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Diabetes diet: CURED diabetes in 8 weeks. Is it really possible?

  1. I have already written a few things about diabetes and the best way to deal with this disease and relieve the symptoms. However, a recent study shows a surprising result: Diabetes cannot be managed alone, it can be cured!

  1. Note: this only applies to type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is often a congenital condition and cannot be cured. At least not with our current knowledge and resources in the field of medicine.

  1. Perhaps the most amazing thing about the entire study is that it was not a test of a new drug. In fact, there was no medication whatsoever. The disease was healed all naturally; namely through nutrition. So what you put in your mouth is much more important than you think!

  2. Perhaps the most amazing thing about the entire study is that it was not a test of a new drug. In fact, there was no medication whatsoever. The disease was cured completely naturally; namely through nutrition. So what you put in your mouth is much more important than you think!

  1. Before I go into more detail about the study that was conducted and any tips on how you could perform this diet yourself under the supervision of your doctor, I would first like to explain the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. discuss.

What exactly is diabetes?

  1. Every year thousands of people are diagnosed with diabetes. And thousands of others suffer from the condition, but they have not yet been diagnosed. Diabetes is actually a group of diseases, the main feature of which is that not enough insulin or no insulin is produced at all. Type 2 diabetes is a condition that stems from your lifestyle. Nearly 9 out of 10 people with diabetes suffer from type 2 diabetes. In the past, diabetes was mainly something that occurred in people in old age. Today, however, many children also get the disease. This is of course mainly due to an unhealthy diet.

  2. Every year thousands of people are diagnosed with diabetes. And thousands of others are suffering from the condition, but they have not yet been diagnosed. Diabetes is actually a group of diseases, the main characteristic of which is that not enough insulin or no insulin is produced at all. Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle related condition. Almost 9 out of 10 people with diabetes suffer from type 2 diabetes. In the past, diabetes was mainly something that occurred in people at an advanced age. Today, however, many children also get the disease. This is of course mainly due to an unhealthy diet.

  1. Type 1 diabetes is a completely different beast. This type mainly occurs in children and is characterized by the fact that no more insulin is produced by the pancreas.

  2. Type 1 diabetes is a completely different creature. This type mainly occurs in children and is characterized by the fact that no more insulin is produced by the pancreas.

  1. The problem is as follows:

  1. In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin because the cells in the pancreas that produce the insulin were destroyed by the body's own immune system. This insulin must be replaced. So people with this form of diabetes need insulin every day to survive. Currently, insulin can only be delivered by injection or by an insulin pump, but other methods may also become available in the future.

  1. We do not yet know the exact cause of type 1 diabetes, but it may be genetic. However, the disease only manifests itself when something like a viral infection activates and fools the immune system so that it targets the body's own cells. This is called an autoimmune response.

  1. Although the cause of this form of diabetes has nothing to do with lifestyle, a healthy lifestyle is important to control the condition.

  2. Although the cause of this form of diabetes has nothing to do with lifestyle, a healthy lifestyle is important to keep the condition under control.

  1. Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle caused by illness and is strongly associated with high blood pressure, abnormal blood fats and the classic 'apple shape' where there is extra belly fat.

  1. People with this form of diabetes are usually insulin resistant. This means that their pancreas does produce insulin, but the insulin doesn't work as well. The pancreas responds by working harder to make more insulin. Ultimately, however, it cannot produce enough for a healthy balance and blood sugar goes up.

  1. A healthy diet can control the disease well, although medication is sometimes necessary to prevent complications.

  1. People most likely to develop type 2 diabetes often have the following risk factors (broken down into risk factors that cannot be changed and that can be changed):

  1. Women who:

  1. Risk factors that can be changed:

  1. What is pre-diabetes?

  1. A person is diagnosed with pre-diabetes when the blood sugar level is higher than normal, but not yet high enough to be diagnosed with diabetes. Not only can pre-diabetes be easily prevented, it can also be reversed relatively easily. Again, the most important thing is a healthy diet.

What are the main symptoms of diabetes?

  1. In type 1 diabetes, symptoms can often be sudden and even life-threatening, so this form is usually diagnosed quite quickly. In type 2 diabetes, many people have no symptoms at all, while other symptoms are unnoticed as part of 'aging'. Therefore, complications often arise by the time diabetes is detected.

  1. Common symptoms include:

  1. Have you recently suffered from these symptoms and you also notice that your blood sugar level rises and falls, go straight to your doctor for an examination.

Cured type 2 diabetes

  1. Promising research from the University of Newcastle suggests that type 2 diabetes can be cured in just 8 weeks with diet alone. To cure . The diet used has been shown to be effective in people who have diabetes for up to 10 years, and the researchers think it is likely to work for people who have diabetes for longer.

  1. The diet used in this study was short-lived and very low in calories, to mimic the energy consumption after gastric banding surgery. It is already known that gastric band surgery can cure diabetes quickly. The Newcastle researchers conducted their first study using this diet, and the results were impressive.

  1. Participants suffering from diabetes for 4 years or less were placed on an 800-calorie diet. Daily food intake was limited to three liquid meal replacements (600 calories in total) and three servings of non-starchy vegetables (200 calories in total).

  1. By the end of the study:

  1. In short, the participants had effectively cured their type 2 diabetes. Please note: with the current state of science, type 1 diabetes cannot be cured.

  1. The survey was conducted in 2011. At the time, the researchers were reluctant and were reluctant to recommend the diet to others, because there were too few participants in the first study to justify this. They wanted to see longer-term studies with more participants before recommending the diet.

  1. Today, however, such strict diets are much more common. One of the most popular diets based on this principle is, for example, the 5: 2 diet, on which you reduce your energy consumption to 500 kcal per day on 2 days a week. A variation on this has also recently become popular. This revolves around a reduction in energy consumption every other day. Intermittent fasting is also hugely popular, especially because science supports its benefits.

  1. The inventor of the 5: 2 diet has now also come out with a short-term diet of 8 weeks, based on the Newcastle University study discussed above.

  1. The author, named Dr. Mosley, namely also experienced in curing his own diabetes. His diet is based on natural foods from Mediterranean cuisine and 800 calories per day, generally putting people in a state of ketosis. The advantage of this is that ketosis has a strong hunger-suppressing effect.

  1. The researchers focus on losing 15% body weight. This amount appears to stimulate sufficient fat loss in the liver and pancreas, allowing them to resume normal function and thus cure type 2 diabetes.

  1. While the researchers conducted their experiments with mostly liquid meal replacements, it may be even more effective to use natural and whole foods. Because it contains so much fiber, this also ensures more satiety. Presumably other diets sticking to the 800 calories per day rule will produce similar results.

  1. However, that does not mean that every diet is equally healthy. In fact, some programs can even promote diabetes. For example, if you only eat unhealthy foods with a high glycemic index, you would of course still lose weight if you only eat 800 kcal per day, but due to the strong fluctuations in your blood sugar, the chance of a cure for your diabetes is much smaller.]

  1. Natural foods, mainly consisting of plant foods, are the best choice and provide the most satiety. And will also support the healing process. Moreover, by eating unprocessed, plant-based foods in particular, you will be able to consume a much greater volume than if you were to drink shakes alone or opt for processed foods. For example, you can eat two eggs, 3/4 cup of lentils, or a few medium oranges for the same amount of calories as a spoonful and a half of oil. You will need this extra volume if you can consume so little energy.

  1. By eating a lot of vegetables in one day, for example, you can fill your stomach properly on very few calories. In the end the diet only lasts 8 weeks, almost everyone can maintain something for 8 weeks, especially if you see results so quickly.

  1. It is worth mentioning that the diet helps to cure diabetes not only in overweight people, but also in people who are of normal weight. The researchers theorized that everyone has a certain limit on the amount of fat in the liver and pancreas without getting diabetes. However, if you go over this limit, you will have problems that will eventually lead to diabetes.

  1. For some, this limit is so low that they develop diabetes when they have a normal body weight. For example, there is a study that suggests that Asians with a BMI over 23 should already be tested for diabetes, while most have a BMI over 25. In this example, it concerns an entire population whose tolerance is generally lower, although there are still wide differences within ethnic groups.

  1. Ultimately, this diet is designed to reduce fat in the organs, so no matter what weight you currently have, chances are the diet will work for you too.

  1. Diabetes kills more than 70,000 people a year in the US alone and contributes to 200,000 more deaths. In the US, 29 million people have been diagnosed with diabetes. A further 8 million people have the disease but do not know it yet. More than 80 million people in the United States have pre-diabetes and are steadily developing the disease.

  1. Nowadays drugs are really only used to control diabetes. However, this is a natural way to CURE the disease within 8 weeks and the researchers estimate that the diet works for about two-thirds of people with type 2 diabetes.

  1. So there is a great chance that you too could benefit!

  1. To help you get started with this diet, I have listed the most important guidelines for you below, as well as a weekly menu for you. This means that you can get started with the diet right away. Note: a diet with so few calories could in some cases be harmful or have side effects. So always do this diet (or any other diet) under the supervision of your doctor!

Diabetes Diet Plan

  1. The following diet plan is just an example. You can of course choose to adapt the diet to your own needs. But again: only do this under the supervision of a qualified physician!

  1. The rules are simple. The following guidelines exist to make it as easy as possible for you. They are not requirements, but following the guidelines will increase your chances of success.

  1. And that was it. As long as you limit yourself to mainly vegetable foods, you will see that you can eat a reasonable amount to meet your energy requirement of 800 kcal. So there is no need to go hungry.

  1. Keep in mind that you may experience withdrawal symptoms in the first few days, including a severe headache. This generally disappears after 3 days, but certainly disappears after a week. Also, limit your coffee consumption in these 8 weeks, although it may be better not to stop coffee completely during this diet, as you will get even stronger withdrawal symptoms, and it is not necessary to do everything at once. You can also put the coffee aside after the diet.

  1. To keep it as simple and simple as possible, I have used dishes with few ingredients. All dishes can also be prepared quickly, so that you can also fit the diet into your busy life.

  1. Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal prepared with water and half an apple sliced. Cup of tea or coffee.

  1. Lunch: 1 slice of wholemeal spelled bread topped with a slice of low-fat cheese, and a vegetable soup (homemade with vegetable stock, onion, garlic, lots of green vegetables and carrots - avoid potatoes and other starchy products).

  1. Dinner: Large salad of leafy vegetables with a balsamic vinegar dressing and sprinkled with a tablespoon of pine nuts, Â 100 grams of stewed salmon on a bed of spinach.

  1. Breakfast: Fruit salad of 1 banana, 1 cup sliced ​​strawberries, 1 apple.

  1. Lunch: Salad of iceberg lettuce, boiled green beans, 1 small potato and 1 diced egg with a dressing of salt and lemon juice.

  1. Dinner: Serve 1 slice of wholemeal spelled bread with 1/2 cup of homemade, low-fat hummus (mix a can of chickpeas with 2 cloves of garlic, a squeeze of lemon juice, salt and wax ground fennel) and top with tomato slices and cucumber.

  1. Breakfast: Serve 200 grams of low-fat organic yogurt with 1 banana and 1 cup of strawberries.

  1. Lunch: Omelet of 2 eggs, filled with 500 grams of stewed zucchini.

  1. Dinner: 100 grams of salmon served with a salad and 300 grams of boiled broccoli, fried in garlic (without oil! Use some water for this!)

  1. Breakfast: 1 banana and a cup of coffee.

  1. Lunch: Greek salad without olive oil with 50 grams of feta cheese and a slice of wholemeal spelled bread.

  1. Dinner: Stir-fried rice in vegetable stock (1 cup cooked whole grain rice) with 500 grams of mixed vegetables and served with a fried egg.

  1. Breakfast: 1 sliced ​​apple coated with 1 tablespoon of natural peanut butter.

  1. Lunch: 1 cup vegetable soup served with raw vegetables and 1/2 cup homemade hummus (see recipe above).

  1. Dinner: Pasta dish with 1 cup cooked whole grain rice pasta, 80 grams of fried chicken fillet and vegetables as desired. Serve with tomato sauce if desired.

  1. Breakfast: Omelette of 2 eggs and a handful of fresh spinach and 1 apple.

  1. Lunch: Sweet salad of 2 cups shredded carrot, 1 sliced ​​orange and served with 1 sliced ​​small banana.

  1. Dinner: Tomato soup (preferably fresh and home-prepared, without oil - boil 1 kilo of tomatoes with a chopped onion and 2 cloves of garlic, season with salt and pepper) with half tin of chickpeas.

  1. Breakfast: 1/2 cup whole grain muesli mixed with a grated apple and 1/4 cup low-fat organic yogurt.

  1. Lunch: 100 grams of smoked salmon on a bed of fresh spinach. 1 cup of strawberries.

  1. Dinner: 1/2 cup of cooked rice with 300 grams of broccoli and topped with a tablespoon of tahini with a pinch of salt.

Finally ...

  1. It is indeed possible to cure diabetes, and this can be done without side effects of nasty medication. It is possible to live a healthy and long life as long as you consume a healthy diet and keep your weight in check. But beware, although it sounds very easy in theory, the above diet is certainly not. To get by on so little energy per day, you will need all your willpower to keep it up. And in the first week in particular, you will often wonder if it is worth all of this because you are in the withdrawal phase.

  1. However, is 8 weeks of suffering so much for a lifetime without diabetes? I have tried to help you with this article to guide you in the right direction to cure your illness for good, but it is up to you to implement it.


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