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The 8 best tips for a slim waist

  1. It seems that no matter what we do, obesity continues to spread like wildfire. It's no wonder, then, that more and more women are looking for a way to regain that slim waist. Studies have shown that we now consume as much as 400 kcal more per day than 40 years ago. However, we are not only eating more, we are also eating more and more processed food. In addition, unfortunately we eat far too few healthy foods, such as fruit and vegetables, and therefore often do not get enough important nutrients, such as vitamin C or Calcium, which causes certain diseases to spread. Think of diabetes and cancer, for example.

  1. Although how and what you eat is the most important thing to keep your weight under control, there are also certain saboteurs who quickly enter your life and make it easier to lose fat. to build. However, there are several things you can do to get and maintain a slim waist without going on a strict diet. In this article, I'll share 8 of the best tips so you too can show off a slim waist again this summer.

1. Keep wiggling

  1. A study by the Mayo Clinic shows that people who are naturally slimmer - you know them: the people who seem to be able to eat everything without gaining weight - are slim because they burn more energy during the day. They do this because they are always busy, they are constantly squirming and you don't see them sitting still. This may not seem like a big deal, but it is: some people burn as much as 300 kcal more in a day than people who are more relaxed.

  1. Even if you are a calmer type, you can still do things to burn off that extra energy in a day. Make sure you consciously do small things to burn more calories, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or walking when you are on the phone. Wash the dishes by hand. Stand still and walk during a meeting with colleagues.

  2. Even if you are a calmer type, you can still do things to burn off that extra energy in a day. Make sure to consciously do small things to burn more calories, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or walking when on the phone. Wash the dishes by hand. Stand still and walk during a meeting with colleagues.

2. Healthy snacking

  1. The best way to ruin a diet is to not be prepared when you are hungry. And at these times unhealthy snacks are often used. The best way to avoid this is to surround yourself with healthy snacks and prepare healthy meals that you can reheat at any time.

  2. The best way to ruin a diet is to not be prepared when you're hungry. And at these times unhealthy snacks are often used. The best way to avoid this is to surround yourself with healthy snacks and prepare healthy meals that you can reheat at any time.

  1. The most healthy snacks to help you burn fat and slim your waist are snacks with plenty of fiber, vitamin C and of course calcium.

  2. The healthiest snacks to help you burn fat and slim your waist are snacks with plenty of fiber, vitamin C and of course calcium.

3. Get enough sleep

  1. Both too much and too little sleep are not good for your waist. If you sleep too little, the correct amount of the hormones leptin and ghrelin is not produced. It is precisely these hormones that have a major effect on your feelings of hunger and if production falls short, you will have more hunger and less control over your eating behavior. The chance that you will then look for unhealthy snacks is a lot higher!

  2. Both too much and too little sleep are not good for your waist. If you sleep too little, the correct amount of the hormones leptin and ghrelin is not produced. It is precisely these hormones that have a major effect on your feelings of hunger and if the production falls short, then you have more hunger and less control over your eating behavior. The chance that you will then look for unhealthy snacks is a lot higher!

  1. In fact, a study has shown that people who sleep more than eight hours a night lose as much as 56% more body fat than people who sleep only five to six hours a night. Therefore, try to get eight hours of sleep every night. You will also notice that you have more energy during the day. To achieve this, it is better to go to bed earlier than to get up later. Try to go to sleep 15 minutes earlier each day until you reach your goal of 8 hours a night.

  2. In fact, a study has shown that people who sleep more than eight hours a night lose as much as 56% more body fat than people who only sleep five to six hours a night. Therefore, try to get eight hours of sleep every night. You will also notice that you have more energy during the day. To achieve this, it is better to go to bed earlier than to get up later. Try to go to sleep 15 minutes earlier each day until you reach your goal of 8 hours a night.

4. Change your fitness routine

  1. Are you guilty of following the same fitness routine over and over? Did you know that excessive cardio can make you recover? If you are constantly on the treadmill or on the step, you naturally burn a lot of extra energy. This is good in itself, but as soon as you cross a certain limit, your body also starts demanding more energy, so that you start to eat more. Your body always tries to stay in balance. Because cardio exercises use so much glucose, you are more likely to raid the fridge, because your reserves are depleted sooner and your body immediately signals that it is time to eat. [! 180024 => 1140 = 9!] Strength training and HIT workouts are therefore much more effective than long-term cardio.

  2. Are you guilty of following the same fitness routine over and over? Did you know that excessive cardio can make you recover? If you are constantly on the treadmill or on the step, you naturally burn a lot of extra energy. This is good in itself, but as soon as you cross a certain limit, your body also starts demanding more energy, so that you start to eat more. Your body always tries to stay in balance. Because cardio exercises use so much glucose, you are more likely to raid the fridge, because your reserves are depleted sooner and your body then gives you a signal that it is time to eat.

  1. Strength training and HIT workouts are therefore much more effective than long-term cardio.

  1. Plus, you don't have to go to the fitness center every day to enjoy all the benefits. Research has shown that even with 3 workouts per week of eleven minutes and at vigorous intensity you can already burn more fat at rest and you also burn more energy during the day.

5. Detox

  1. One of the reasons we keep gaining weight is because of the many toxins and chemical additives in our food that put our hormones out of balance. Some of these additives even adversely affect the body and our ability to burn fat effectively. However, these substances are not only in our food, but are also found in pesticides and even cleaning products!

  1. It is best to buy organic food to avoid most toxins. Instead of chemical cleaning products, you can also opt for vinegar and lemon juice to clean your home. Of course organic is more expensive, but isn't your health worth it? You can also choose to avoid the worst criminals; the products with the most pesticides, such as apples, grapes and leafy vegetables. Anything you do to avoid these substances as much as possible is a step in the right direction. Moreover, natural cleaning products are cheaper than the chemical versions from the supermarket. Lemon juice, baking soda, and vinegar all work great for cleaning.

6. Movement is not enough

  1. Have you ever let yourself go completely in the assumption that you can work it out later? Dan is a pretty dangerous thought. Several studies have already shown that exercise contributes little to weight loss. In fact, less than three percent! So if you plan to eat a whole tub of ice, realize that you will have to run quite a few miles to get this off, when chances are some of the fat has already settled on your hips . Fancy a marathon ?!

  1. On the other hand, exercising is still very healthy, because it stimulates the burning of belly fat. Not only is belly fat very dangerous for your health (belly fat is strongly linked to cardiovascular disease), it also gets in the way of that slim waist. Keep exercising, and preferably exercise at least 30 minutes a day, but also combine this with a healthy diet if you want to regain that slim waist as soon as possible!

7. Laughing is healthy

  1. As our modern life continues to get busier, we also experience more and more stress. And stress is one of the leading causes of an expanding waistline and an ever-weakening immune system. And laughter is the best medicine to combat stress. By the way, did you know that laughter is not only a good remedy for stress, but also burns extra energy?

  1. A recent study has made an interesting discovery. During the study, the researchers looked at how much energy intense laughter burns compared to the energy burned during other activities, such as running, vacuuming, or strength training. Their conclusion was that intense laughter is a workout in itself, because an hour of laughter burns as much energy as an hour of exercise in the fitness center! Not only do you use energy while laughing, it can also boost your metabolism by as much as twenty percent! In short, try to laugh as much as possible during the day; it relaxes, is healthy and ensures a slim waist!

8. Choose a workout you can live with

  1. Unless you're a real fanatic, chances are you might not like sports at all, as do the vast majority of the population. However, a team of Swedish researchers found that the people most successful in maintaining a healthy weight all loved exercise.

  1. This is because exercise generates positive emotions, making it much more likely that you will keep doing it. And people who like to exercise are also often aware of their diet. The one strengthens the other. And once you start exercising and get motivated by the changes in your body, keep doing it until it becomes a habit. Once it has become a habit, you no longer have to rely on willpower. Therefore, choose a sport that you really enjoy. It doesn't matter what this is, one likes boxing, the other likes swimming. Choose something that you feel comfortable with. That's the only way to make a long-term lifestyle change and really get that slim waist!

Finally ...

  1. If you've been on a diet before, you know it just won't work. Maybe you lost a little weight in the beginning, but then you just gained weight. And if it did work, you probably wouldn't be on this page looking for a way to get a slim waist!

  1. The only way you can achieve this for a long time is by making small changes in your lifestyle. In the long run you will achieve your goal with small steps!

  1. The above tips are easy to implement and you don't have to leave anything at all and you don't have to go to the gym for hours to sweat. Simply choose one tip per week and try to keep it up for a whole week. After a week you will notice that it has almost become a habit. The next week, you stick with the first change, but choose a second tip, etc. You will see that it doesn't have to take long at all before you can fit into your favorite jeans again.

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