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The 13 most common stomach complaints explained

  1. Upset stomach causing pain or nausea can ruin your day. Instead of being able to go to work or do your thing, you are all the time wondering if you should vomit, you are burping and sometimes you go to the toilet just to be on the safe side.]

  2. Stomach complaints that cause pain or nausea can really spoil your day. Instead of being able to go to work or do your thing, you are all the time wondering if you should vomit, you are burping and sometimes you go to the toilet just to be on the safe side.]

  1. There are different kinds of stomach complaints that you can suffer from.

  2. There are different types of stomach complaints that you can suffer from.

  1. That is why in this article I discuss the 13 most common stomach complaints and what you can do about them.

  2. That is why in this article I discuss the 13 most common stomach complaints and what you can do about it.

1.     Naughty

  1. Almost anyone can tell you that stomach discomfort can be nauseating. That means all the time you feel like you might be throwing up or unable to hold down a bite. You can also get regurgitation. It is all very annoying and therefore it is important to identify the cause of the stomach upset with nausea.

  2. Almost anyone can tell you that stomach discomfort can be nauseating. That means all the time you feel like you might be throwing up or unable to keep a bite down. You can also get regurgitation. It is all very annoying and therefore it is important to identify the cause of the stomach upset with nausea.

2.     Stomach complaints due to stress

  1. One of the main causes of stomach upset is stress. Stress causes your body to do strange things, such as being in a fight or flight status. This makes your body think you are about to run or fight. Eating is then not convenient and so the stomach is locked.

  1. To stop stomach upset caused by stress, the best solution is to reduce stress. You can do this in several ways, such as:

  1. Through meditation you can forget your worries for a moment. For example, do you notice that you mainly suffer from an upset stomach in the morning, during lunch or in the evening, so that you do not dare to eat anything? Then try meditating. By meditating, you can lower your stress levels so that your stomach can relax and you can eat normally again.

  1. When you exercise, your body produces certain substances that make you happier. They displace your stress hormones. In addition, sport provides more creativity so that you can better solve problems that cause stress.

  1. Mindfulness helps you to remind your body that there is in fact no life-threatening situation. By living with mindfulness in the now, you can leave the stressful moments behind and reduce nausea.

  1. Magnesium is a substance that reduces stress. By eating healthy foods, such as wholemeal products instead of white bread and white pasta and by eating enough fruits and vegetables, you ensure more magnesium in your diet. That way, a healthier diet can affect nausea.

3.     Upset stomach after eating

  1. Do you just have an upset stomach after you eat? Then the food you have eaten can be the cause of the complaints, such as nausea and pain. Causes of an upset stomach after eating can include:

  2. Do you have an upset stomach after you eat? Then the food you have eaten can be the cause of the complaints, such as nausea and pain. Causes of an upset stomach after eating can include:

  1. If you eat too much your stomach will be super full this can cause pain in the stomach wall, a bad thing! Your stomach can rupture if you eat too much with fatal consequences. Most people just eat too much, which gives you a signal that if you eat more, it will go out. That signal is the nauseous feeling.

  1. Eating too much fat isn't good for you either. Especially if you combine fatty food, this can be wrong because the fat mixes with other substances. Eating fatty foods also slows down the normal rate at which the food is processed by the intestines. In addition, this can cause gas formation, making you nauseous and windy.

  2. Eating too fat is also not good for you. Especially if you combine fatty food, this can be wrong because the fat mixes with other substances. Eating fatty foods also slows down the normal rate at which the food is processed by the intestines. In addition, this can cause gas formation, making you nauseous and windy.

  1. Depending on the diet you grew up with, you may or may not tolerate (spicy) herbs. Some herbs can cause stomach problems because you are not used to them. Milk is a good way to minimize the complaints.

4.     Stomach complaints due to bacteria

  1. If your food is unhygienically prepared, bacteria can remain that are not killed by the stomach acid. Your intestines can suffer from this. Especially if you have cut raw chicken and then use the knife again for something, you can suffer from the salmonella bacteria. That can literally make you very sick. Therefore, prepare the chicken with different items than the rest of the meal.

  2. If your food is prepared unhygienically, bacteria can remain that cannot be killed by the stomach acid. Your intestines can suffer from this. Especially if you have cut raw chicken and then use the knife again for something, you can suffer from the salmonella bacteria. That can literally make you very sick. Therefore, prepare the chicken with different items than the rest of the meal.

  1. It is also important to wash your hands before eating and before preparing your food. During the day, your hands can come into contact with everything that causes you to ingest bacteria that are bad for your stomach and intestines. This can cause an upset stomach.

5.     Stomach complaints lose weight

  1. Sometimes you suffer from an upset stomach and you lose weight while you don't want to. If you also lose weight during the stomach complaints, this can have various causes such as a virus, parasite or a disease.

  1. You may then suffer from, for example:

  1. Losing weight and stomach upset can also be caused by stress. If you are unable to deal with the stress, or if the stress has already disappeared but the symptoms and weight loss continue, it is best to go to your doctor.

6.     Upset stomach avocado

  1. Avocados have been very much promoted for your health lately, I do because the avocado is just a super fruit. Unfortunately, some people may find out that they have an intolerance to avocados. You can then feel nauseous after eating an avocado. In some cases, your body cannot absorb the substances from the avocado. Then you may experience bloating and nausea.

  1. Sometimes these complaints can also only occur hours or even a day after eating the avocado.

  1. To be on the safe side, keep a diary to check whether the avocado causes an upset stomach or whether it is caused by something else.

7.     Stomach complaints alcohol

  1. Excessive alcohol consumption can cause stomach upset. One of the diseases, such as a stomach ulcer, can be caused by excessive alcohol consumption. Pancreatitis can also be the result of drinking too much alcohol.

  1. Alcohol also acts as a pro-oxidant. So he helps the free radicals to do their wrong job. Drinking alcohol regularly increases the risk of stomach infections, ulcers, pancreatitis, gallbladder problems, liver inflammation, liver enlargement and even more stomach pain.

  1. That is why it is important to drink plenty of water after going out and to take extra vitamins and minerals that can further curb free radicals because you have given them freehand with alcohol.

  1. Eating a healthy diet one day after alcohol consumption can reduce the effects of alcohol consumption. Healthy eating in advance is of course also recommended.

  1. It is also good to eat something before you start drinking. This protects your stomach and intestines from the effects of alcohol, but not your pancreas.

  1. Do you want more than two glasses of wine? Then have a glass of water between each alcoholic drink. This keeps you hydrated and prevents you from drinking too much.

  1. It is best not to drink more than two glasses of alcoholic drink per day.

8.     Stomach upset antidepressants

  1. Depression is a terrible disease. You have a crappy feeling and there is nothing you can seem to do about it. If you've already tried everything such as cognitive behavioral therapy, exercise, meditation, stress relief, and even forcing yourself to have a social life and find that it still doesn't clear up, you can get antidepressants from your doctor or psychiatrist.

  1. A side effect of antidepressants is nausea, constipation or diarrhea. These side effects can resemble an upset stomach. Constipation often gives you abdominal pain and diarrhea can also cause cramps.

  1. If you are very bothered by the antidepressants, you can ask your doctor for another medication, because this will of course not make you happy.

  1. You can also try to counteract depression in a natural way. This is because links have been found with St. John's wort and the reduction of depression and eating more foods with magnesium can reduce some forms of depression and even make it disappear completely.

9.     Stomach aneurysm

  1. An aneurysm is a thickening or widening of the aorta. The aorta eventually also runs through the abdomen, where this thickening can also occur. If an aneurysm ruptures, call 911 immediately.

  1. Fortunately these veins do not tear quickly, but it is not a safe feeling. You can notice an aneurysm in the abdomen by a throbbing sensation in the middle and lower abdomen. A strange or painful feeling in the chest and pain in the lower back. Usually you will not notice an aneurysm, but a doctor may detect it during medical check-ups.

  1. There are several causes that can cause an aneurysm such as:

  1. These physical properties are influenced by, among other things, smoking, drinking, eating fatty foods and physical inactivity. To prevent an aneurysm, it is good to stop smoking and prevent or reduce high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

  1. This can be achieved through a healthy diet with lots of omega 3, minerals such as potassium, vitamins and regular exercise.

  1. Do you not suffer from high blood pressure or high cholesterol, but does an aneurysm run in your family? Then it is especially important to maintain a healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of an aneurysm.

10.    Upset stomach or shortness of breath

  1. Upset stomach and a tight feeling are often mentioned in the same breath as hormonal changes. Women can suffer from this during the menopause, during periods and also when you are pregnant. Isn't all this going on? Then it can also be a symptom of ovarian cancer, in that case, be sure to see your doctor for a check-up.

  1. In addition, this can also be a sign that your pancreas is not functioning properly. Your pancreas does not make enough enzymes to process all the food. Because of this you have a slower bowel movement than usual which causes bloating.

  1. In addition, your body can no longer absorb certain substances from the food, it is important to take the enzymes with the help of medication or to follow a special diet.

  1. You can also suffer from stomach complaints and chest tightness if you are overweight. If you are seriously overweight, the weight can cause a tight feeling. The way to get rid of this is to lose weight and eat healthy. Fatty food and overeating can also cause stomach complaints.

11.    Stomach complaints when lying down

  1. The stomach is on the left side of your body. That is why you can sometimes get an upset stomach when you lie down on your right side, for example immediately after eating, because the liquid can then go to your esophagus. Some people suffer from this more quickly than others.

  1. If you already have an upset stomach or abdominal pain and it gets worse when you lie down, you may also suffer from pancreatitis. This is a serious condition and you need immediate help for that.

  1. Does the pain travel to your back, but does it lessen when you lie down in a fetal position? Then please go to the emergency room. An inflammation of the pancreas can have serious consequences such as a pseudocyst if not treated in time.

12.    Stomach complaints Cola (soft drink)

  1. All fizzy drinks contain carbon dioxide, which is the same as CO2. This is released into your stomach. If you drink a lot of it you will notice that you have to burp, but you can also suffer from it such as stomach pain and nausea. This gas can also be released in your intestines where it interacts with other bacteria that can cause nausea and pain.

  1. If you already have problems with your intestines, for example with irritable bowel syndrome, it is wise not to drink soda with injection.

  1. Many diet soft drinks also contain the dust aspartame. Not everyone can handle that equally well. Some people have an intolerance or even allergy to it. Then you can suffer from cramps and stomach pain.

13.    Stomach complaints chocolate

  1. Chocolate is delicious, but also contains a lot of fat. This fat can cause an upset stomach. Especially if you eat a whole bar of chocolate in one sitting.

  1. Unfortunately, chocolate often triggers heartburn.

  1. If you are lactose intolerant you cannot tolerate all types of chocolate. This can be evidenced by an upset stomach when eating milk chocolate. Therefore, try out chocolate that is as pure as possible, such as 85% cocoa chocolate.


  1. As you can see, stomach upset can be symptoms of serious conditions, but stomach upset can also be the symptom of drinking a little too much soda. That is why it is important to keep an eye on whether you also have blood in your stools and whether the pain will disappear after a day or if the vomiting stops within a day.

  1. When you have blood in your stool, diarrhea, and vomiting, it's important to see a doctor to make sure nothing serious is going on.

  1. As a woman it is important to see a doctor in case of stomach pain and tightness that is not related to normal hormonal fluctuations to make sure you do not suffer from ovarian cancer.

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