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10 super tips to get rid of heartburn

  1. Regular heartburn or regurgitation can cause your daily life to be very disrupted. People are therefore often forced to take long-term medication. However, these drugs have serious side effects, especially in the long term.

  1. Fortunately, there are 10 simple lifestyle changes you can make to prevent and cure heartburn.

  1. It is best not to follow all these tips in one go. First write down the most relevant items and then start with the tip (s) that are easiest to implement.

  1. Remember that it may take a while before you start to notice relief from symptoms, there is no simple solution to get rid of heartburn within 24 hours, it takes a while to get regular heartburn, it is also going to take a while to get rid of it.

  1. Let's get started right away!

  1. A very simple way to reduce heartburn is to make sure your chest is in a higher position than your stomach. This may sound very simple, but most people suffer mainly while sleeping. This disturbs your night's sleep and other complaints can very well be added.

  2. A very simple way to reduce heartburn is to make sure your chest is in a higher position than your stomach. This may sound very simple, but most people suffer mainly while sleeping. This disrupts your night's sleep and may very well lead to other complaints.

  1. What many people do is put a few extra pillows, but that doesn't work well! What needs to be done is that your esophagus is directly above your stomach (about a 25 degree angle).

  1. A simple way is to adjust your bed with a small elevation under the legs. This immediately puts less strain on your esophagus and you have less heartburn during sleep. As well as don't go to sleep on a full stomach, it's better not to have a meal or a small meal at least a few hours before going to sleep.

  1. This is probably the most important tip I can give you. Your diet has a major influence on the frequency and intensity of your heartburn. In the Netherlands it is normal to eat 3 meals a day. Personally, I am in favor of â € ˜â € ™ power mealsâ € ™ â € ™ where you have a small meal every 2.5–3 hours. [! 163711 => 1140 = 9!] This way your digestion is much less stressed. When you have heartburn, sparing your digestion is an important link in recovery. Another problem is that many people also eat way too much. As a result, a lot of blood enters the digestive system and you are tired more quickly, then peppers such as coffee are taken to counteract that effect. The solution is therefore to take about 5 small super healthy meals per day.

  2. This is probably the most important tip I can give you. Your diet has a major influence on the frequency and intensity of your heartburn. In the Netherlands it is normal to eat 3 meals a day. Personally, I am in favor of â € ˜â € ™ power mealsâ € ™ â € ™ where you have a small meal every 2.5–3 hours.

  1. This way your digestion is much less stressed. When you have heartburn, sparing your digestion is an important link in recovery. Another problem is that many people also eat way too much. As a result, a lot of blood enters the digestive system and you are tired more quickly, then boosts such as coffee are taken to counteract that effect. The solution is therefore to take about 5 small super healthy meals per day.

  1. Go for a small but healthy breakfast with plenty of micro and macronutrients. To give you an example: a bowl of low-fat yogurt, with some blueberries, a cup of oatmeal and flax seeds. This is roughly 150 calories and contains dietary fiber, complex carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, proteins, etc.

  1. If you are still really hungry, have a banana or an apple (also ideal for a snack).

  1. Then make sure you have unsalted nut mix or almonds at home. When you're hungry, take a handful of nuts and don't strain your digestive tract nearly as much as a slice of white bread with salami. Nuts are packed with the good fats and are also quite high in calories, making it an ideal snack.

  1. I also occasionally have a spelled waffle or rice wafer as a snack.

  1. Then for your dinner you don't go for a recipe with potatoes (sweet potatoes is possible), but a recipe based on more vegetables, some legumes, possibly lean meat and nothing more! Personally, I like to eat a salad every night, or a brown rice recipe with lots of vegetables and legumes as a meat substitute.

  2. Then for your dinner you don't go for a recipe with potatoes (sweet potatoes is possible), but a recipe based on more vegetables, some legumes, possibly lean meat and nothing more! Personally, I like to eat a salad every night, or a brown rice-based recipe with lots of vegetables and legumes as a meat substitute.

  1. A few times a week I eat salmon or some other fatty fish for my omega 3 fats. It must be said that nuts also contain the important fats.

  1. The most important thing to remember is smaller portions, more small meals throughout the day and drinking plenty of water (1.5 liters is the minimum). The vast majority of heartburn complaints are caused by a stomach that cannot handle digestion properly. Especially when you take medication against heartburn, because this means you have less gastric juice, which makes digestion on the bump.

  2. The most important thing to remember is smaller portions, more small meals throughout the day and drinking plenty of water (1.5 liters is the minimum). The vast majority of heartburn complaints are caused by a stomach that cannot handle digestion properly. Especially when you take medication for heartburn, because this means you have less gastric juice, which makes digestion on the bump.

  1. The solution is certainly almost as simple as better portion control and more conscious food choices!

  1. Eating when you are 'full' is never wise. Eat when you are full, but not full! I have had major problems with this myself, now I schedule my meals and keep a food diary about what I ate that day. I also note the calories because I follow a calorie-restricting diet. A calorie-restricted diet would also naturally work well for frequent heartburn.

  1. Most people simply don't drink enough water. In my programs, drinking more water is therefore the first habit we will work on. This alone can transform your health. However, if you drink something with a meal, the volume in my stomach increases enormously.

  1. Your body anticipates this by producing more gastric juice, which makes you more prone to heartburn. This puts more pressure on your esophageal sphincter (valve between the stomach and esophagus). It is best to have a drink before every meal and after your meal, but not during dinner!

  1. Unfortunately many people have the habit of drinking while eating, this is a habit that must be unlearned for the sake of your health. Remember, carbonated drinks like soda are an absolute â € â € ™ no goâ € ™ â € ™ if you suffer from heartburn. Incidentally, it is wise to no longer drink soft drinks anyway, all those refined sugars can cause serious health problems in the long term!

  1. Many people (including me) have a habit of eating too fast. It seems like it's a race and you want to finish your food ASAP. This probably has its origins in ancient times when food was not available for a long time. However, in the Western world that is no longer the case and it is better to chew slowly and take your time.

  1. It is recommended to chew at least 25 times before allowing your food to enter the digestive tract. Do not forget that digestion already starts in your mouth with certain enzymes (depending on the food) released through saliva. All this to aid digestion.

  1. So when you chew longer, the enzymes have more time to break down the food, so your stomach has less work to do with the absorption of food. For example, proteins from a spelled roll are broken down into peptides and that in turn into amino acids (building blocks of your body).

  1. Another good tip is to take it easy after dinner (even after a small meal). It is much better not to start moving or bending over after you eat. Incidentally, taking a short walk is beneficial for the digestive system, making it easier for the slurry to pass through the digestive organs.

  1. Exercising at least 30 minutes a day is extremely beneficial to your health and of course digestion. It must be said that extreme sports are not conducive to heartburn relief. This puts a lot of pressure on the esophagus and is not intended. Try to exercise in totality for at least 30 minutes every day.

  1. Personally, I always make it inevitable by running my groceries, doing a few simple exercises during breaks and jogging for 20 minutes after work, so I can sit on the recommended schedule without too much effort. amount of exercise. It is best to start immediately in the morning, this way you start the day well and you want to keep it that way!

  1. Whatever your exercise starting point at this point may be, try to walk a bit every day and extend that to at least 30 minutes. I personally love weights and jogging, you can even bring an audiobook if you find it boring. There are tons of ways to get more exercise without being difficult.

  1. It is nothing new that stress affects your digestion. The problem with negative stress is that your body goes into flight or fight state. This temporarily removes the priority from eg your digestion to the survival mechanism, so that adrenaline is released to run away from the tiger.

  1. However, with today's busy lives, many people experience the same effect on the office as our ancestors had in the escape of a tiger. As a result, long-term negative stress can seriously damage your system. That is why good anti-stress management is highly recommended, especially if you suffer from heartburn.

  1. In addition, unhealthy habits such as excessive eating, smoking, drinking can all have a negative effect on your heartburn. If you suffer from stress I recommend you to read my free anti stress management training.

  1. Smoking and drinking excessive amounts of alcohol and soft drinks lead to more heartburn. That is why you have to replace these healthy habits with healthier variants. It is unrealistic to stop all unhealthy habits at once. It is better to tackle 1 first, such as smoking. Get an e-cigarette and use this great smoking cessation aid.

  1. I have received responses from people who used to smoke 25 cigarettes a day, now only 2 by using the e-cigarette. Nicotine is certainly an incentive, the e-cigarette comes in a version with or without nicotine, see this as an aid to stop this very unhealthy habit for good.

  1. When you have succeeded, you can tackle the following until you have no more heartburn-provoking habits.

  1. It is a fact that overweight people are much more prone to heartburn. Fortunately, smaller portions alone will make you lose the excess pounds. Losing weight is not just counting calories, it is learning more and more healthy habits until you don't have to put in the effort anymore, that it becomes a way of life where losing weight is a positive side effect.

  1. Remember that we humans are habit animals. Trying to follow all the tips in one go is not realistic and can even be very frustrating. My own guideline is not to learn more than 2 habits per month. Depending on your situation, making an adjustment to your bed and eating smaller portions is a good starting point.

  1. Then follow the other tips. If you have chronic heartburn, you may still need to keep taking medication to control symptoms. In consultation with your doctor, it may very well be possible that you will need less and less antacids or blockers!

  1. The most important thing is to stick with it and know that it may take a while to get results.

  1. Your diet is certainly essential in reducing and preventing heartburn. The vast majority of people suffer from heartburn from meals that are too large and the wrong foods. By living a healthier life, exercising more and avoiding known stomach acid stimuli, you are taking a big step towards recovery. In addition, you will not only solve your heartburn problem, but you will also get a completely healthier lifestyle with more energy and vitality!

  1. [!Hana-flv-player video = "" width = "478" height = "360" description = "10 tips for heartburn" player = "5" autoload = "true" autoplay = "false" loop = "false" autorewind = "true" /]

  1. Do you have any good tips for heartburn, heartburn or regurgitation? Let me know by leaving a comment below! Interaction on the blog is important and you can always ask questions below.

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