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Flatulence: Causes and the 10 Best Tips Ever

  1. Oops farted. Very embarrassing, especially if it didn't bother you before or if it happens while you are just having a serious conversation with someone. I find it even more annoying when they are soft, but really smelly. Nice if you want to scare people away, but generally that's not something we want. It can also hinder you when you move, you only have to take one step and phew there goes another.

  2. Oops farted. Very embarrassing, especially if it didn't bother you before or if this happens while you are just having a serious conversation with someone. I find it even more annoying when they are soft, but really smelly. Nice if you want to scare people away, but generally that's not something we want. It can also hinder you when you move, you only have to take one step and phew there goes another.

  1. To get rid of flatulence, in this article I will discuss the causes of flatulence and give the best tips for stopping it.

  2. To get rid of flatulence, in this article I will discuss the causes of flatulence and give the best tips on how to stop it.

Flatulence: The causes

  1. Flatulence is actually quite normal. Most people fart between 13 and 21 a day. If you think you let less than that, you may well be letting most of the wind in your sleep. But if you don't control it or leave much more than that, it can have a significant impact on your life. It's a bit embarrassing if you often fart in front of other people because it's not right. Or you shouldn't leave a silent smelly one, but it still doesn't feel nice.

  2. Flatulence is actually quite normal. Most people fart between 13 and 21 a day. If you think you let less than that, you may well be letting most of the wind in your sleep. But if you don't control it or leave many more than that, it can have a significant impact on your life. It's a bit embarrassing if you often fart in front of other people because it's not right. Or you shouldn't leave a quiet one smelly, but it still doesn't feel good.

  1. Therefore, you don't feel relaxed when you have flatulence. This can ruin all kinds of moments at work, with friends and with your partner. Fear of a breeze can really ruin your mood, while you often put on a mask that nothing is wrong.

  1. The cause of flatulence is often that your intestines produce gases in the process of turning your food into energy. They have to come out somehow and that is usually through a wind. Swallowed air when eating also causes flatulence, but there is simply not much you can do about it except chew a lot.

  2. The cause of flatulence is often that your intestines produce gases in the process of turning your food into energy. They have to come out somehow and that is usually through a wind. Swallowed air with food also causes flatulence, but there just isn't much you can do about it except chew a lot.

  1. Research also shows that fat in your intestines makes you more susceptible to bloating and flatulence. It is estimated that 40% of people who experience bloating have gained 10 pounds the previous year. A quarter of them also recognize in this image that the flatulence and bloating arose when they arrived. Much of the fat that has recently gained weight is usually also in your gut.

  1. Also striking is that many people who suffer from bloating and flatulence do not have good abdominal muscles. The muscles around your intestines are important for proper bowel function. It is not for nothing that you can make a breeze through movement, this is a sign that something is happening in the intestines.

  1. Research also shows that a third of people with bloated feeling could not do any sit-up. Not one!

  2. Research also shows that a third of people with bloated feeling could not perform any sit-up. Not one!

  1. The contents of your intestines are also determined by your posture. For example, if you don't have strong abs, chances are your ribs are resting on your stomach instead of standing or sitting upright. This changes the distribution in the intestines and you can also suffer from constipation.

  1. Strangely enough, constipation can also cause flatulence. In that case, the big errand is difficult, but you can just let a breeze all day long. On purpose or unintentionally.

  2. Oddly enough, constipation can also cause flatulence. In that case, doing the big errand is difficult, but you can just let a breeze all day long. On purpose or unintentionally.

  1. There are also all kinds of other causes that can be identified, such as hormonal changes. For example, a woman's cycle can affect her flatulence or bloating.

  2. In addition, there are all kinds of other causes that can be identified, such as hormonal changes. For example, a woman's cycle can affect her flatulence or bloating.

  1. Also, people with irritable bowel syndrome may suffer more from flatulence than people who do not have this syndrome.

  1. Another condition that can cause flatulence is dyspepsia. There is then a disturbance in the digestive system that mainly leads to stomach complaints.

  2. Another condition that can cause flatulence is dyspepsia. There is then a disturbance in the digestion that mainly leads to stomach complaints.

  1. There are two patterns that can cause flatulence, right after eating or towards the end of the day. Flatulence immediately after eating is often associated with dyspepsia and normal bowel function, but if it gets worse towards the end of the day, you also often experience bloating that gets worse throughout the day.

Flatulence and stomach ache

  1. Flatulence and stomach pain can have a number of reasons. Sometimes this makes a lot of sense, you have eaten way too much and therefore suffer from stomach ache and flatulence. The stomach ache because there is just too much food in your stomach and the flatulence because all this food activates processes in the digestive system, which creates gases in your body.

  2. Flatulence and stomach pain can have a number of reasons. Sometimes this makes a lot of sense, you have eaten way too much and therefore suffer from stomach ache and flatulence. The stomach ache because there is simply too much food in your stomach and the flatulence because all this food activates processes in the digestive system, which creates gases in your body.

  1. In addition, flatulence and abdominal pain are also a symptom of dyspepsia. With dyspepsia there is usually pain in the lower abdomen, in addition you can also suffer from nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hiccups and bloody stools. So just having flatulence and abdominal pain doesn't mean you have dyspepsia.

  1. Even less severe things can cause flatulence and stomach pain, such as lactose intolerance. Your large intestine then has difficulty digesting products such as milk or products that are originally made from milk. This can cause flatulence and stomach pain. Lactose intolerance is more common in people with Asian or African genes than in people with European genes.

  1. Fructose can also cause flatulence and stomach pain. Fructose should normally be absorbed by the small intestine, but if this does not go well, it ends up in the large intestine where it will ferment. Gases such as methane and hydrogen are then formed. This can cause a painful feeling and flatulence. If you suffer from fructose intolerance, the symptoms will get worse as you eat more fructose. Fructose is often used as a sweetener in soft drinks and is also found in small amounts in fruit.

Flatulence after eating

  1. Meals can also have a significant effect on flatulence. If you ate a large meal, you are more likely to experience flatulence afterward than if you only eat a small meal. If it is your habit to eat two servings, see what happens if you eat one serving.

  1. The reason that you suffer more from flatulence after eating is because the food 'triggers' your digestion, all kinds of processes take place that ensure that gases are created that must disappear again , that's why you often have to let a farmer (t) after dinner.

Pregnancy and flatulence

  1. Flatulence is a complaint that most women suffer from when they are pregnant. This is partly due to the change in the hormone balance. In addition, you do not have the same control over your muscles during your pregnancy as if you are not pregnant, which reduces your feeling of control over flatulence.

  1. Just as a wrong body posture can cause flatulence, a pregnancy can too. Suddenly there is a baby in the stomach that is pushing the intestines in all directions. This can cause flatulence more than if you are not pregnant.

Fix flatulence

  1. Perhaps the first thing on your mind to stop your flatulence is taking pills, but research shows that “Anti-Gas Pills” don't work any better than a placebo. So something more needs to be done to reduce your flatulence than taking a pill.

  1. So I have some tips you can follow to reduce flatulence to normal levels.

  1. As mentioned, lactose intolerance can cause flatulence and stomach pain. That's why you can start cutting out dairy products from your diet to see if that's the cause of your flatulence.

  1. Isn't it the lactose that causes flatulence? Then it could be the fructose. Try to avoid added sugars as much as possible.

  1. Yes, that shot, that's also air, so stick to spa blue instead of spa red. It is also better to leave soft drinks such as cola and orange juice and replace it with something else. But juice is also not a solution, because apple juice, for example, creates a lot of gas.

  1. Chewing gum makes you swallow more than normal air, which can cause more flatulence. If you chew gum every day, quitting may be enough to fart less.

  1. Are you someone who thinks chewing three times is enough? This is also a good way to get more air into your intestines than is necessary. By chewing well, you swallow less air and you automatically have less gas. Moreover, you can also enjoy the taste better that way.

  1. After these tips, do you still have excessive flatulence? Then keep a food diary and include how you feel, such as bloated, windy, or both. Over time, you should see a pattern in certain foods that you can then eliminate from your diet.

  1. In some people the intestines are not properly adjusted to digest gluten, this can therefore be absorbed less well by the intestines, just as with lactose and fructose, causing more gases than normal.]

  1. Fat by itself does not cause flatulence, but slows down the speed at which food passes through the intestines. As a result, fat can cause more flatulence. So leave that fat bite for what it is and get something else.

  1. Although flatulence and bloating are more common in people who gained weight the year before and who have weaker abs, it has not yet been scientifically proven that losing weight and strengthening your abs is not scientifically proven. However, more exercise does help against flatulence. People who run and do other sports experience less bloating and flatulence when they sprint regularly than when they don't exercise.

  1. In addition, exercise ensures that food passes through the intestines faster. The less time it is there, the less time there is for gas to form and the less gas you have, this also applies during pregnancy.

  1. Smoking is bad for you anyway, but if it makes you windy at your in-laws or at work… What more argument do you need to quit smoking? Smoking is bad and it makes you windy.

Finallyâ €

  1. Flatulence is very annoying, but up to 21 winds a day it is quite normal. It is especially annoying when you cannot control it and it is painful at the same time.

  1. There are two patterns that can cause flatulence. The first version is flatulence immediately after eating or flatulence towards the end of the day. Flatulence after eating is fairly normal due to the functioning of the intestines. If you also have flatulence towards the end of the day, you often feel bloated too.

  1. Flatulence and abdominal pain may indicate a bigger problem, such as dyspepsia or irritable bowel syndrome. It can also indicate a form of intolerance that prevents your intestines from absorbing a certain nutrient such as lactose.

  1. Dietary changes, chewing for longer and regular exercise can reduce flatulence.

  1. Sullivan, S. N. (2012) Functional Abdominal Bloating with Distention. Department of Medicine, University of British Columbia. Vancouver: Canada.

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