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Celery Nutrition Facts

  1. Whether you use celery in soup, a vegetable dish, topped with peanut butter, or added to a dish, most people eat celery in one way or another. That's a good thing, because the benefits of celery - not to mention celery seed - make it an excellent source of antioxidants and beneficials in addition to the vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin K, vitamin C, potassium, folate and vitamin B6. enzymes.

  1. So I'm pretty sure you've eaten celery before, but do you know the ten amazing health benefits of this vegetable? Read on and discover them here!

  1. Although celery has been used in folk medicine for centuries as an antihypertensive agent, it has also been proven to have many cardiovascular benefits. In fact, pharmacological studies show that celery contains both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrients, which help improve blood pressure and cholesterol levels, as well as prevent cardiovascular disease.

  1. Celery also provides dietary fiber - especially when you eat more than 200 grams at a time - that aids digestion and weight loss. In addition, the high percentage of moisture and electrolytes in celery can prevent dehydration and the special formulations of celery also act as a diuretic and reduce bloating. As a supplier of antioxidant flavonoids and polyphenol phytonutrients - such as phthalides - other important benefits of celery include its ability to improve liver, skin, eye and cognitive health.

  1. Most people choose to eat celery, but the leaves and seeds of celery are also edible and beneficial. Celery leaves, for example, are a great addition to stir-fries and soups, so don't throw the leaves away.

  1. Celery seed - which can be found in whole seed, extract or ground form - has impressive health benefits in its own right as it helps reduce inflammation and fight bacteria. fight infections. In some parts of the world, celery is grown mainly for its beneficial seeds, which are actually very small fruits. Celery seed is often used as a spice when crushed, and it contains a special oily compound called apiol, which is used as a flavoring agent and for many medicinal uses.

  1. Fresh celery is very nutritious, thanks to all the enormous vitamins and minerals it contains. One cup of finely chopped raw celery (about 200 grams) contains about:

  1. In addition to all this and some sugars, celery also contains some vitamin E, niacin, pantothenic acid, iron, phosphorus, zinc and selenium.

  1. Celery, which has the scientific name Apium graveolens, is a vegetable in the plant family called Apiaceae.

  1. It is an extraordinarily ancient vegetable and there are records showing that celery leaves were part of the remains found in the tomb of the pharaoh "King Tutankhamun", 1323 BC died. In ancient Greece, celery leaves were used as garlands for the dead and to make wreaths or crowns that were given to the winners of battles. Celery is even mentioned in Homer's "Iliad" and "The Odyssey" because the horses ate wild celery that grew all over Troy.

  1. In the past, celery was mainly grown as a vegetable in winter and early spring. People liked to eat celery to aid in the “cleanse” and believed that celery acted as a natural detoxifying tonic that could prevent disease. As we know, celery sanitizes the body due to its moisturizing properties. Celery seed was also used to relieve arthritis or other pain, as celery was thought to help with this.

Helps to lower high cholesterol

  1. Celery's greatest benefit is its cholesterol-lowering power, which makes it useful for improving or maintaining heart health. Celery contains a unique compound called 3-n-butyl phthalide (BuPh) that has previously been reported to have lipid-lowering effects, but researchers believe that celery has many other beneficial compounds, but these have yet to be explored.

  1. In one study, rats fed a high-fat diet for eight weeks, compared to the control group of rats, which did not receive celery extract, showed significantly lower levels of lipids in their blood.

  1. The group that received celery extract supplements experienced beneficial reductions in serum total cholesterol (TC), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and triglyceride (TG) concentrations.]

Reduces inflammation

  1. Celery contains antioxidants and polysaccharides, of which flavonoid and polyphenol antioxidants are known to act as anti-inflammatory agents. These support overall health by fighting free radical damage (or oxidative stress) that can lead to inflammation, especially as a person ages. Inflammation contributes to the development of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, arthritis, and more.

  1. Researchers have identified over a dozen different types of antioxidants responsible for celery's benefits - these include phenolic acids such as caffeic and ferulic acids, plus flavanols such as quercetin. This makes celery useful for treating a wide variety of conditions aggravated by inflammation: joint pain (such as arthritis), gout, kidney and liver infections, skin conditions, irritable bowel syndrome and urinary tract infections, to name a few. .

Prevents and treats high blood pressure

  1. Celery seed extracts have antihypertensive properties that help lower high blood pressure, one of the major risk factors for coronary heart disease, the leading cause of death in industrial countries.

  1. The benefits of celery seeds can potentially help control chronic elevated blood pressure levels. Celery's antihypertensive benefits come from its seeds, which contain hexanic, methanolic and aqueous ethanolic extracts, which improve circulation, reduce inflammation and help control blood pressure.

  1. In one study, rats were given celery seed extract for a period of seven weeks. These rats experienced significant improvements in blood pressure levels compared to rats fed the same diet but no celery extract. It is believed to act as a muscle relaxant and by improving the flow of calcium and potassium to and from cells, celery helps to lower high blood pressure. Celery extract helps to dilate and contract blood vessels, improve blood flow and promote overall heart health.

Helps prevent stomach ulcers

  1. Here is one of the benefits of celery you may not have known about: it can help prevent or reduce the formation of painful sores. A 2010 study found that celery contains a special kind of ethanol extract, which is helpful in protecting the lining of the digestive tract from ulcers. Celery extract has the ability to replenish the depleted levels of gastric mucus needed in the stomach lining as it can prevent small holes and openings from forming.

  1. Researchers believe that celery nourishes the stomach, colon and intestines due to the presence of chemical compounds such as flavonoids, tannins, volatile oils and alkaloids, which increase the level of lower stomach acid while improving the level of protective mucus.

Protects liver health

  1. When researchers in Egypt fed rats celery (along with chicory and barley), these rats experienced a reduction in the amount of dangerous fat deposits in the liver.

  1. To be precise, when the researchers supplemented the cholesterol-rich diet of rats with celery, chicory and barley powder, they noted an improvement in liver enzyme function and blood lipid levels. The more celery, chicory and barley the rats got, the better the liver health became. This suggests that a diet high in celery, as well as chicory and barley may be beneficial for people suffering from liver disease.

Weight Loss Benefits

  1. Celery is extremely low in calories and, due to its ability to provide essential nutrients and regulate fat and fat metabolism, can and can be a valuable food to help you gain weight to lose. One of the greatest benefits of celery is that it is so nutrient dense, which means it provides antioxidants, electrolytes, vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, B vitamins and potassium, all with very few calories.]

Improves digestion and reduces bloating

  1. Celery seed contains an odorless and oily compound known as NBP that has a diuretic effect and helps the body to detoxify. In the above study in rats, the urine volume was significantly larger when compared to a control group when the rats were given celery extract.

  1. The digestive benefits of celery are partly due to its diuretic effect. This may also be one of the possible antihypertensive mechanisms of celery seed, which help lower blood pressure. Because it improves blood circulation in the intestines, it is also helpful in improving digestion by helping relieve bloating associated with fluid retention.

Contains anti-microbial properties that fight infection

  1. Celery seed has been used as an herbal remedy for centuries due to its antibacterial properties. A 2009 report shows that celery contains special antimicrobial components found in the seeds of the celery plant.

  1. When the extract was taken from celery seed and combined with harmful bacterial compounds causing infection in humans, the celery extract was able to significantly purify and prevent the growth of the bacteria. suggesting that celery can be used to boost immunity and fight bacterial infections.

Helps prevent urinary tract infections

  1. Because celery helps reduce uric acid and stimulates urine production, it is beneficial in fighting bacterial infections in the digestive and reproductive tract. Likewise, like cranberries which are known for fighting urinary tract infections, celery can help prevent such infections as well as bladder disorders, kidney problems and possibly even cysts on reproductive organs.

May help protect against cancer

  1. Want to know another important benefit of celery? It comes from the same plant family as the cancer-protecting vegetables such as carrots, celery, fennel, parsley, and parsnips, all of which contain chemo-protective agents called polyacetylenes. Previous studies have shown that polyacetylenes help reduce toxicity and fight cancer, especially breast cancer, colon cancer and leukemia.

  1. Polyacetlynes have many immune-enhancing effects, including the ability to fight tumors, preventing mutated cells from profiling. According to the Faculty of the Department of Agricultural Sciences at Aarhus University in Denmark, "Polyacetylenes have shown many interesting bioactivity, including anti-inflammatory activities, antiplatelet aggregating activities, cytotoxic activities, anti-tumor activities, as well as activities against bacteria and mycoplasma."]

  1. That's not all. Celery contains a flavonoid called apigenin, which has been shown to induce death in cancer cells.

  1. Today, in North America, the most commonly grown and eaten type of celery is called “Pascal celery,” while in Europe, “celeriac” is more popular. Celery is considered a long season crop and can be somewhat difficult to grow as it needs constant moisture and cannot withstand the heat well. It grows best in cool, humid climates and can be found most of the time of the year, especially during the fall through winter months.

  1. Knowing that celery is one of the most chemically sprayed vegetables, it is best to always look for organic celery to get the most benefits of celery without toxins and chemicals to consume.

  1. When choosing celery, make sure the stems are firm to the touch and not too limp. If the stems still have leaves, look for leaves that are bright in color and that have not wilted.

  1. Do not wash celery immediately after taking it home as this can cause it to rot faster. If desired, store dry celery wrapped in a paper towel in the refrigerator for up to five to seven days. After this time, celery usually goes limp and its nutrient content decreases. It is also not recommended to freeze celery as it will wilt and become mushy once thawed.

  1. To clean and cut celery, discard the stump, which is usually firm and white. You can save the leaves and use them in recipes such as soups, stews or sauté. Celery leaves, like the stems, are a good source of vitamins and minerals, so don't throw them away! To remove any debris, rinse the celery stems and leaves well, then cut the stems into pieces.

  1. Compared to cooked, roasted, or blanched celery, steamed celery retains more antioxidants. Celery's compounds, including its flavonoids and polyphenols, are delicate nutrients that can be lost when your celery is overcooked. It is best to eat celery raw or to lightly cook it or steam celery for just a few minutes to soften it.

  1. Not sure what you can do with celery? Try adding something to a salad, an egg salad, a large pot of soup, a stir-fry, a smoothie or make celery juice or just have some as a healthy, low-calorie snack. Many people like to eat celery raw with some nut butter and raisins and this snack is called “ants on a stem”.

  1. Although an allergy is uncommon, celery is one of a small group of foods that in some cases is associated with causing severe allergic reactions similar to a peanut allergy. When someone who is allergic to celery is exposed to its oils, the exposure can cause deadly side effects. Celery seed contains the highest levels of allergen content, which is not destroyed during cooking, so celery should be completely avoided by anyone who knows they have a food allergy.

  1. Celery has been shown to help lower high cholesterol, reduce inflammation, prevent or treat high blood pressure, prevent stomach ulcers, protect the liver , aids weight loss, aids digestion and reduces bloating, prevents urinary tract infections and possibly protects against cancer. Plus that celery has anti-microbial properties that fight infections.

  1. Are you going to put celery on the menu this week? Will you let me know how you prefer to eat celery?




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