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Postpone or bring forward your period? 2 x 6 home remedies!

  1. There are, for the ladies among us, a few things in life. One of them is the fact that you get your period every month. For many women this is the most normal thing in the world, part of life. For others it will never become normal, mainly due to the fact that it is always inconvenient. Nobody sees that you are in 'that week', but for yourself it can be very annoying:

  2. There are, for the ladies among us, a few things in life for sure. One of them is the fact that you get your period every month. For many women this is the most normal thing in the world, part of life. For others it will never become normal, mainly due to the fact that it is always inconvenient. Nobody sees that you are in 'that week', but for yourself it can be very annoying:

  1. It can limit you in what you want to do. Just think of that fun beach holiday in Ibiza, or that exciting date with someone from the senior class. Or maybe your period is exactly on your wedding day. These are all events that are very important to you, and for which you cannot use your period for a while.

  1. Have you been looking forward to that beach vacation for a long time? Rightly so, because you probably worked hard to pay for the ticket. But now it appears that you have your period for part of your holiday. In itself very normal, but not during your holiday. Periods can be accompanied by cramps, pain in your lower back, heavy bleeding, feeling sick. This way you don't feel good in your beach outfit. What if you meet a nice date?

  2. Have you been looking forward to that beach vacation for a long time? Rightly so, because you probably worked hard to pay for the ticket. But now it appears that you have your period for part of your holiday. In itself very normal, but not during your holiday. Periods can be accompanied by cramps, pain in your lower back, heavy bleeding, and feeling sick. This way you don't feel good in your beach outfit. What if you meet a nice date?

  1. Is all a bit embarrassing, and then I say very softly. Ideally, you would like to postpone your period, or bring it forward to avoid surprises during the holidays.

  2. Is all a bit embarrassing, and then I express myself very softly. Ideally, you would like to postpone your period, or bring it forward to avoid surprises during the holidays.

  1. Or maybe you have a really important meeting right in the middle of the week that you have your period. Normally you can report sick, but this meeting will be very decisive for your future within the company. Very important. Can you imagine having to do the talking at length, while at the same time cringing from cramps and pain?

  2. Or maybe you have a really important meeting right in the middle of the week that you have your period. Normally you can report sick, but this meeting will be very decisive for your future within the company. Very important. Can you imagine having to speak at length, while at the same time cringing from the cramps and the pain?

  1. Ideally, you'd like to postpone your period for a few days, because your career is very important anyway.

  1. Whatever your reason for wanting to delay, or bring forward, your period, you'll be glad to know that this is indeed possible. You can of course 'play' with your contraceptive pill, birth control patch or hormone ring. That's the easiest way.

  2. Whatever your reason for wanting to delay, or bring forward, your period, you'll be glad to know that this is indeed possible. You can of course â € playâ € ™ with your birth control pill, birth control patch or hormone ring. That's the easiest way.

  1. And if you're not using hormonal contraception, you can see your doctor. He or she can prescribe a medicine with which you can delay your period.

  1. But if you don't want to mess around with hormones in a pill, you can also fall back on a number of natural methods, just with the help of food.

  1. Let me list all the possibilities for you, but first I want to explain to you exactly what, and when, happens during the monthly cycle.

Menstruation: What exactly happens, and when?

  1. The monthly cycle is very personal, and can vary from 24 to 37 days. This variation in height depends very much on a multitude of factors, including illness, amount of stress, medication, and contact with other women.

  1. The latter is remarkable, as it appears that a group of women living in the same house subconsciously adjust to each other and have periods around the same period over time.

  2. The latter is remarkable, as it appears that a group of women living in the same house unconsciously adjust to each other and have periods around the same time period.

  1. In most cases, the menstrual cycle is regular, but can be disrupted by a number of factors, such as pregnancy, stress, diet, temporary hormonal imbalance, exercise and illness.

  1. Let's see what exactly happens with an average menstrual cycle of 28 days:

  1. The entire 28-day period consists of 4 phases:

  1. The entire menstrual period starts with the moment your period starts. So the bleeding is a fact. This period usually lasts for 5 days, with a peak around the third day. These bleeding are due to the fact that the egg from the previous period has not been fertilized, thus nullifying all preparations for a possible pregnancy.

  1. From the sixth day to the fourteenth day you are in the follicular phase. Certain hormones prepare your uterus for a possible pregnancy. At the same time, an egg begins to ripen in the ovaries. It is fully grown between the 10th and 14th day of your period.

  1. On or around the 14th day, it is time for ovulation. One egg detaches from the ovary and begins to move and arrive in the fallopian tubes. From now on you are fertile. In fact, the fertile period is a bit longer, as sperm can live up to 48 hours. This can yield â € profitâ € ™ for two days.

  1. The egg is now on its way to the uterus. It can still be fertilized during this journey. But if fertilization does not occur after a few days, your body will begin to prepare for the egg shedding, and to reverse all the preparations that have taken place in the womb.

  1. After this you enter the menstrual phase again, after which the whole story starts again.

Postpone or advance menstruation with the pill, hormone ring or hormone patch

  1. If you're on the pill, controlling your period is relatively easy. Depending on the type of birth control you are using, you can do the following:

  1. Delaying your period with the pill is relatively easy: In the case of a single-phase combination pill, which is the most commonly used, you usually stop a week after the end of the strip. This is the week that your period is due. If you don't want that for a while, you start immediately with the next strip, without stopping. You can do this up to 3 times in a row.

  1. You have to take into account that there is a chance of smaller bleeds.

  1. To bring your period forward correctly, you can stop the last strip up to 7 days earlier, after which your period will start. After 7 days you continue with the next strip.

  1. With the hormone ring it works the same way: Normally you remove the hormone ring after 3 weeks, and insert a new ring after the gap week. But if your period is not convenient for a while, insert the new ring immediately, without stopping. Your period will then be canceled.

  1. Here too there is a chance of intermediate blood loss.

  1. You can also apply the hormone patch, without respecting the gap week. You can repeat this a number of times, but no longer than 6 weeks of plaster.

  1. Also with this method there is a chance of intermediate blood loss.

DELAY menstruation with hormonal drugs

  1. If you are not using a hormone ring, hormone patch or the contraceptive pill, you can also make an appointment with your doctor. For example, he can prescribe a progestogen, a drug that can delay menstruation by as much as 2 to 3 weeks. The condition is that you start taking this medicine one week before the expected menstrual date. So go to your doctor in time.

  1. It is important to know that Progestogen does not protect you against unwanted pregnancies. Keep this in mind!

DELAY menstruation: 6 natural solutions

  1. If you don't feel like taking hormone preparations to delay your period for a few days, there are also options for doing this naturally. Below are 6 natural remedies that affect your hormones, especially the hormone Estrogen.

  1. Apple cider vinegar is known for its many health benefits. Apple cider vinegar is not only great for your immune system and digestive health, but can also help delay your period for a few days. Mix 3 to 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it. If you do this 3 times a day, your period will be delayed.

  1. But that's not the only benefit of apple cider vinegar: If your period has already started, this same recipe can help ease the annoying side effects of your period. You also have less blood loss.

  1. This is not really a remedy to delay your period, but more of an advice to prevent your period from coming earlier.

  1. It is a well-known fact that a higher body temperature will increase the production of the hormone estrogen. And the more estrogen in your system, the faster your period will start to set.

  1. To prevent this, it is better to leave all spicy herbs in your meals for a while. Pay attention to this for 2 weeks before your period should normally start.

  1. This concerns, among other things, chili peppers, paprika, garlic, black pepper, curry, curcuma etc. etc.

  1. Drinking parsley tea is also good for your health in general, and in particular for solving problems with your digestive system. But parsley tea is also a great help to delay your period for a few days.

  1. Take a handful of fresh parsley leaves and boil in half a liter of water for 20 minutes. Filter the water to remove all impurities.

  1. It is important to know that you should always drink this warm for maximum effect. Drink this tea 2 to 3 times a day during the week before your period should normally begin.

  1. And if you can't appreciate the slightly bitter taste, you can always add a little honey as a sweetener.

  1. Anyone who does intensive sports, in whatever way, knows that menstruation often comes later than expected, or sometimes even skipped completely. And even if you do not exercise, but do heavy physical work, it can have the same effect.

  1. If you know well in advance that you want to delay your period for a few days, you can start 2 to 4 weeks before the expected start of your period with intense workouts. For example, try an intensive cardio workout, such as jogging or brisk walking. Swimming and cycling are also great sports to achieve this.

  1. Do not forget that you do have to exercise intensively to delay your period. For those who haven't exercised in years, and have lost all routine and stamina, this may not be the best way to delay your period.

  1. Eating lentil soup is a very effective way to delay your monthly period for a few days. Eat a plate of lentil soup on an empty stomach every day for the week before your next period normally starts.

  1. Lentils are also very high in protein, which is very good for your health anyway.

  1. Not everyone is a lover of lentil soup, but I can assure you it is worth trying. Incredibly good for your health anyway!

  1. What !!!! .... yes, you read that right: Make sure you have a lot of stress during the weeks before your period would normally start. Of course I do not advise anyone to consciously create stress, because it is not good for the body. Among other things, it unbalances your hormone balance, with the result that your period comes later than planned, or even skipped completely.

  1. Women who constantly work under high pressure, and thus deal with extreme stress, know that this has a direct influence on the regularity of their periods. Are you one of those, and you don't mean to delay your period, but you haven't had your period in months? Then it is time to visit your doctor. Stress is a strange thing, and it turns your whole body upside down, including your period.

  1. To be honest, I definitely don't recommend this method.

EARLY menstruation: Â 6 natural solutions

  1. You can postpone your period, but with that you take a risk: What if it unexpectedly does not work, and it still arrives on the planned day? This can create very embarrassing situations for you. A safer choice would be to bring your period forward so that it is on hand when your vacation starts. In this way you will not be faced with unexpected surprises, and you will be much more sure of yourself.

  1. Here too 6 methods, all of which do something with your hormones, and in particular the hormone Estrogen.

  1. Of all the natural resources that nature has to offer, the pomegranate is one of the best fruits. Not only very tasty, but the pomegranate is also packed with antioxidants. You know, those little â € œbugsâ € that can defuse the free radicals.

  1. But the pomegranate has even more to offer: This fruit is able to bring forward your period! To accomplish this, you would need to drink pomegranate juice three to four times a day for a week before your period actually started. This way you can bring your period a few days forward.

  1. Fresh pomegranate juice has the best effect because it contains the highest content of beneficial nutrients. Pomegranate juice from a pack is often â € enrichedâ € ™ with all kinds of additives that have nothing to do with the original juice. In addition, the percentage of pomegranate juice in a package is often sadly low.

  1. Carrots contain large amounts of carotene, and carotene stimulates the production of estrogen, the hormone responsible for the start of menstruation. So if you drink a glass of fresh carrot juice 2 to 3 times a day, it will bring your period at least a few days forward. The more you drink, the faster your period will start, but don't overdo it. Drink the carrot juice from more than a week before your period actually starts.

  1. Pumpkin is also an excellent source of carotene. And if you eat this with a little honey and cinnamon, it is also a healthy and tasty snack in between.

  1. No matter which source of carotene you choose, you can be sure that your period will start earlier than usual.

  1. Another healthy fruit that contains a lot of carotene. But papaya also has another advantage: Papaya causes your body temperature to rise. And a higher body temperature will lead to a higher production of the hormone estrogen. So papaya works from two sides, ideal right?

  1. And if you want to make it a healthy snack, you can combine papaya with lime for an extra shot of vitamin C. Delicious!

  1. Just like the papaya discussed earlier, pineapple will also cause a slight rise in your body temperature, which will increase the production of the hormone estrogen.

  1. You can never eat pineapple too much, because it is also packed with healthy vitamins, minerals and a lot of fiber. The more pineapple you eat, the faster your period will start.

  1. And you know what's delicious? A pineapple and papaya fruit salad! Double the fun, and above all twice the effective.

  1. A very surprising solution to bring forward your period is to take sesame seeds. Not only a rich source of essential vitamins and minerals, but also known for bringing forward your monthly period!

  1. To use this tip, dissolve a few teaspoons of sesame seed powder in a glass of warm water. Drink this twice a day for two weeks before your normal period should start. It is also very important to drink it WARM. Not only does the powder dissolve better, but the heat also ensures that the active substances from the sesame seeds are better absorbed by your body.

  1. Turmeric is a very classic spice, originating from India. In India, turmeric tea is known for its ability to bring menstruation forward by a few days. To take advantage of this, dissolve half a teaspoon of turmeric powder in a glass of boiling water. Drink this in the morning, on an empty stomach, and in the evening before going to sleep.

  1. If you do this during the two weeks leading up to your period, you will notice that your period starts about 5 days earlier than it normally would have been.

Finally, a warning…

  1. I am not in favor of interfering with your body's hormone balance, so don't make a habit of this. There can be many reasons for delaying or bringing your period forward, but it is important to realize that these must be exceptions.

  1. Try to plan your vacation better next time, at least if your period is regular. And especially if you take the pill, you can accurately calculate your period to the day, even if it is months ahead.

  1. Again, consider this an exception, and don't get into a habit!





  1. wellness /2013/ways-to-delay-periods-naturally-034406.html


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