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5 Tips to Lose Belly Fat Once and For All!

  1. How many of us are actually satisfied with the way your stomach looks? Not much I guess. Who doesn't want a more beautiful or tighter stomach? A tummy tummy with visible abs has always been an icon of good health and an attractive body.

  2. How many of us are actually satisfied with the way your stomach looks? Not much I guess. Who doesn't want a nicer or tighter stomach? A tummy tummy with visible abs has always been an icon of good health and an attractive body.

  1. Numerous new diets appear on the market every year and the truth is that only 1 in 100 are successful in permanently shedding excess pounds. In addition, you certainly have all kinds of machines and methods that promise abs.

  2. Many new diets enter the market every year and the truth is that only 1 in 100 are successful in permanently shedding the excess pounds. In addition, you certainly have all kinds of machines and methods that promise abs.

  1. Having the goal of losing belly fat is certainly a great goal, especially since a reduction in belly fat guarantees better health. In this article I want to give you some steps to get rid of excess fat around the belly.


  1. For years, it was thought that tight abs is only for people with good genes or people who spend hours in the gym. I can still remember how long it took to get visible abs. I was always quite fit, but I didn't seem to get any visible abs. I was doing hundreds of sit-ups a day and paying close attention to my diet, but still no visible abs.

  1. Fortunately, it doesn't have to be that way and with a number of new proven techniques you can quickly burn your belly fat and even develop visible abdominal muscles. It's more than just a calorie-restricted diet, a low-fat diet, or thousands of sit-ups. But before I give you some tips for taking the right steps today, let me talk about the risks of too much belly fat.

  2. Fortunately, it doesn't have to be that way and with a number of new proven techniques you can quickly burn your belly fat and even develop visible abdominal muscles. It's more than just a calorie-restricted diet, a low-fat diet, or thousands of sit-ups. But before I give you some tips for taking the right steps today, let me first talk about the risks of too much belly fat.

The danger of belly fat

  1. When I look at the literature and indicators for disorders, it is striking that excessive belly fat is linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and certain types of cancer. Therefore, you can say that the circumference of your belly is a big indicator of your overall health. If the circumference is out of proportion, that means. that you are at increased risk of a variety of conditions.

  1. One caveat I want to make is that even thin people can have too much belly fat. Excess fat can also be deep in the abdomen, making it not visible at first. When do you have too much belly fat, simply if your figure looks like a pear shape.

  1. The big problem here is that the fat in the abdomen can be converted much faster into fatty acids which then ends up in the liver and muscles. When these fatty acids end up in the liver, an interaction arises whereby the production of LDL cholesterol (bad) is increased and the so-called triglycerides increase.

  2. The big problem here is that the fat in the abdomen can be converted much faster into fatty acids which then ends up in the liver and muscles. When these fatty acids end up in the liver, an interaction occurs in which the production of LDL cholesterol (bad) is increased and the so-called triglycerides increase.

  1. Subsequently, it becomes more difficult for your body to control the blood sugar level, which can eventually lead to insulin resistance. This can eventually lead to a variety of conditions, also called a metabolic syndrome (you have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and increased risk of cardiovascular disease).

  2. It then becomes more difficult for your body to control the blood sugar level, which can eventually lead to insulin resistance. This can eventually lead to a variety of conditions, also called a metabolic syndrome (you have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and increased risk of cardiovascular disease).

  1. Finally, there are studies that belly fat can also cause libido problems, or even erectile dysfunction! Getting rid of excess belly fat not only increases your attractiveness, but more importantly, it improves your health!

  1. It is a fact that men store fat around the abdomen more easily than women. This process takes place at a young age and is clearly visible in practice through the so-called typical beer bellies. This may also be one of the reasons why cardiovascular disease is generally more common in men than women and why women generally age several years. In a woman, the excess fat is stored around the buttocks and thighs.

  1. These places are not directly linked to serious long-term conditions. However, after menopause, it seems that more fat is also stored in the abdomen in women. In short, too much belly fat is a serious indicator that you run an increased risk of all kinds of complaints. But what can you do?

  2. These places are not directly linked to serious long-term conditions. However, after menopause, it appears that more fat is also stored in the abdomen in women. In short, too much belly fat is a serious indicator that you run an increased risk of all kinds of complaints. But what can you do?

Useful tips to lose belly fat for good:

  1. First the good news: Since it is relatively easy to get a belly, it is also relatively easy to get rid of it.

  2. First the good news: Because it is relatively easy to get a belly, it is also relatively easy to get rid of it.

  1. The first step is definitely your diet. When you eat a lot of processed foods rich in sugars, it is impossible to get toned abs. Too much belly fat is primarily the result of a number of unhealthy eating and drinking habits. That is why you will have to lose weight first, luckily it is not as difficult as you think.

  1. That said, most diets are made for weight loss by reducing calorie intake or burning more calories. This results in weight loss due to a reduction in moisture in your body. Because of this you have lost weight, but you do not have less belly fat. To counter this, it is of course important to eat less calories, but also the right amount and sources that increase your metabolism.

  1. In my opinion, a successful diet has the following properties:

  1. The truth is, we are all busy and don't have the time to stick to a strict diet. Diets where you have to write down and measure too much simply do not fit in a busy lifestyle. No matter how good a diet is, if you don't follow the advice it has no value.

  1. My own guideline is very simple: Eat what is good for me and leave what is bad for me. Therefore, do not work with extensive recipes, but with a list of healthy foods. You will then get enough micro and macronutrients and feel much healthier overall. There is nothing to measure when you have a healthy diet!

Below I have prepared an example diagram for you.

  1. [!Gview file = ""]

  1. Fluctuating blood sugar levels almost guarantee wrong food choices. This could be the result of skipping breakfast or because you haven't eaten for too long. It is therefore important to proactively eat healthy so that you get more energy, this results in more desire to do exercises, which results in less belly fat. A slimming diet is not the solution for many people!

  1. You might not think so at first, but getting enough sleep is an essential step to not only lose weight but also get rid of excess belly fat. If you work for a long time or are up for a long time, then the chances are much higher of eating an unhealthy snack such as a bag of chips.

  1. In addition, if you do not get enough sleep, you feel tired and your body produces more ghrelin, which increases the urge for sugars. This in turn affects your cortisol level (stress hormone) making you even more sensitive to sugars, a vicious circle that you can break to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep. If necessary, set an alarm when it is bedtime!

  1. Excess consumption of sugars is stored in fat and will be transported to the abdomen. Losing a tummy or even getting a toned abs largely depends on your diet. When your fat percentage is above 10% you will not have any visible abs.

  1. However, if you only want to lose belly fat, that's not necessary at all. Therefore, be clear about your goal and remember that sugar is your number 1 enemy. These refined sugars can be found mainly in almost all processed foods in the supermarket.

  1. There's no point doing thousands of sit-ups. Of course, these exercises certainly contribute to the development of abdominal muscles. But when there is a layer of fat on it, you will not have any visible abdominal muscles. In addition, you will also have to increase the intensity. I always used to do a lot of abdominal exercises myself, but over time it became too easy. Therefore, it is better to do less often, but heavier if you want to have visible abs.

  1. My favorite exercise is the so-called â € ˜â € ™ plankâ € ™ â € ™ (see video below). Likewise, doing cardio a few times a week is great for less belly fat. The aim is to increase your heart rate and burn fat which will ultimately result in less belly fat.

  1. [!Hana-flv-player video = "" width = "478" height = "360" description = "lose belly fat" player = "4" autoload = "true" autoplay = "false "loop =" false "autorewind =" true "/]

  1. It is absolutely possible to lose belly fat. By focusing more on an overall healthy lifestyle, a side effect of this is a flat stomach. Do you also want visible abs? Then combine a healthy diet with sufficient cardio and the right abdominal exercises. Don't forget that a flat stomach is not only attractive, but more importantly, much healthier for your body!

  1. Do you have any useful tips for burning belly fat? Let me know by leaving a comment below! Sharing via social media is always very much appreciated!

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