The 16 Most Powerful Health Benefits of Mango
Mangos can now be found everywhere in the supermarkets and often decorate my breakfast table as part of a fruit salad, or as a fresh smoothie.
Mangos can now be found everywhere in the supermarkets and also often decorate my breakfast table as part of a fruit salad, or as a fresh smoothie.
But mangoes are of course not all tasty, what many people forget is that they also have powerful health benefits. In this article, I'll take a closer look at some of these health benefits and how you can take advantage of them.
But mangos are of course not only tasty, what many people forget is that they also have powerful health benefits. In this article, I'll take a closer look at some of these health benefits and how you can take advantage of them.
Let's get started ...
11 minMain dishpeanut oil, tofu stir-fry cubes finely seasoned, stir fry sauce sweet and sour, thick noodles, carrot julienne, beetroot julienne, yellow bell pepper, watercress,rainbow salad with tofu
45 minMain dishRed cabbage, mild olive oil, quinoa plus, forest outing, lemon, sesame oil, soy sauce less salt, Bio Today tahini white in pot, tap water,grilled red cabbage with quinoa salad
30 minDessertBrie, Roquefort, port salut, gruyere, Camembert, walnut, garlic, thyme, honey, grape, baguette, Red onion, red grape, raisins, Red wine, Red wine vinegar, Brown sugar,generous cheese plate with onion marmalade
30 minDessertFull Milk, whipped cream, macaroon, custard powder, vanilla sugar, sugar, protein, amaretto, almond liqueur, basic recipe cooking pears,macaroon pastry with casserole
1. Beautiful skin
Mangoes are a rich source of beta-carotene, which can be converted by the body into vitamin A. Vitamin A is extremely important for your skin and ensures that your skin can repair itself optimally. Moreover, mangos also contain a lot of vitamin C, which is also beneficial for the recovery of the skin. [! 141442 => 1130 = 4!] 2. Good for digestion
Mangoes are a rich source of beta-carotene, which can be converted by the body into vitamin A. Vitamin A is extremely important for your skin and ensures that your skin can repair itself optimally. Moreover, mangoes also contain a lot of vitamin C, which in turn promotes the recovery of the skin.
2. Good for digestion
We all know that fiber is very important for optimal digestion. Mangoes are a rich source of fiber. When your digestion is stimulated, your immune system will also be improved. This exotic fruit also contains certain enzymes that help your body to break down certain proteins. These proteins can then be better used by your body to repair any cell damage.
3. Mangoes improve your libido
Did you know that mangoes are a great source of vitamin E? Vitamin E has an effect on your stamina as well as on your libido. Your body also needs higher amounts of potassium and magnesium to produce certain hormones that are important for your libido. Mangoes also contain a large amount of these minerals. In short, if you want to stimulate your libido, eat a mango every day!
Did you know that mangoes are a great source of vitamin E? Vitamin E has an effect on your stamina as well as your libido. Your body also needs higher amounts of potassium and magnesium to produce certain hormones that are important for your libido. Mangoes also contain a large amount of these minerals. In short, if you want to stimulate your libido, eat a mango every day!
5 minDrink without alcoholbananas, cool fresh apple-pear raspberry juice, Soy drink vanilla,soy fruit shake
20 minMain dishsauerkraut, sticking potato, liquid baking product, half-to-half minced, Spice meatballs, pineapple, olive oil, liquid baking product,gratin sauerkraut dish with minced meat
40 minMain dishlemongrass, fresh ginger, Red peppers, onions, tomato cubes, fresh cod fillet, coriander, oil, ground turmeric (koenjit), coconut milk, salt,fish in creamy coconut sauce
15 minSide dishsweet potato, soft goat cheese, egg, spring / forest onion,stuffed sweet potato with egg
4. A stronger memory
Mangoes contain a substance called glutamic acid. A recent study found that glutamic acid improves memory and mental focus. Thus, a generous consumption of mangoes can help you boost your memory.
5. Mangoes strengthen your immune system
The large amount of vitamin C in mangoes ensures that your immune system is promoted. The vitamin C also strengthens your mucous membranes, so that harmful particles are kept out. And of course the fibers ensure a stronger intestinal flora, which makes up 70% of your entire immune system.
6. Heat stroke protection
Now that summer has arrived and you may already have vacation plans, the right sun protection is of course very important. Mangoes can help you with this.
Now that summer has arrived and you may already have vacation plans, the right sun protection is of course very important. Mangos can help you with this.
20 minMain dishTasty vine tomato, (olive oil, fresh basil, onion, garlic, Parmigiano Reggiano, zucchini spaghetti, pumpkin spaghetti, mini buffalo mozzarella,lukewarm pumpkin and zucchini spaghetti
15 minSide dishtraditional olive oil, curry powder, wheat flour, coconut milk, sambal oelek, chicken broth tablet, water, fresh mango,curry sauce with mango
30 minMain dishtraditional olive oil, lean ground beef, frozen Mexican wok vegetables, salsa sauce mild, taco shell, grated young cheese, creme fraiche,Mexican vegetable in tacos
95 minMain dishmaize chicken, lemon, coarse sea salt, pepper, extra virgin olive oil, garlic, thyme, zucchini, tomatoes (small to), black olives without pit,provençal chicken with zucchini and tomatoes
Various studies have shown that the juice of the mango has a cooling effect on your body. If you find yourself in a very hot environment, for example during your vacation on the beach, drink a large glass of water with mango juice to prevent heat stroke. This is of course not very special, because mangos mainly grow in warm climates. It is therefore not surprising that mango juice has a cooling effect. Be aware that mangoes can contribute to overall protection, but are of course never a substitute for common sense. You should always protect your head and skin in the sun and simply get out of the sun on time!
Various studies have shown that the juice of the mango has a cooling effect on your body. If you find yourself in a very hot environment, for example during your vacation on the beach, drink a large glass of water with mango juice to prevent heat stroke. This is of course not very special, because mangos mainly grow in warm climates. It is therefore not surprising that mango juice has a cooling effect. Be aware that mangoes can contribute to overall protection, but of course they are never a substitute for common sense. You should always protect your head and skin in the sun and simply get out of the sun on time!
7. Mangoes counteract acidification of the body
Your body is constantly trying to maintain a certain balance when it comes to the pH of your body. Because most foods that we regularly consume today have an acidifying effect on your body, such as meat, dairy and processed grain products, it is important to counteract this with foods that have an alkaline effect.
Mangos are ideal for this. This exotic fruit contains tartaric acid and malic acid, both of which have been shown to be very effective in counteracting acidification of the body. Moreover, by maintaining an alkaline state in the body, you can prevent many chronic diseases and promote oxygen transport throughout the body. This again provides extra energy. Mangoes are therefore the ideal fruit for disease prevention.
8. Ideal for people with anemia
While most people know that mangoes are high in vitamin C, few are aware that mangoes are also a great source of iron. If you are anemic, a mango a day is a healthy way to replenish your iron deficiency in your body. Keep in mind that plant sources of iron are not absorbed into the blood as effectively as animal sources. Nonetheless, vegetable iron sources are healthier, but you have to eat more of them to achieve the same effect.
9. Mangoes fight acne
Do you suffer from pimples? Did you know that mangoes are a natural remedy for blemishes? Forget expensive creams and other remedies, simply mix a few tablespoons of mango meat with a spoonful of yogurt and a few drops of fresh lemon juice. Mix this mixture well until everything has become a paste. Then apply it as a mask on your face. Doing this weekly will help combat acne and effectively reduce acne.
10. Mangos lower your cholesterol
Mangoes contain a substance called pectin. Pectin in combination with vitamin C has been proven to be effective in lowering your cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that this combination helps lower your bad cholesterol, but has little effect on your good cholesterol. Nevertheless, it is a great addition to your diet and can help lower your cholesterol by a few extra points.
11. Powerful against acne
Mango has proven effective not only for pimples, but also for acne. Mango juice has an astringent effect on your skin, eliminating pimples and acne. If you regularly suffer from acne, take the peel of a mango and boil it in plenty of water. After a few minutes, remove the pan from the heat and let the water cool. You can then use this water to clean your face before going to sleep. You should already see an improvement in your symptoms after one to two weeks.
12. Mango for shiny hair
Did you know that mango is often used in shampoos and conditioners? Of course, these products are far from natural and contain a lot of chemicals that you will want to avoid if you want healthy and radiant hair. But of course you can also use mango yourself to give your hair a nice care. To do this, mix the pulp of a mango with an egg yolk, a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of yogurt and mix well so that it becomes a paste. Then apply this to your hair and let it sit for half an hour before washing your hair again. Preferably do this after you have washed your hair with a natural shampoo. Your hair will look radiant and well nourished inside too.
13. Mango lowers blood pressure
Potassium plays a big role in controlling your blood pressure. Potassium has an effect on the moisture balance in your body. When you get enough potassium, it causes your body to release excess fluid, which lowers your blood pressure. In addition, potassium is also essential for optimal function of your muscles, your heart and your nervous system.
14. Good for your eyes
Your mother has probably told you that carrots are good for your eyes. And they are. This is because they contain significant amounts of beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A. Vitamin A is essential for the health of your eyes and of course for optimal health and vision.
But did you know that mangoes also contain enormous amounts of beta-carotene? So if you are tired of gnawing on carrots, choose a mango!
25 minSmall dishflour, frozen puff pastry, egg, milk, walnut, mature cheese, paprika, dried Provençal herbs,puff pastry-sticks
20 minSide dishEggs, lettuce, parsley, olive oil (extra virgin), tarragon vinegar, salt and freshly ground pepper,lettuce with egg dressing
15 minSmall dishbaking flour, peanut oil, flat leaf parsley,ar'nabit mi'li
15 minAppetizerScottish salmon fillet, butter or margarine, fresh dill, creme fraiche, dry white wine, arugula lettuce melange, pan tostado,baked salmon with white-wine sauce
15. Mangoes fight cancer
Like most fruits, mangoes are full of antioxidants. Antioxidants are very important in the fight against free radicals. Mangoes, however, have a unique composition of antioxidants, which have been proven to be effective in the fight against cancer. In addition, they also contain large amounts of pectin, which research has shown to fight a substance found in the cancer cell itself.
16. Mangos are anti-oxidant
Mangoes are extremely rich in phytochemicals. These substances help your body fight against free radical damage. Not only can free radicals cause cancer, they are also known to promote premature aging. This way they can make your skin look older and make it less supple. So if you want to keep your young look as long as possible, eat in mango regularly.
25 minMain dishbalsamic vinegar, garlic, steak, Spaghetti, traditional olive oil, fresh green olive tapenade, arugula, Parmigiano Reggiano,spaghetti with steak and arugula
15 minAppetizerfennel bulb, arugula, red pointed pepper, black agnus carpaccio (a 100 grams), capers,black angus carpaccio with fennel
35 minMain dishsweet potatoes, salad onion, garlic, cooking dairy, grated cheese for vegetable gratin, almond shavings, peanut oil, breaded schnitzels, Broccoli,crispy schnitzel with sweet potato gratin and broccoli
30 minMain disholive oil, onion, tomato, risotto rice, laurel leaf, thyme, saffron, turmeric, fish stock of 1 tablet, mixed seafood, mixed whitefish fillet, mussel, lemon,fish paella from the oven
Finallyâ € ¦.
All fruit is healthy. The problem with our modern diet is that we eat far too little fruit and vegetables. Fresh produce is full of vitamins, minerals and fiber that keep us healthy and fit.
Mangos may not necessarily be healthier than other fruits, but they certainly have special properties to offer. Mangoes are an ideal choice, especially if you have high blood pressure, fluid retention or high cholesterol. Moreover, these exotic fruits are naturally very sweet and are therefore also a perfect substitute for sweet desserts.
15 minMain dishgreen tagliatelle, garlic, Red pepper, olive oil, tomato cubes, cocktail shrimp, mixed salad, vinaigrette,spicy tagliatelle with shrimps
50 minMain dishsomething crumbly potatoes, sauerkraut natural, tomato paste, sambal oelek, bacon, semi-skimmed milk, unsalted butter, Gelderse smoked sausage,Sauerkraut with smoked sausage
20 minBreakfastrucola lettuce, bunch onion, roasted red peppers in pot, traditional olive oil, medium sized egg, fresh cream, grated mature cheese, butter,creamy cheese omelet with arugula
25 minMain dishceleriac, floury potatoes, olive oil, beef finches, onion, Apple juice, gravy natural, dairy spread,beeffinch with sweet apple gravy
In short, a mango is always good!
What is your favorite way to eat mango? Let me know in the comments!
25 minMain dishthin bacon strips, onion, chicken fillet, smoked paprika, chestnut mushrooms, traditional olive oil, chilled little newborns, fresh carrots and snow peas,free-range chopsticks with mixed vegetables
15 minSnackflatbread, Mango Chutney, smoked duck breast, cress,oriental duck
20 minMain dishmussel, butter, leeks, White wine, water, creme fraiche,normandy mussels in cream sauce
65 minDessertsugar, vanilla bean, oranges, almond shavings, butter, Eggs, vanilla sugar, self-raising flour,orange-almond pie