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Grow your hair faster? 10 natural solutions

  1. Hair loss is much more common than you might think. Many people suffer from hair loss, and especially as they get older, their hair starts to thin. Some people think that men are the only ones who suffer from hair loss, but nothing could be further from the truth. Women are also prone to thinning hair, which can lead to bald patches.

  1. Whatever the reason for the hair loss, it's never fun. Our hair is an important part of the way we feel about our appearance and losing our hair can be detrimental to our self-esteem and confidence. While hair loss can be detrimental to the way we feel about ourselves, it can be tackled relatively easily at home with various herbs.

  2. Whatever the reason for the hair loss, it's never fun. Our hair is an important part of how we feel about our appearance and losing our hair can be detrimental to our self-esteem and confidence. While hair loss can be detrimental to the way we feel about ourselves, it can be tackled relatively easily at home with various herbs.

Losing confidence in your appearance

  1. Hair loss certainly affects the way people look because, for example, the loss of the hairline will make you look older. This drastically affects the way people see themselves and often contributes to loss of confidence and self-esteem.

  1. Women in particular can have many problems with hair loss. A study conducted in 1992 showed that, compared to men dealing with the same problem, women suffer more emotionally and mentally and are likely to develop a more negative self-image as a result of hair loss. On the other hand, nearly 75% of men feel less confident when they start experiencing hair loss, while 60% of men with hair loss say they have been ridiculed at some point in their lives for their baldness .

  1. When it comes to dating and relationships, hair loss can have a profound effect on how we see ourselves and how we think we are perceived by others. This is especially true for younger people who experience early hair loss. Some may think that the hair fall out means the end of their youth and attractiveness, while others feel that they have become less attractive to their partners. This takes their self-esteem seriously.

  1. Because our hair has such a prominent function, it can affect the way we feel and how we perform in the workplace. For example, hair loss can have a lot of consequences for someone who works for the camera or someone who is constantly in the public eye. Studies have shown that some employers do not hire bald or bald people because they are perceived as older and this is detrimental to their business. According to some surveys, about 63% of women claim that they have career-related problems as a result of hair loss. I must add that these were American studies, but some of them will certainly apply to the Netherlands.

  2. Because our hair has such a prominent function, it can affect the way we feel and how we perform in the workplace. For example, hair loss can have a lot of consequences for someone who works for the camera or someone who is constantly in the public eye. Studies have shown that some employers do not hire balding or bald people because they are perceived as older and this is detrimental to their business. According to some surveys, about 63% of women claim to have career-related problems as a result of hair loss. I must add that these were American studies, but some of them will certainly apply to the Netherlands.

Ten possible reasons for hair loss

  1. A woman's body undergoes several changes during her lifetime. These changes can sometimes contribute to hair loss.

  1. Below I give you ten common reasons for hair loss in women.

  1. Overuse of hair styling tools such as a hair iron, curling iron or hair products such as gels, mousses, sprays, dyes, etc., with prolonged use, can damage and damage the hair shaft. stunt growth. Tight ponytails, wrong combing and parting your hair can further aggravate the condition.

  2. Overuse of hair styling tools such as a hair iron, curling iron or hair products such as gels, mousses, sprays, dyes, etc., can damage and damage the hair shaft with prolonged use. stunt growth. Tight ponytails, wrong combing and parting your hair can further aggravate the condition.

  1. In this condition, male hormones, or androgens, are secreted and small fluid-like sacs are formed on the ovaries, known as cysts. This is due to the hormonal imbalances in your body and this also negatively affects your hair growth. While you may notice more hair growth on your body, the hair on your scalp may decrease.

  1. Anemia is the result of too little iron in your diet. Many women can have anemia due to heavy periods or from insufficient folic acid in their body. This results in a low production of hemoglobin, which means that less oxygen goes to your organs. When the oxygen doesn't reach your hair follicles, they tend to get weak and break easily. This inevitably results in hair loss.

  2. Anemia is the result of too little iron in your diet. Many women can have anemia due to heavy periods or from insufficient folic acid in their body. This results in a low production of hemoglobin, which means that less oxygen goes to your organs. When the oxygen doesn't reach your hair follicles, they tend to become weak and break easily. This inevitably results in hair loss.

  1. Do you want to know more about anemia? Then read on: Everything about anemia

  1. Many changes take place in a woman's body once she enters menopause and one of those changes can be hair loss. This is because the level of the hormone estrogen decreases in the body as a result of menopause. This can dry out your hair which, in turn, can lead to hair loss. That is, if you do not take care of this properly. It is essential to use mild shampoos and conditioners. In addition, you have to watch your diet.

  1. Many women suffer from hair loss after childbirth. This is because there is a spike in the hormone estrogen during pregnancy, so that you get a full head of hair. However, once the baby is born, the hormones return to their normal levels which can lead to hair loss. Fortunately this is a temporary phase and after a few weeks hair growth will return to normal.

  1. Our hair is made up of a protein called keratin. When we don't eat enough protein foods, our body depletes and makes hair brittle. This leads to weak hairs that fall out prematurely.

  1. Women on the Pill, if they stop taking it abruptly, may experience side effects such as hair loss. Other hormonal therapies and pills can cause a similar effect. Chemotherapy can also cause hair loss.

  1. Crash diets and losing a lot of weight all at once, or too quickly, can negatively affect the growth of your hair. This is because these diets usually do not supply your body with essential nutrients or they prohibit eating certain groups of foods, which in turn affects your hair growth.

  1. The thyroid gland is responsible for secreting the hormones Tri-iodothyronine and thyroxine, among other things. these are necessary for the proper growth and development of the body. When a person suffers from hypo- or hyperthyroidism and too much or too little of these hormones are secreted, if not treated in time, this can lead to deficiencies. Hair loss is one of those complications due to various changes taking place in your body. In an autoimmune disease, the body makes antibodies against your own cells and tissues. They can attack the hair and other organs, among other things. This can cause hair loss.

  1. Conditions such as diabetes and psoriasis can also be responsible for the loss of scalp hair. Diabetes negatively affects the body's circulation. This means that fewer amounts of nutrients and oxygen get into the upper and lower extremities of the body. That is, the feet and scalp. If there is poor blood circulation to the scalp, the hair follicles will die due to hair loss. Psoriasis is a skin disease that can also affect the scalp and hair follicles.

  1. While 60-100 hair shedding every day is normal, anything more over that period can lead to baldness. If you notice this, it is a good idea to get tested for any underlying condition that could be causing the hair loss.

Ten Natural Solutions for Faster Hair Growth

  1. While there are many factors that can contribute to hair loss, there is something you can do to combat it. Treating hair loss with herbs at home will help you reduce and possibly prevent hair loss, without the need to use products containing harmful chemicals or drugs that promote hair growth.

  1. The following herbal remedies are safe to try at home, they are less expensive and are an excellent way to stimulate hair growth and make you feel confident and beautiful.

  1. Rosemary has been used to combat hair loss for hundreds of years. It is great to use on thinning hair and balding areas. It works best for hair growth when used in conjunction with olive oil. Combine rosemary oil with a little olive oil and apply it directly to the scalp. Not only will this promote hair growth, but it will also help prevent hair from turning gray prematurely. It is excellent for providing hair follicles with the nutrition they need.

  1. People have been using peppermint oil for many years for many treatments, including hair loss and stimulating hair growth. It helps stimulate the hair follicles, improves blood flow and helps the roots of the hair bind better to the scalp.

  1. Nettle is one of the best herbs you can take to stimulate hair growth. It helps prevent the release of the hormones responsible for hair loss. It is recommended to use it as a supplement. Nettle supplements are available at most health food and health food stores. You can also use it as an oil and spread it directly onto the scalp.

  1. To use this method, take a cup of olive oil and add some fresh nettle leaves. Seal it tightly and leave it in a cool, dry place for three weeks. Then spread this oil on your scalp. If you do this regularly, you will soon notice that hair growth improves.

  1. Aloe Vera is excellent for skin and hair and is also good for promoting hair growth. It helps to stimulate circulation in the scalp. Regular use of pure Aloe Vera gel on the scalp will help you with this. You can also rinse regularly with water to which Aloe Vera has been added. Aloe Vera gel is best for hair growth. Mixing Aloe Vera gel with coconut milk is also a great remedy for hair growth.

  1. Do you want to know more about Aloe Vera? Then read on: Aloe Vera special part 1: The legend Aloe Vera

  1. This herb is not only good for your memory, but is also great for stimulating the growth of your hair. It increases blood flow to the brain and it also corrects any deficiency in the hair follicles. Many people take Ginkgo Biloba supplements daily to stimulate their hair growth.

  1. Ginseng is a fairly popular Chinese herb, which many people know has a stimulating effect on the brain and nervous system. It is also great for stimulating hair growth. In fact, ginseng is so good for hair growth that you will find this ingredient in many shampoos and hair growth products. Usually these are marketing tricks, because when you look at the content, the percentage of the active substance is distressingly low. You have to ask yourself whether this has any effect. In many cases it is money beating.

  1. This is another herb that helps prevent the release of the hormones that cause baldness and hair loss. When used with nettle, these two enhance each other's effect. This is a great way to combine a few herbs to get amazing results.

  1. This herb with that funny name will help strengthen your hair, nails and bones. It prevents hair loss and is one of the many ingredients that you will find in hair conditioners, among others. If you take it as a supplement you will notice an increase in hair growth in no time.

  1. Burdock Herb helps to improve circulation to the scalp, which in turn improves blood flow to the hair follicles in the scalp. It contains a high content of fatty acids, which is necessary for the promotion of new hair growth. These fatty acids will actually counteract thinning of the hair. Soaking in olive oil and then rubbing it on the scalp can also be very effective.

  1. Not only does lavender smell great and sooth the senses, it also helps promote hair growth and combat baldness. Applying lavender oil to the scalp daily is great for relieving tension and headaches, both of which can contribute to hair loss.

  1. These ten herbs are all suitable to aid in hair growth and will provide amazing results. Combining the above methods is the best way to see results faster.

  1. As soon as you start with these treatments you will notice that your thinning hair is a thing of the past.

Nutrients That Make Your Hair Grow Faster

  1. Below is a list of vitamins and other nutrients that can be important for hair growth.

  1. All cells need vitamin A for growth. This includes hair, the fastest growing tissue in, or rather on, the human body.

  1. Vitamin A also helps the skin glands to produce an oily substance called sebum. Sebum moisturizes the scalp and helps keep hair healthy.

  1. Diets deficient in vitamin A can lead to various problems, including hair loss.

  1. While it is important to get enough vitamin A, too much vitamin A can also be dangerous. Studies show that an overdose of vitamin A can also contribute to hair loss.

  1. Sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, spinach and kale are all high in beta carotene, which your body converts into vitamin A.

  1. Vitamin A can also be found in animal products such as milk, eggs and yogurt. Cod liver oil is a very good source of this.

  1. In short: your hair needs vitamin A to stay hydrated and to grow. Good sources of vitamin A are sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, kale and some animal foods.

  1. One of the best known vitamins for hair growth is vitamin B8, also known as biotin. Studies have shown the link between biotin deficiency and hair loss in humans.

  1. Although Biotin is used as an alternative treatment for hair loss, and thus rarely prescribed by a physician, those deficient in it have had great results.

  1. However, a deficiency in B vitamins is very rare because it occurs naturally in many foods.

  1. But too little research has been done into the question whether extra Biotin is also effective for hair growth in healthy people, so people who in principle have no deficiency.

  1. Other B vitamins help the red blood cells to transport oxygen and nutrients to the scalp and hair follicles. These processes are very important for hair growth.

  1. You can get the B vitamins from many foods, such as whole grains, almonds, meat, fish, seafood and dark leafy greens.

  1. In addition, animal foods are the only good source of vitamin B12. So if you are on a vegetarian or vegan diet, consider taking a supplement.

  1. In short: B vitamins help transport oxygen and nutrients to your scalp, which aids hair growth. Whole grains, meat, fish, and dark leafy greens are all good sources of B vitamins.

  1. Free radical damage can stunt the growth of your hair and age your hair.

  1. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that protects you from oxidative stress caused by free radicals.

  1. In addition, the body needs vitamin C to make a protein known as collagen. Collagen is an important building material of the hair structure.

  1. Vitamin C also helps your body absorb iron, a mineral necessary for hair growth. Strawberries, peppers, guavas, and citrus fruits are all good sources of vitamin C.

  1. In short: vitamin C is needed to make collagen and can prevent graying of the hair. Good sources include peppers, citrus fruits and strawberries.

  1. Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to alopecia, a medical term for hair loss.

  1. Research has shown that vitamin D can help create new follicles - the tiny pores in the scalp from which new hair can grow.

  1. Vitamin D is thought to play a role in hair growth, but most of the research has focused on vitamin D receptors. Unfortunately, the true role of vitamin D in hair growth is still unknown.

  1. That said, most people don't get enough vitamin D and it can still be a good idea to increase your intake.

  1. Your body produces vitamin D through direct contact with the sun. Vitamin D is also found in food. Good dietary sources of vitamin D include fatty fish, cod liver oil, some mushrooms and fortified foods.

  1. In short, the actual role of vitamin D in hair growth is unclear, but one form of hair loss has been linked to its deficiencies. You can increase your vitamin D levels by sitting in the sun or by eating certain foods.

  1. Like vitamin C, vitamin E is an antioxidant that can prevent oxidative stress.

  1. A study of people with hair loss showed a 34.5% increase in hair growth after taking vitamin E supplements for eight months. The placebo group had an increase of only 0.1%.

  1. Sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach and avocados are all good sources of vitamin E.

  1. In short: Vitamin E helps prevent oxidative stress and can stimulate hair growth. Good food sources include sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach and avocados.

  1. Iron helps the red blood cells to transport oxygen to your cells. This makes it an important mineral for many bodily functions, including hair growth. Iron deficiency, which causes anemia, is a major cause of hair loss. It mainly occurs in women.

  1. Foods high in iron include mussels, oysters, eggs, red meat, spinach and lentils.

  1. In short: an iron deficiency is an important cause of hair loss, especially in women. The best sources of iron are mussels, oysters, eggs, red meat, spinach and lentils.

  1. Zinc plays an important role in tissue growth and hair repair. It also keeps the oil glands around the follicles working properly. Hair loss is a common symptom of zinc deficiency.

  1. Studies show that taking zinc supplements can reduce hair loss caused by zinc deficiency.

  1. There have been some incidental reports, however, that taking too much zinc would be counterproductive. It would even make your hair thinner.

  1. For this reason it is better to get your zinc from food. Foods high in zinc include oysters, beef, spinach, wheat germ, pumpkin seeds, and lentils.

  1. In short: the mineral zinc can improve hair growth in people who are deficient in it. Good sources of zinc are oysters, beef and pumpkin seeds.

  1. Hair consists almost entirely of protein. Consuming enough protein is therefore of great importance for hair growth.

  1. Animal studies show that a protein deficiency can reduce hair growth and even lead to hair loss.

  1. An actual protein deficiency is extremely rare in Western countries.

  1. In short: eating enough protein is important for hair growth, but today a protein deficiency in Western countries is very rare.

Finallyâ €!

  1. It is really possible to get rid of hair loss and get thicker hair. Your hair will grow better and when you start using these simple herbal blends, you will wonder why you haven't used them before. Your hair will become fuller again and you will feel better and more secure. Nature can help you and in this case nature can give you a full head of hair again.

  1. What about the required vitamins and minerals? Ultimately, the best way to get these nutrients is to follow a balanced diet based on whole foods, which are high in nutritious nutrients. Not only good for your hair, but for your general health!

  1. What are your experiences with thinning hair? At what age did you first notice this?







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