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Healthy Weight Loss: The 10 Best Tips In A Row

  1. A question I do get regularly is how can I gain weight successfully. If you look at the media, it is striking that by far most of the advice is about losing weight, but you don't hear much about gaining weight. I myself have experience with both weight loss and gain, I can tell you that both weight loss and gain are comparable in terms of advice.

  2. A question I do get regularly is how can I gain weight successfully. If you look at the media, it is striking that by far the most advice is about losing weight, but you don't hear much about gaining weight. I myself have experience with both weight loss and gain, I can tell you that both weight loss and gain are comparable in terms of advice.

  1. To get rid of the excess kilos, it is advisable to eat healthier and snack less. The same applies to gaining weight, because an unhealthy diet is certainly not a sustainable method of gaining weight.

  1. Gaining weight is more than just eating high-calorie foods, if I can give you one tip, eat the right and healthy foods. It is very tempting to eat more fast food , but an unhealthy diet has been linked to a variety of complaints. That means, you may look slim on the outside, but on the inside you don't have the health you could have.

  2. Gaining weight is more than just eating high-calorie food, if I can give you one tip, eat the right and healthy foods. It is very tempting to eat more fast food , but an unhealthy diet has been linked to a variety of complaints. That means, you may look slim on the outside, but on the inside you don't have the health you could have.

  1. If your goal is to arrive at the places where it accentuates your figure, keep reading. Because I'm going to give you 10 useful tips on how to gain weight permanently!

  2. If your goal is to arrive at the places where it accentuates your figure, keep reading. Because I'm going to give you 10 handy tips on how to gain weight permanently!

Causes of being too â € ˜â € ™ thinâ € ™ â € ™

  1. Now there are several possible reasons why you may be too thin. First of all, it is useful to determine what your BMI (body mass index) is, looking at your height and weight. According to this guideline you speak of underweight with a BMI of about 18.5. Do you want to know what your BMI is? Then read the body mass index article.

  2. Now there are several possible reasons why you may be too thin. First of all, it is useful to determine your BMI (body mass index), looking at your height and weight. According to this guideline you speak of underweight with a BMI of about 18.5. Do you want to know what your BMI is? Then read the body mass index article.

  1. However, too thin does not immediately mean unhealthy, the ideal image of today is in my opinion also distorted with regard to a normal healthy weight.

  1. It may very well be that you have always been a little too thin compared to people around you. It may also be that you've wanted to gain weight all your life, but haven't been successful at it so far. I was always quite thin myself and during my college years I walked the path of fast food, little exercise which made me gain weight, but in the wrong places.

  2. It may very well be that you have always been a little too thin compared to people around you. It may also be that you have wanted to gain weight all your life, but have not been successful at it so far. I was always quite thin myself and during my college years I walked the path of fast food, little exercise which made me gain weight, but in the wrong places.

  1. Then I had to lose weight for the first time in my life, only then I lost too much and wanted to gain weight this time. What I've learned is that gaining weight should be treated just like losing weight. You need to have a clear plan and stick to it as consistently as possible.

  1. Simply eating more is often not the solution, nor is it feasible in the long term.

  1. If you are someone with a very fast metabolism it can be completely difficult to gain weight, because you can eat more, but this is also burned much faster. The net result is that gaining weight is not easy or that you even lose weight. A good friend of mine is someone with a fast metabolism, he has to eat very consistently because otherwise losing weight is the result

  1. But certain disorders, chronic stress or emotional problems can also be the cause of being too thin. Especially conditions or medication that affect your metabolism.

  1. Below are some of the most common causes of being too thin:

  1. Knowing what might be the causes of being underweight or being too thin for you is very important! This is especially important if there are no medical factors that can cause underweight.

  1. If unsure, please contact your doctor for an examination.

  1. Well, now that we've covered that, I will now give you some tips that made a difference to me, some of these tips are self-evident, success depends on the correct and consistent implementation:

  1. For the basic functions of your body, calories are burned. When you also move a lot or do sports, your body uses extra calories. A useful method of determining how many calories you need is to first determine how many calories you are currently consuming.

  2. For the basic functions of your body, calories are burned. If you also move a lot or do sports, your body uses extra calories. A useful method of determining how many calories you need is to first determine how many calories you are currently consuming.

  1. Make a list and note how many calories you are getting per day. This does not have to be an exact science, a good average is sufficient. Then slowly increase your calorie intake by eating healthy, high-calorie foods.

  1. High-calorie products are: spelled products, unsalted nuts, bananas, vegetables, quinoa, oatmeal, organic peanut butter, legumes, brown rice, (sweet) potatoes, low-fat dairy products, eggs, fish, olive oil and some lean meat now and then.

  1. If you have a faster metabolism or if gaining weight is not easy, regular snacking is a good tip. However, make sure to snack healthily. I always have a bowl of almonds on my desk, I eat a small meal every 2.5 hours anyway.

  1. This way you always have enough calories in your system and you will not lose weight. It would be best to have 5-6 small meals instead of 3 large meals, with a little snack too.

  1. It's tempting to eat more junk food, because you won't gain weight so quickly. But junk food is simply not good for you if you eat it regularly. The answer to the weight gain question is not by eating unhealthier. The answer is to eat healthier and more often.

  1. Of course you can insert a â € ˜â € ™ cheat dayâ € ™ â € ™ once a week that you enjoy a tasty pizza or fries, but make it is not the basis of your diet.

  1. A healthy diet is quite varied, now it is not feasible to eat even more varied. My own guideline is to make some super healthy meals and switch between them. For example, I have a bowl of low-fat yogurt with linseed, oatmeal, blueberries and a banana for my breakfast (never skip it, by the way). This is high in calories and also healthy and varied.

  1. For lunch you can make a salad or some whole wheat or spelled bread with organic peanut butter. High-calorie snacks include a handful of almonds, walnuts, peanuts, bananas, peanut butter or a whole grain bread.

  1. Don't forget to leave the bad fats like butter and margarine standing or in very limited quantities. Your health is also important and not just your weight.

  1. A useful tip to help your digestion is to drink a glass of water one hour and one hour after a meal. Also taking a walk stimulates the appetite so that you will actually get the 5-6 meals a day. You have to be careful with high-calorie drinks, they are often not too healthy.

  1. A good tip is to drink enough water first, then alternate with high-calorie drinks such as almond milk, skimmed milk or healthy smoothies!

  1. A very simple way to gain weight permanently is to increase your muscle mass, this works for both men and women. You don't have to worry about getting too muscular, it takes a lot to transform your body into a figure. However, a few pounds of extra muscle mass is certainly not impossible.

  1. The trick is to do strength training with weights a few times a week. You can do this at home with a kettlebell or small weights. My personal preference is the gym because of all the equipment there. But at home also works fine, I have a set of weights in my office and during the break I do a set and it takes almost no effort, but my muscle mass is on the windshield.

  1. You will have to increase the intensity as you go further. Don't forget that you don't have to spend hours in the gym, you can expect results from 90 minutes a week. This includes a diet with sufficient protein for maximum muscle recovery. Think of eggs, low-fat dairy products, cottage cheese, meat, fermented soy products or possibly a whey protein shake after training.

  1. Especially with strength training you must also have enough rest. Just training and not resting will not give you the desired result. Never do the same exercise two days in a row, always alternate with the muscle group and include 2 rest days a week for maximum muscle recovery.

  1. If you enjoy running, you should realize that cardio makes it harder to gain weight unless you are getting enough calories. It is better to do cardio once a week instead of too often. I myself now do small mini walks of 10-15 minutes and I don't lose weight.

  1. It is very useful to keep track of your calorie intake but also how much you move and gain weight. This is very motivating because you start to see and measure the result. Create an Excel document or a notebook in which you clearly write down what your goals are and how they are doing.

  1. Ultimately, this way of living and eating should become a routine. Of course, there are times when you skip a meal or don't go to the gym. However, be aware that a routine must be established and it is better not to break it too much for at least 30 days. After about 30 days, it will be part of your lifestyle and will come naturally.

  1. It is difficult to maintain this at first, but don't give up and it won't be long before you will have gained a few pounds permanently!

  1. These tips can certainly help you gain weight successfully and healthily. It may take a while before you start to notice results, but by consistently eating healthier and more food in combination with some strength training you are well on your way!

  1. Do you have any useful tips for gaining weight in a healthy way? Let me know by leaving a comment below.

  1. Sharing via social media is always very much appreciated!

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