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How does raw cocoa taste?

  1. The benefits of cocoa are really fantastic: it can improve your memory, increase your sense of bliss, reduce your risk of heart disease, help you lose fat, boost your immunity and give you lots of energy.

  1. The Incas considered it the drink of the gods, an association that eventually gave the cocoa tree the scientific name, Theobroma cacao, which is made up of the Greek words theo (god) and broma ( drink).

  1. You might be surprised to learn that raw cocoa contains nearly four times the antioxidants of regular processed dark chocolate, twenty times more than blueberries and 119 times more than bananas.

  1. The raw (naturally fermented) cocoa and the processed chocolate, which are sold in bars and blocks, are two completely separate foods. Processed chocolate is made with roasted cocoa, sugar, milk and other ingredients that turn it into a solid food.

  1. Studies have shown that the addition of dairy products actually blocks the absorption of antioxidants in chocolate. While processed chocolate may taste great, the benefits of cocoa are only found in its unprocessed form.

  2. Studies have shown that the addition of dairy products actually blocks the absorption of antioxidants in chocolate. While processed chocolate may taste great, the benefits of cocoa are found only in its unprocessed form.

  1. Most natural cocoa available today has undergone a fermentation process that takes away the bitterness. Both raw cocoa beans and hulled cocoa beans undergo the fermentation process, which preserves the antioxidants. If you are eating cocoa for the first time, we recommend that you use naturally fermented raw cocoa beans.

  1. The cocoa in a chocolate bar as such is not 'unhealthy'. The main factor that makes it less healthy is the sugar that is added to make a standard chocolate bar. Also, when cocoa is roasted to make a standard chocolate bar, you lose some of the antioxidant flavonoids, beneficial enzymes and other nutrients - which of course doesn't happen with raw cocoa or raw chocolate. .

  1. But how do you know that dark chocolate also has 99% cocoa solids? Cocoa solids are what is left after the cocoa butter (the oil in the cocoa bean) has been separated from the ground raw cocoa beans. Cocoa solids are used to make cocoa powder. "Raw cocoa" can refer to the whole beans, solids or powder as long as it is not heated during processing. It is this heating process that causes some of the nutrients to be lost.

  2. But how do you know that dark chocolate also has 99% cocoa solids? Cocoa solids are what is left after the cocoa butter (the oil in the cocoa bean) has been separated from the ground raw cocoa beans. Cocoa solids are used to make cocoa powder. "Raw cocoa" can refer to the whole beans, solids or powder, as long as it is not heated during processing. It is this heating process that causes some of the nutrients to be lost.

Can raw cocoa ever taste as good as chocolate?

  1. Well, it will never taste quite like chocolate unless you add so much sugar that you might as well save the energy and money and go straight for cheaper varieties.

  1. However, there are a number of ways to use raw cocoa. You can of course buy it as ready-to-eat raw chocolate bars, but these often contain a natural sweetener such as agave nectar or coconut sugar to make it delicious.

  1. If you buy the hulled beans (just chunks of whole raw cocoa bean) or cocoa powder, to balance the bitter taste of the cocoa it is best to mix it with something that already has a natural sweetness has. For example, mix the beans with some nuts and dried fruit, such as goji berries as a tasty snack or mix them with your smoothies. You can also add the cocoa powder to smoothies or even make chocolate ice cream from the raw cocoa by mixing it with frozen bananas, cocoa powder and cocoa beans.

  2. If you buy the hulled beans (just chunks of whole raw cocoa bean) or cocoa powder, to balance the bitter taste of the cocoa it is best to mix it with something that already has a natural sweetness. has. For example, mix the beans with some nuts and dried fruit, such as goji berries as a tasty snack or mix them with your smoothies. You can also add the cocoa powder to smoothies or even make chocolate ice cream from the raw cocoa by mixing it with frozen bananas, cocoa powder and cocoa beans.

Feel happy with raw cocoa

  1. Some days you just have to seek your bliss and cocoa is one of the healthiest foods you can consume. Cocoa contains the mood enhancer anandamide - also known as the bliss molecule, which gives you a feeling of euphoria.

Use it as an aphrodisiac

  1. Another mood-enhancing compound found in cocoa is PEA or phenethylamine, which triggers the release of endorphins and pleasant opium-like neurochemicals. These often release themselves when we fall in love and during sexual activities. (The only other food on Earth that contains PEA is blue-green algae.)

  2. Another mood-enhancing compound found in cocoa is PEA or phenethylamine, which triggers the release of endorphins and pleasant opium-like neurochemicals. These often release on their own when we fall in love and during sexual activities. (The only other food on Earth that contains PEA is blue-green algae.)

  1. In addition, these chemicals improve libido, which is probably why chocolate is so popular on Valentine's Day or as a sign of love.

Balance hormonal mood swings

  1. Cocoa increases the levels of serotonin in the brain, which is a brain chemical that makes you feel good. When women experience PMS, serotonin levels drop dramatically. The benefits of cocoa have been proven to increase brain function and restore feelings of well-being.

Protect your heart and prevent cardiovascular disease

  1. Flavanols, an anti-inflammatory and heart-protecting antioxidant found in raw cocoa, can protect against cardiovascular disease, reduce the risk of stroke, and help improve circulation. .

  1. Cocoa contains more than 700 compounds and the complex antioxidants found in it, known as polyphenols, also help reduce 'bad cholesterol' and harden the body. blood vessels.

  1. It's baffling to know that no drug on the market comes close to the protective benefits of cocoa.

Raw cocoa can prevent blood clots

  1. Scientists have found that cocoa thins the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots. This finding shows that eating raw cocoa is just as good as taking an aspirin a day.

Raw cocoa can prevent premature aging

  1. The polyphenol antioxidants in cocoa belong to the same group of antioxidants found in green tea and red wine. These anthocyanins (found in dark fruits) and catechins (found in green tea) protect our cells from premature oxidation or destruction and can keep us young longer.

A cup of hot cocoa before a meal can help you lose fat

  1. This is due to the MAO inhibitors in cocoa, which reduce appetite.

  1. MAO inhibitors are commonly found in weight loss products. But the unique MAOs, which are naturally found in cocoa, ensure that more serotonin will circulate in the brain. Do not eat more than 40 grams or four heaped teaspoons of cocoa per day.

  1. If you think the taste of cocoa is too strong or too bitter, add coconut milk, rice or nut milk. Avoid dairy, as it will prevent absorption of antioxidants.

  1. By gently heating it and making your own delicious hot cocoa drink, you will release more antioxidants and increase appetite suppressant properties.

  1. Also add a teaspoon of cocoa powder to a cup of coffee or hot water and drink it 10-15 minutes before your next meal. Who else needs those dangerous diet pills? We do not.

Raw cocoa gives you a lot of energy

  1. Raw cocoa provides you with one of the highest concentrations of magnesium found in this natural food source, a lot of energy and combats fatigue. Magnesium also helps protect against osteoporosis, reduces the development of Type II diabetes and lowers blood pressure.

Raw cocoa is good for your hair

  1. Get shiny hair, strong nails and improve the health of your liver and pancreas with this amazing source of sulfur.

Lowers your blood pressure naturally

  1. A study of 470 men found that the benefits of this food allowed patients who ate a small amount of cocoa to lower their blood pressure naturally.]

Raw cocoa reduces insulin resistance

  1. The antioxidant properties of cocoa have also been shown to reduce insulin resistance and sensitivity in people with impaired glucose tolerance and smokers. [! 157376 => 1130 = 29!] Raw cocoa is good for your kidneys

  1. Cocoa has the capacity to help improve kidney function and stimulate bowel function.

Reset your metabolism with cocoa and restore your inner balance

  1. Not getting enough antioxidants in your diet can have dangerous long-term health consequences. A 2009 Swiss study found that in less than two weeks, cocoa reduced levels of the stress hormone cortisol, improved metabolism, and even improved gut flora.

Avoid sunburn

  1. A recent study conducted by London scientists found that participants who ate 20 grams of cocoa for 12 weeks were able to eat twice as long as those who did not. stay in the sun, without getting sunburnt.

Get radiant skin and improve skin texture too

  1. In 2006, scientists discovered that women who drank a cup of cocoa with at least 326 mg of flavone daily had better skin texture, improved microcirculation, and had increased oxygen saturation and improved skin hydration compared to those who didn't. Stir some cocoa powder into your cup of coffee or add it to a smoothie.

As prevention against skin cancer

  1. German scientists have discovered that cocoa can protect you from harmful UV rays, which cause cancer.

Fight tooth decay

  1. Recent studies have shown that cocoa powder extract was even more effective in preventing cavities than fluoride. This crystalline extract, which is similar to caffeine, helps to harden tooth enamel.

Raw cocoa cures cough better than codeine

  1. The substance theobromine, which is found in cocoa, was found to stop coughing better than codeine or commercial drinks and cough pills. The equivalent of two cups was used during the studies. In fact, the British study found that codeine was only slightly more effective than placebo at preventing coughing without side effects.

Improves cognitive function and prevents Alzheimer's disease

  1. One study found that when middle-aged people drank two cups of cocoa a day, memory improved and blood flow to the brain was greatly increased.

Raw cocoa aids in good digestion

  1. Thanks to the fiber that stimulates the body's digestive enzymes and found in raw cocoa, regular consumption of cocoa improves digestion.

Raw cocoa contains healthy fats

  1. Contrary to what some doctors say, our bodies need fat. Fats are the helpers that cause chemical reactions for growth, immune function and metabolic function. Healthy fats in raw cocoa resemble the monounsaturated fat found in olive oil.

The Ultimate Moisturizing Cream

  1. Make delicious homemade body butter that smells like you've opened your own chocolate shop.

  1. Ingredients:

  1. Method of preparation:

  1. PLEASE NOTE: If you live in a warmer climate, keep your mixture in the fridge or it might melt. If it does accidentally melt, you can whip it up again.

Cocoa â € ˜oatmealâ € ™ to make a gluten-free and low-carb breakfast

  1. Try making cocoa (fake oatmeal) breakfast porridge as a tasty fudge-like alternative to regular oatmeal. We can't get enough of eating this chocolate cake for breakfast. It's almost like a chocolate cake batter, but still healthy for you. One bowl, if you use stevia, contains about 150 calories.

  1. Ingredients:

  1. Method of preparation:

Power smoothie with cocoa and berries

  1. Ingredients:

  1. Method of preparation

Relaxing cup of cocoa coffee for two

  1. Ingredients:

  1. Method of preparation:

Steak with cocoa beans and vegetables with garlic

  1. Ingredients for the cocoa-based marinade:

  1. Ingredients for the vegetables with garlic:

  1. Optional step: we like to wrap our steaks in a piece of kitchen towel or paper for at least 5 hours or even overnight because the meat will then have a more mature and dry taste. Turn the steaks every few hours.

  1. Method of preparation:

  1. Time to start preparing your vegetables.

  1. You can also sprinkle some cocoa beans over the salad, sprinkle over your baked meat or add nuts to dishes instead.

  1. Cocoa was already considered a sacred food by the Aztecs and reserved only for mature men of high rank such as priests, government officials, warriors and military officers. It was thought to be too intoxicating a food for women and children ...

  1. Are we glad that people now think differently about this.

  1. In fact, you should always enjoy the health benefits of cocoa whenever you want because it turns out to be healthy.

  1. Forget that it is better not to open a foil package when you feel like a piece of chocolate. Instead, opt for natural raw cocoa to reap the maximum benefits as a superfood.

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