The Healthiest Vegetable for a Long and Healthy Life
Today there are so many different fruits and vegetables that are marketed as â € œsuperfoodsâ € that people sometimes wonder whether it is still worthwhile to eat products that are not labeled as “super”.
Today there are so many different fruits and vegetables that are marketed as â € œsuperfoodsâ € that people sometimes wonder if it is still worth eat products that are not labeled as “super”.
Today we look at four different vegetables that may receive a little less attention, but certainly deserve a little more attention and certainly fall under the category â € ˜â € ™ healthiest vegetablesâ € ™ â € ™ .
Healthiest Vegetable # 1: Peas
It is not clear exactly why if this is the case, but many people think they should not eat peas because they contain too many calories.
It is not clear exactly why if this is the case, but many people think they shouldn't eat peas because they contain too many calories.
11 minMain dishpeanut oil, tofu stir-fry cubes finely seasoned, stir fry sauce sweet and sour, thick noodles, carrot julienne, beetroot julienne, yellow bell pepper, watercress,rainbow salad with tofu
45 minMain dishRed cabbage, mild olive oil, quinoa plus, forest outing, lemon, sesame oil, soy sauce less salt, Bio Today tahini white in pot, tap water,grilled red cabbage with quinoa salad
30 minDessertBrie, Roquefort, port salut, gruyere, Camembert, walnut, garlic, thyme, honey, grape, baguette, Red onion, red grape, raisins, Red wine, Red wine vinegar, Brown sugar,generous cheese plate with onion marmalade
30 minDessertFull Milk, whipped cream, macaroon, custard powder, vanilla sugar, sugar, protein, amaretto, almond liqueur, basic recipe cooking pears,macaroon pastry with casserole
Peas do indeed have a fair amount of calories for vegetables (62.5 calories per ½ cup cooked) but what people often don't realize is that peas are packed with over four grams of fiber and four grams of protein, more than almost any other vegetable.
Peas do indeed have a fair amount of calories for vegetables (62.5 calories per ½ cup cooked) but what people often don't realize is that peas are packed with more than four grams of fiber and four grams of protein, more than almost any other vegetable.
In addition, peas are also an excellent source of vitamins C and K, folic acid, iron, niacin, potassium, and zinc. They are also full of phytonutrients, including flavanols, phenolic acids, and carotenoids.
Archaeologists and historians believe that the garden pea originated in Egypt or China, and that it has been part of our diet for over 5,000 years.
5 minDrink without alcoholbananas, cool fresh apple-pear raspberry juice, Soy drink vanilla,soy fruit shake
20 minMain dishsauerkraut, sticking potato, liquid baking product, half-to-half minced, Spice meatballs, pineapple, olive oil, liquid baking product,gratin sauerkraut dish with minced meat
40 minMain dishlemongrass, fresh ginger, Red peppers, onions, tomato cubes, fresh cod fillet, coriander, oil, ground turmeric (koenjit), coconut milk, salt,fish in creamy coconut sauce
15 minSide dishsweet potato, soft goat cheese, egg, spring / forest onion,stuffed sweet potato with egg
Good for our hearts
Eating peas is also good for improving heart health. In addition to being high in fiber, peas are also high in lutein, with a whopping 1,920 IU per ½ cup. Lutein is a carotenoid A, just like lycopene. It mainly acts as an antioxidant and protects our cells from oxidation.
Eating peas is also good for improving heart health. In addition to being high in fiber, peas are also high in lutein, with a whopping 1,920 IU per ½ cup. Lutein is a carotenoid A, just like lycopene. It primarily acts as an antioxidant and protects our cells from oxidation.
[!Pullquote] Research indicates that people with a higher lutein intake are less likely to suffer from atherosclerosis. [!/ Pullquote]
20 minMain dishTasty vine tomato, (olive oil, fresh basil, onion, garlic, Parmigiano Reggiano, zucchini spaghetti, pumpkin spaghetti, mini buffalo mozzarella,lukewarm pumpkin and zucchini spaghetti
15 minSide dishtraditional olive oil, curry powder, wheat flour, coconut milk, sambal oelek, chicken broth tablet, water, fresh mango,curry sauce with mango
30 minMain dishtraditional olive oil, lean ground beef, frozen Mexican wok vegetables, salsa sauce mild, taco shell, grated young cheese, creme fraiche,Mexican vegetable in tacos
95 minMain dishmaize chicken, lemon, coarse sea salt, pepper, extra virgin olive oil, garlic, thyme, zucchini, tomatoes (small to), black olives without pit,provençal chicken with zucchini and tomatoes
Both the fiber and lutein in the peas improve our heart health by helping to lower our cholesterol and help reduce plaque build-up along our artery walls.
Good for our eyes
Lutein and vitamin A in peas also protects our eyes. Lutein, a natural vegetable pigment, is mainly found in our eyes. Partly because of this, the extra antioxidants can help protect our eyes against both cataracts and macular degeneration by preventing oxidation. Vitamin A keeps the surface of our eyes healthy.
A ½ cup of peas contains 1,610 IU of vitamin A, more than enough to meet 32 percent of our daily value for vitamin A. Daily recommendations for lutein have not been established.]
A ½ cup of green peas contains 1,610 IU of vitamin A, more than enough to meet 32 percent of our daily value for vitamin A. Daily recommendations for lutein have not been established.]
Good source of iron
Peas can also help us get the daily amount of iron needed. A ½ cup contains 1.2 mg of iron. Most of the iron we consume is found in hemoglobin, the protein responsible for transporting oxygen throughout our body.
Insufficient iron intake decreases the supply of oxygen, making you feel tired more quickly, having a reduced ability to concentrate, and also increasing our risk of infection.
We need different amounts of iron depending on both age and gender. Men and women over the age of 51 need to get 8 mg of iron per day, and women between the ages of 19 and 50 need 18 mg per day. Women of childbearing age have a higher need for iron than men and older women due to menstruation.
Peas can be eaten on their own, or added to pasta sauce, brown rice, or a salad to give it some extra nutrients and flavor. Although the amount of calories is quite high, it is still important not to leave peas completely off the plate.
25 minSmall dishflour, frozen puff pastry, egg, milk, walnut, mature cheese, paprika, dried Provençal herbs,puff pastry-sticks
20 minSide dishEggs, lettuce, parsley, olive oil (extra virgin), tarragon vinegar, salt and freshly ground pepper,lettuce with egg dressing
15 minSmall dishbaking flour, peanut oil, flat leaf parsley,ar'nabit mi'li
15 minAppetizerScottish salmon fillet, butter or margarine, fresh dill, creme fraiche, dry white wine, arugula lettuce melange, pan tostado,baked salmon with white-wine sauce
Healthiest Vegetable # 2: White Cabbage
Cabbage, you don't hear people talking about it much unless it is about the â € ˜ Cabbage Soup Dietâ € ™. Many older people used to eat a lot of cabbage as children, but nowadays eat less and less.
Cabbage, you don't hear people talking about it much unless it is about the â € Cabbage Soup Dietâ € ™. Many older people used to eat a lot of cabbage as children, but nowadays eat less and less.
This while it is a good source of potassium, calcium and vitamins C and K. In addition, cabbage also contains omega-3 fats in the little fat it contains.
About ½ cup has only 16.5 calories and still 1.5 grams of fiber, meaning you can eat a lot of cabbage without worrying about putting on a lot come. Cabbage provides various nutritional benefits that positively affect our body.
25 minMain dishbalsamic vinegar, garlic, steak, Spaghetti, traditional olive oil, fresh green olive tapenade, arugula, Parmigiano Reggiano,spaghetti with steak and arugula
15 minAppetizerfennel bulb, arugula, red pointed pepper, black agnus carpaccio (a 100 grams), capers,black angus carpaccio with fennel
35 minMain dishsweet potatoes, salad onion, garlic, cooking dairy, grated cheese for vegetable gratin, almond shavings, peanut oil, breaded schnitzels, Broccoli,crispy schnitzel with sweet potato gratin and broccoli
30 minMain disholive oil, onion, tomato, risotto rice, laurel leaf, thyme, saffron, turmeric, fish stock of 1 tablet, mixed seafood, mixed whitefish fillet, mussel, lemon,fish paella from the oven
However, research has shown that steamed cabbage is healthier (contains more antioxidants) than raw or cooked cabbage.
Eating cabbage significantly increases our daily vitamin C intake. Vitamin C is especially important for healthy bones, healthy skin, our mucous membranes, and a strong immune system. Since vitamin C is water soluble, this means that it is not stored in our body, so we have to get it every day.
15 minMain dishgreen tagliatelle, garlic, Red pepper, olive oil, tomato cubes, cocktail shrimp, mixed salad, vinaigrette,spicy tagliatelle with shrimps
50 minMain dishsomething crumbly potatoes, sauerkraut natural, tomato paste, sambal oelek, bacon, semi-skimmed milk, unsalted butter, Gelderse smoked sausage,Sauerkraut with smoked sausage
20 minBreakfastrucola lettuce, bunch onion, roasted red peppers in pot, traditional olive oil, medium sized egg, fresh cream, grated mature cheese, butter,creamy cheese omelet with arugula
25 minMain dishceleriac, floury potatoes, olive oil, beef finches, onion, Apple juice, gravy natural, dairy spread,beeffinch with sweet apple gravy
A ½ cup of cooked cabbage contains 28.1 mg of vitamin C, which is a whopping 47 percent of the recommended daily allowance. A whole cup of raw cabbage provides us with a whopping 32.6 mg, or 54 percent of our recommended daily intake. Whether you eat it cooked or raw, cabbage makes a significant contribution to vitamin C.
Cabbage is extremely high in vitamin K, which is an advantage for many people, but a disadvantage for some. Vitamin K is known as the “coagulation vitamin,” it keeps you from bleeding to death the moment you cut yourself or get injured.
In addition, vitamin K also has a positive influence on the prevention of osteoporosis, fractures, cardiovascular diseases and strokes. However, if someone is already taking blood thinners then it is not a good idea to consume a lot more charcoal as the blood could become much too thin.
Protective fabrics
Cabbage contains flavonoid compounds that help protect the body against cancer and other diseases, according to researchers at the University of Seville. A study published in April 2011 found that cabbage contains kaempferol, an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-allergenic, and antioxidant compound that reduces the risk of heart problems, diabetes, and cancer.
25 minMain dishthin bacon strips, onion, chicken fillet, smoked paprika, chestnut mushrooms, traditional olive oil, chilled little newborns, fresh carrots and snow peas,free-range chopsticks with mixed vegetables
15 minSnackflatbread, Mango Chutney, smoked duck breast, cress,oriental duck
20 minMain dishmussel, butter, leeks, White wine, water, creme fraiche,normandy mussels in cream sauce
65 minDessertsugar, vanilla bean, oranges, almond shavings, butter, Eggs, vanilla sugar, self-raising flour,orange-almond pie
Another protective compound is sulforaphane, which helps protect the body against oxidative damage, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes. In addition to C and K, cabbage also contains the entire B vitamin family, with the exception of B-12, and traces of vitamins A and E.
Other minerals found in coal are manganese, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, and selenium. Cabbage also contains a fair amount of fiber, which keeps you full and can therefore aid in weight loss.
25 minMain dishflour, slip tongues, olive oil, garlic, leeks, raw ham, black olives without pit, lemon,fried sole with ham and leek
40 minMain dishgreen pepper, extra virgin olive oil, spring / forest onion, garlic, sticking potato, chilli pepper flakes, deep-frozen mine, flat leaf parsley,marmitako
65 minMain dishpotatoes, olive oil, onion, garlic, minced beef, sauerkraut, curry powder, sour cream, parsley,potatoes stuffed with sauerkraut beef
85 minSide dishshallot, White wine vinegar, red silver onions of tomatoes, limes juice and grater, oysters, sea salt,raw oysters with two toppings
You can enjoy cabbage in many different ways, for example you can use it in a soup, in a salad, or maybe stir-fry with other vegetables and some shrimp.
Healthiest Vegetable # 3: Corn
Another vegetable that many people think has too many calories (cooked corn contains 77.5 calories per ½ cup). Remember, the corn itself is not unhealthy, but the amount of butter and other things people put on it WILL be unhealthy. Corn is packed with fiber (3 grams) and protein (12.6 grams) and is also rich in antioxidants, especially carotenoids.
The amount of folic acid in corn at a serving of about 1 cup is 61 mcg, which is 15 percent of the daily requirement. Folate is a B vitamin responsible for enzyme metabolism and DNA synthesis. Folic acid deficiency can lead to fetal brain and spinal cord deformities.
Women who become pregnant should ensure that they meet folic acid requirements in the first month of conception to avoid birth defects.
One serving of corn provides 3 grams of fiber, which is 12 percent of what we need every day. Fiber is an important nutrient that regulates digestion, maintains healthy blood sugar, and absorbs excess cholesterol, helping to drastically lower our risk of cardiovascular disease. One serving of corn contributes to the five to nine daily servings of fruits and vegetables recommended.
20 minMain dishfusilli, frozen haricot beans, onion, olive oil, semi-skimmed milk, water, mix for tagliatelle cream sauce, pink salmon in a tin,fusilli with salmon and string beans
20 minMain dishceleriac, unsalted butter, fine mustard, vegetarian smoked sausage, stew vegetables, fresh parsley, white cheese,celeriac stew with vegetarian smoked sausage (advertorial)
15 minMain disholive oil, onion, fennel bulb, garlic, saffron, lemon, mussel, white beer, fish fillet, butter,fish dish with fennel and white beer
20 minMain dishWorld of meats iberico presca, traditional olive oil, salt, Tabasco, pine nuts, romatomat, arugula, balsamic vinegar, Parmigiano Reggiano,iberico presca tagliata
Try a corn on the cob cooked on the grill. Wrap the corn in aluminum foil with a little oil - no more butter is needed here. You can also throw corn in a salad with black beans and tomatoes.
If you choose to buy canned corn, buy the low-salt version of canned corn, which is extra easy to store and you can always rinse the corn with water to remove any excess sodium before cooking.
Healthiest Vegetable # 4: Cauliflower
Ever since many experts told people to fill their plates with color, plain white products have gotten a bad name. But in the case of cauliflower, this is absolutely undeserved.
As a member of the finial family, cauliflower has many of the same nutritional values as broccoli, kale, or white cabbage, including its cancer-fighting antioxidants. Cauliflower's mild flavor makes it easy to use in soups, stews, and curries. You can serve cauliflower raw, steamed, baked, or sautéed.
Cauliflower is usually white, but orange and purple shapes are also available. Purple cauliflower cooks faster and tastes a bit sweeter than other cauliflowers - the florets of these turn green when cooked.
20 minDessertfresh pineapple, dark chocolate, coconut grater, almond shavings, chilli pepper flakes,pineapple sorbet and spicy chocolate
70 minMain dishhampen, Chinese five spice powder, butter, baking bacon, Red onion, garlic, prunes without seeds, cider or apple juice,stewed ham-pieces with prunes
15 minSide dishcranberry compote, Apple juice, extra virgin olive oil, arugula lettuce melange, fresh goat's cheese 55, red grapes,goat cheese salad with grapes
10 minSnackfresh raspberry, raspberry, lemon juice, orange juice, Apple juice, powdered sugar,raspberry ice creams
Anti-Cancer Compounds
Cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower have some of the highest cancer-fighting potential of any food. Cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables contain glucosinolates, the sulfur compounds that provide their unique flavor profile.
The body processes glucosinolates into isothicyanates or ICTs. According to experts, ITCs remove carcinogens from the body, cause cancer cells to die, and also reduce the growth of tumors.
Although oranges always get the spotlight (and are often put on the vitamin bottles), cauliflower certainly has something to offer when it comes to vitamin C. One cup of cauliflower, about one-sixth of an average cauliflower, contains 100 percent of the daily amount of vitamin C. Vitamin C boosts the immune system, improves iron absorption, and helps maintain healthy teeth, gums, and blood vessels.]
To be fair, traditional cauliflower contains very little beta-carotene, but the orange version is full of it. Orange cauliflower is the result of a random, natural mutation of white cauliflower, a mutation discovered in Canada. This mutation contains carotenoids, the same compounds that we find in carrots, these carotenoids are responsible for the high beta-carotene content in carrots.
Beta-carotene supplies the body with vitamin A and may also help improve cardiovascular health and fight cancer. Orange cauliflower is usually smaller than white cauliflower. They may only be available in certain seasons or in specialty markets.
Buying and preparing cauliflower
35 minDessertfirm apple, lemon juice, raisins, chopped walnuts, vanilla sugar, cinnamon, White wine, vanilla bean, milk, sugar, cornstarch, egg yolk,apples from the oven with vanilla sauce
25 minMain dishminced meat, butter, silver onion sweet sour, Ketchup, dark brown caster sugar, cut endive, garlic, mashed potatoes,meatballs with sweet and sour sauce
15 minDessertsoy milk, oatmeal, honey, walnut, frozen forest fruits, coconut grater,oatmeal with forest fruits, walnuts and coconut
220 minMain dishbacon strips, onion (coarsely chopped), cooked chestnut, lean pork mince, lightly seasoned, Apple, fresh thyme leaf, melted butter, balsamic vinegar, maple syrup or pouring syrup, turkey, at room temperature,stuffed turkey with chestnuts
Provide a firm head with no discoloration. The leaves around the cauliflower should be green and not withering. You can store a whole cauliflower for about a week, but once you start cutting into it, the cauliflower will really break down faster.
To properly clean cauliflower, first tear off the leaves and then carefully cut off the stem with a sharp knife. Then you can start cutting individual florets from the bottom of the cauliflower.
Rinse the florets with water before using them anywhere. Try roasted cauliflower, mashed like a soup, or mashed instead of potatoes.
So what's the ultimate moral of the story when it comes to vegetables? Just choose the one you want. Just because something is labeled a "superfood" doesn't necessarily mean you'll like it. The ultimate goal with vegetables is that you do eat them. As you can see, these four examples are also very good for you.
Remember that variation is especially important when selecting vegetables. Alternate with broccoli, spinach, sauerkraut and leafy green vegetables to get the right amount of vitamins and minerals!
30 minMain dishfresh green beans, shell paste, onion, traditional olive oil, cooking cream light, tuna pieces in water, black olives, tomato,pasta with tuna and vegetables
15 minMain dishquinoamix, chilled edamame soybeans, Japanese soy sauce, ginger syrup, sesame oil, lime juice, Sesame seed, bunch onion, Dutch raw vegetables,quinoa salad with edamame
30 minMain dishquick-cooking rice, chicken broth tablet, vegetable stock, chicken breast, fresh pineapple, maize, spring / forest onion, Red pepper, lime, sambal Badjak, satay sauce ready-to-eat, emping, cassava, kroepoek,spicy rice salad with chicken satay
60 minMain dishWhite asparagus, salt, buttered puff pastry, ham, parsley, mascarpone, egg, freshly ground pepper, nutmeg, soft cream butter, baking flour to pollinate,plate cake with asparagus and ham
Besides these 4 â € ˜â € ™ healthiest vegetablesâ € ™ â € ™ I also recommend looking beyond just vegetables. A well-balanced diet means that you are going to make the right conscious choices. For more tips, I recommend that you read the special on a balanced diet.