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Vitamin B12 Deficiency: The 18 Most Powerful Foods

  1. As you get older, your body gradually loses the ability to absorb vitamin B12 from your diet. But age is not the only reason for possible vitamin B12 deficiency: Vegans, vegetarians, diabetics are just a few of the high-risk groups at high risk of vitamin B12 deficiency.

  1. In this article you will find all information about vitamin B12, about the risk groups and about how much vitamin B12 you actually need. In addition, I discuss 9 clear signals that can indicate a shortage. Do you recognize yourself in these signals?

  1. Then of course make an appointment with your doctor for blood tests. At the end of this article, I'll give you the best foods that contain a lot of vitamin B12. Plus, a tip for a supplement.

  1. Curious? Read on quick!

Why do we need vitamin B12?

  1. Like all nutrients, Vitamin B12 has an impressive list of important functions. Without this essential vitamin, our bodies would be far from functioning optimally.

  1. Briefly the most important functions at a glance:

  2. In brief, the most important functions at a glance:

How much vitamin B12 do you actually need?

  1. A Recommended Daily Allowance for Vitamin B12 has been established in the Netherlands. This amount must be obtained every day through nutrition in order not to have problems with a possible shortage in the long term. This RDA is highly dependent on age. A certain stage of life also plays a role, such as being pregnant or breastfeeding.

  1. Vitamin B12 Kids from 1 - 3 years old 0.7 micrograms per day Kids from 4 - 8 years old 1.3 micrograms per day Kids from 9 - 13 years old 2.0 micrograms per day Persons aged 14 years or older 2.8 micrograms per day Pregnant women 3.2 micrograms per day Women during breastfeeding 3.8 micrograms per day   * source: Netherlands Nutrition Center

Do you fall into the risk group?

  1. Of course anyone can suffer from a vitamin B12 deficiency, but there are a few groups that are more at risk. Do you recognize yourself in one of these groups?

2 forms of vitamin B12 deficiency and their causes

  1. Although there can be many causes of a vitamin B12 deficiency, we can distinguish two forms:

  1. You can eat a healthy and varied diet, and thus get enough vitamin B12, but if your body has trouble absorbing the vitamin B12, there is often more to it. Briefly, a list of disorders and conditions that make your body difficult to absorb the Vitamin B12:

  2. You can eat a healthy and varied diet, and thus get enough vitamin B12, but if your body has trouble absorbing the vitamin B12, there is often more to it. Briefly, a list of disorders and conditions that cause your body to have trouble absorbing Vitamin B12:

  1. If you maintain a healthy and varied diet in daily life, then you certainly do not have to be deficient in vitamin B12. This will be different if you are a vegetarian or vegan. Since most Vitamin B12 is found in products of animal origin, this group does not get enough, or no, Vitamin B12. For this group, this can be replaced by eating meat replacement products, although they do not always contain all the necessary nutrients that meat does. In addition, it is a well-known fact that meat substitutes contain a relatively large amount of salt. So be careful!

  2. If you maintain a healthy and varied diet in daily life, then you certainly do not have to be deficient in vitamin B12. This will be different if you are a vegetarian or vegan. Since most Vitamin B12 is found in products of animal origin, this group does not get enough, or no, Vitamin B12. For this group, this can be replaced by eating meat replacement products, although these also do not always contain all the necessary nutrients that meat does. In addition, it is a well-known fact that meat substitutes contain a relatively large amount of salt. So be careful!

  1. In addition, there are certain groups of people who have a considerably higher need for vitamin B12. This includes people who regularly use sleeping pills, people who smoke and people who drink alcohol regularly.

The general symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency

  1. Since the body normally has a fairly large amount of vitamin B12 in stock, the complaints arise little by little. Below I give you a list of complaints that may indicate a lack of Vitamin B12. Please note that the individual complaints say little about Vitamin B12, but a combination of symptoms may mean that there is a problem with the intake and / or absorption of Vitamin B12.

The doctor's examination

  1. Initially, the doctor will ask you many questions about the symptoms you are experiencing. In addition, the doctor will also examine you physically and check the symptoms that you have indicated yourself. If the doctor also suspects a lack of vitamin B12, he has 2 ways to make the correct diagnosis:

9 signs that you are deficient in vitamin B12

  1. Your body has a very large supply of vitamin B12. In principle, you can continue for a number of years, even if you would no longer get any vitamin B12. You can see that as an advantage, but it also works against you. There are no signs, like the fuel gauge in the car, that stocks are running out and that you are now living on the â € reserveâ € ™. No, gone is gone. And then the problems begin. If you have symptoms of a vitamin B12 deficiency, it is actually much too late. The supply is exhausted, the reserve is exhausted, and there is no new supply.

  1. Below I describe 9 clear signs that may be related to a lack of vitamin B12. Note: Most signs can in themselves be symptoms of other conditions or defects. To take a vitamin B12 deficiency seriously, you must suffer from several symptoms from the following list:

  1. Fatigue is one of the very first signs that you are deficient in vitamin B12. This is because your body depends on this vitamin to make red blood cells. Since these are responsible for the transport of sufficient oxygen to all cells in your body, a deficiency arises. Without enough oxygen in your cells you literally have no energy. You feel dog-tired, even though you slept well all night long.

  1. Please note that general fatigue can never be attributed to a lack of vitamin B12 alone. A tired feeling can have many causes. If you do feel tired, along with some of the other signs, chances are it is a lack of vitamin B12.

  1. Your cells receive less oxygen, because no vitamin B12 is available for the production of sufficient red blood cells. We have just seen that. This not only makes you feel tired, but also your muscles no longer function as before. Your muscles feel like you've never lifted a shopping bag before. In many cases, both muscle weakness and fatigue are attributed to a busy life. Just tired, a lot of stress and no time for yourself. But it could just be that this can easily be solved with extra vitamin B12.

  1. Some say they all felt pins and needles pricking in their fingers, others talked about a complete lack of sensation in certain parts of the body, and yet another told a story that it felt like as if a lightning bolt went from the head to the feet. These strange pains and feelings are all caused by the nerves that can no longer function properly due to a lack of oxygen. If this situation continues for a long time, the nerves can be permanently damaged.

  1. You feel more and more confused, and regularly your memory lets you down. Do you sometimes have to think too long about your nephew's first name? Or do you spend hours looking for your car keys only to find them later in the fridge? Or do you pay in the supermarket and walk away without taking the full shopping bag with you? All embarrassing situations and, depending on your age, you start to worry whether this could be the start of dementia. These signs are, also by doctors, sometimes confused with the symptoms of dementia. That is why doctors often first take a blood test to rule out a vitamin B12 deficiency in any case. And if it is a vitamin B12 deficiency, you're in luck. A Vitamin B12 supplement or injections, and you'll feel better soon.

  1. It is indeed true that people who have Alzheimer's disease are also deficient in vitamin B12. But it certainly does not have to be the other way around. So never take this indiscriminately, but have yourself examined by means of a blood test!

  1. A common symptom of a lack of vitamin B12 is regularly feeling dizzy. Not very annoying in itself, but a downright disaster for older people. Imagine walking up the stairs and suddenly you feel very dizzy! The connection between vertigo and a lack of vitamin B12 has not been very well researched yet. One study examined 100 people who regularly suffered from vertigo, as well as 100 people who had no vertigo at all. And what turned out? The people who were regularly dizzy had structurally 40% less vitamin B12 in their system than the â € healthyâ € ™ control group. More research is needed as it is of course not proven that this is all due to the lack of vitamin B12. But it is clear that there is a connection.

  1. If your skin tone suddenly turns yellowish, this could be a sign of vitamin B12 deficiency. This deficiency makes the red blood cells extremely fragile and damaged very quickly. This releases a pigment which can give the skin its familiar yellowish color.

  1. By the way, yellow skin can also be a symptom of other conditions, including jaundice. This is a liver disease. There may also be kidney poisoning or a side effect of certain medications.

  1. About half of people who are seriously deficient in vitamin B12 literally lose their taste buds. And especially the taste buds on the edges of the tongue. You may also experience a burning and painful sensation on your tongue, especially at the rear.

  1. Since the taste buds are spread all over your tongue, your favorite treat may suddenly stop tasting completely. Okay, this can have advantages, because it probably means you eat less and you can lose weight just fine. But that is an other story.

  1. Do you often feel depressed? Or do you always react hypersensitive? Are you more anxious than before? Vitamin B12 is clearly linked to your mood, which can lead to feelings of depression and anxiety. You can also suddenly react much more strongly to a simple comment that you would otherwise shrug your shoulders about. Medical science still disagrees on the link between vitamin B12 and the risk of depression. But the fact is, vitamin B12 does play an important role in the synthesis of brain chemicals that control mood and happiness. These are the well-known â € happiness hormonesâ € ™ Serotonin and Dopamine.

  1. In very extreme cases, a lack of vitamin B12 can damage the optic nerve or cause problems with the retina. This can cause blurred vision, double vision, sensitivity to light and, in extreme cases, even loss of vision.

  1. With these types of symptoms, it is important to make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible to start treatment. In most cases the damage done to the eye can be repaired by taking vitamin B12, but in some cases the damage can also be permanent.

The 18 Most Powerful Foods with Vitamin B12

  1. And here, as I promised in the title, a list of the 18 most powerful foods when it comes to Vitamin B12 amount:

  1. 1 glass of low-fat yogurt contains 1.5 micrograms of Vitamin B12

  1. 1 75 gram piece of tofu contains 1.86 micrograms of Vitamin B12

  1. 1 slice of liver sausage contains 2.4 micrograms of Vitamin B12

  1. 1 piece of tuna of 100 grams contains 2.2 micrograms of Vitamin B12

  1. 100 grams of crab contains 6.59 micrograms of Vitamin B12

  1. 1 cup of whole milk contains 1.07 micrograms of Vitamin B12

  1. 30 grams of breakfast cereals contains no less than 6 micrograms of Vitamin B12

  1. 100 grams of chicken meat contains 0.43 micrograms of Vitamin B12

  1. 1 tablespoon of caviar contains 3.2 micrograms of Vitamin B12

  1. 100 grams of mussels contains no less than 20.4 micrograms of Vitamin B12

  1. 100 grams of beef contains 6.18 micrograms of Vitamin B12

  1. 100 grams of oysters contains no less than 29.77 micrograms of Vitamin B12

  1. 100 grams of salmon contains 18.1 micrograms of Vitamin B12

  1. 100 grams of soy milk contains 1.11 micrograms of Vitamin B12

  1. 1 large egg contains 0.56 micrograms of Vitamin B12

  1. 100 grams of sardines contains 8 micrograms of Vitamin B12

  1. 100 grams of smoked ham contains 0.55 micrograms of Vitamin B12

  1. 100 grams of mackerel contains more than 18 micrograms of Vitamin B12

What about supplements?

  1. Most B12 supplements are dosed way too high, usually 1000 mcg! This is because your body only absorbs a small percentage. However, even then the dosages are too high and you really don't need that much! According to a new study done in Germany, water-soluble vitamin supplements at high doses are indeed harmful to your health. However, that is the case with long-term use! My advice is therefore to go for Yummygums, because you don't get too much with 1 piece of candy!

Finallyâ €!

  1. It is important to know that a vitamin B12 deficiency due to a reduced intake through normal food is very rare, except if you are a vegetarian or vegan. It is more common that a deficiency is the result of a reduced absorption by the body: You eat enough meat and yet you have a deficiency. At that point, there may be more to it. Further research is then absolutely necessary, because a deficiency of Vitamin B12 can have serious consequences in the long term!

  1. Of course you can also take a supplement to make up for a deficiency. B12 from Yummygums are high quality, easy to take and not too high!

  1. Of course stick to the dosage by not taking too many sweets, because too much vitamin B12 is certainly not good for you!






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