to identify wild mushrooms, and that's the only way to eat them safely.

  1. Children are particularly vulnerable to mushroom poisoning. Symptoms of mushroom poisoning include stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, and convulsions. Consult a doctor if you suspect that you or your child has mushroom poisoning.

  1. Mushrooms can make a tasty addition or a simple snack. The fact is that these mushrooms are not only healthy and diverse, but you can also easily buy them at the nearest supermarket or the traditional market. Just get them at home and you will soon find that you can use them in many different dishes.

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