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Healthy Breakfast: 12 Ideas to Start Your Day

  1. We've all heard skipping breakfast isn't a good idea, but how many people are still guilty of it?

  1. I know that I used to skip breakfast regularly. It's easier to hit the off button on your alarm and lie in bed for a few more minutes than to get up and make a giant mess in the kitchen trying to conjure up a healthy breakfast.

  2. I know that I used to regularly skip breakfast. It's easier to hit the off button on your alarm and lie in bed for a few more minutes than to get up and make a giant mess in the kitchen trying to conjure up a healthy breakfast.

  1. Yet numerous studies show that skipping breakfast is not part of a healthy lifestyle. There are countless drawbacks to this and it is also just wonderful to take the time in the morning to enjoy a quiet breakfast.

  2. Yet numerous studies show that skipping breakfast is not part of a healthy lifestyle. There are countless drawbacks to this and it is also simply wonderful to take the time in the morning to enjoy a quiet breakfast.

  1. That's why I've compiled a list of healthy breakfast ideas that don't take much time at all. This comprehensive list gives you so many healthy options, you'll never get bored with a boring sandwich or a cold, tasteless bowl of porridge again.

  2. That's why I've compiled a list of healthy breakfast ideas that don't take much time at all. This comprehensive list gives you so many healthy options, you'll never get bored with a boring sandwich or a cold, tasteless bowl of porridge.

  1. Plus, I've tried and tested all of these recipes, so I'm sure you'll enjoy them too. Plus, with so many options, there's something for everyone.

  1. But before I share these healthy breakfast recipes with you, let me talk about why it's so important to eat breakfast.

Why is breakfast so healthy?

  1. When you eat breakfast, you stop fasting. After all, your body has fasted all night and is now ready for fuel to have enough energy to start your day. In addition, you give your metabolism a boost in the early morning so that it also runs optimally.

  1. When you skip breakfast, your body doesn't have enough fuel to start the day well.

  1. This lack of fuel can lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, a higher risk of obesity, a decrease in memory function, and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, to name but a few. to name a few drawbacks. In addition, it also simply makes you moody if you don't have breakfast. This is generally caused by low blood sugar and hunger that makes us easily restless and cranky.

  1. Imagine how your family or colleagues feel when you walk into the office every day feeling grouchy for skipping breakfast. It probably won't make them very happy and it simply isn't a way of life.

  1. In short, breakfast is a must. So let's take a quick look at the amazing health benefits of having breakfast every day.

  2. In short, breakfast is a must. So let's take a look at the amazing health benefits of having breakfast every day.

  1. Studies have shown that although people who skip breakfast consume slightly less calories during the day, they often have a higher BMI.

  1. In a study conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it was found that women who eat breakfast less than six times a week have a higher risk of type 2 diabetes than women who eat breakfast daily.

  1. According to a study by the National Library of Medicine, there is some evidence that eating breakfast can improve cognitive function in memory.

  1. A study conducted by Tel Aviv University placed women in two groups; the first group ate a large breakfast and the women consumed as much as 700 calories at breakfast, around 500 calories at lunch and 200 calories at dinner. The second group ate a breakfast consisting of only 200 calories and ate more in the evening.

  2. A study conducted by Tel Aviv University placed women in two groups; the first group ate a large breakfast and the women consumed as much as 700 calories at breakfast, around 500 calories at lunch and 200 calories at dinner. The second group ate a breakfast consisting of only 200 calories and ate more at night.

  1. The results were impressive.

  1. After 12 weeks, the women who ate the largest breakfast had lost an average of 8.5 kg and 7 cm from their waists.

  1. Skipping breakfast makes you less resistant to the temptations you encounter during the day; the piece of cake at work, the chocolate bar in the vending machine or the cookies during coffee.

  1. Skipping breakfast makes energy-dense foods more attractive later in the day, as our brains think we are fasting and so try to get food with enough energy as soon as possible.

  2. Skipping breakfast makes energy-dense foods more appealing later in the day, as our brains think we are fasting and so try to get food with enough energy as soon as possible. [! 191599 => 1140 = 19!] The next time you decide to skip a meal, remember that your body is starting to feel hungrier and lean towards high-energy foods. Your body will also crave a greater intake of calories to make up for the energy wasted during breakfast.

  1. The next time you decide to skip a meal, remember that your body is starting to feel hungrier and lean towards high-energy foods. Your body will also crave a greater intake of calories to make up for the energy lost during breakfast.

  1. Skipping breakfast is simply a bad idea. But I get it. Who has time to make breakfast every day?

  1. As soon as I realized the importance of breakfast, I decided to find tricks to make my life easier, while still being able to enjoy a nice breakfast every morning.

  1. In this article I want to share these tricks with you, along with recipes so that you too can enjoy all the health benefits I described above.

  1. If you are chaotic in the morning and you couldn't bear to just get up and make breakfast, the next tip is for you.

  1. By preparing your breakfast the night before, you can simply pull it out of the fridge in the morning and eat it at home or on the go.

  1. And now on to the recipes.

1. Old-fashioned oatmeal

  1. When you buy oatmeal at the supermarket, it is usually full of sugars and colors and flavors. Sure, the oatmeal itself is very healthy, but the minute you stuff it with sugars and other chemicals, you've ruined a perfectly healthy meal.

  1. Opt for simple, old-fashioned oat flakes instead. But they take a lot of time to cook, you might think. However, that's not entirely true if you're already making your oatmeal the night before. So there is no cooking involved at all! All you have to do is mix equal parts of oats and milk in a container and put it all in the fridge until the next morning when you are ready for breakfast.

  1. It's that simple. With sealable jars, you can even grab your breakfast straight from the fridge and take it to the office to eat it there. My favorite way to prepare this oatmeal is to mix about half a cup of old-fashioned oats with half a cup of milk.

  1. Then you can add some healthy toppings to make it a bit more exciting and less boring. My favorite topping is chia seed. These tiny seeds are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, protein, fiber, antioxidants and minerals - all in a tiny spoonful.

  1. If oatmeal doesn't seem to fill you up, add chia seeds. The tiny seeds fill with moisture and enlarge in your stomach, making you feel fuller for longer too.

  1. To add flavor, I just choose things that I currently have at home. For example, you can choose bananas, berries, nut butter, raw honey, cinnamon, and even protein powder. Be careful with the honey because it contains a lot of sugar.

  1. Old-fashioned oatmeal, prepared according to the above recipe, is a great breakfast choice for any time of year. If you want something warmer in winter, put your oatmeal in the microwave or heat it up in the pan on the stove.

2. Chia pudding

  1. Another great way to utilize the nutritional benefits of chia seeds is to make a chia pudding before going to sleep. This is probably the only exception where you can eat pudding for breakfast!

  1. The pudding is similar to the oatmeal in the previous recipe, because you can enjoy the pudding straight from the fridge, and it's absolutely perfect for summer mornings. You can adjust the flavor in a variety of ways so you never have to eat the pudding the same way twice.

  1. For the basic recipe, combine 4 tablespoons of chia seeds with a cup of coconut milk and a spoonful of honey. Then you just put the mixture in the fridge. Because chia seeds absorb so much moisture, they double in volume overnight. The chia seeds and milk then become a thick gel-like substance similar to the consistency of pudding or rice porridge. Chia pudding is filling and incredibly healthy.

  1. Once you have made the basic recipe, you can add different flavor variations to it. Think, for example, of banana and nut butter or blueberries and apple. Cocoa powder would also be very tasty, for example in combination with strawberries. As you can see, you are only limited by your own creativity.

3. Breakfast Quiche

  1. If you prefer something savory in the morning, but don't feel like eating a few boiled eggs every time, a breakfast quiche is a great choice. These breakfast quiches can be made using a pie crust, but those extra calories are totally unnecessary, so I prefer to skip the crust altogether.

  1. As soon as I finish making dinner, I start breakfast. For this I fill a greased pie pan with the following:

  1. My favorite vegetables are spinach, mushrooms and tomatoes. Once you have filled the pan, bake the quiche for 40 minutes at 200 degrees.

  1. Let the quiche cool in the fridge and the next morning you can reheat it in the microwave or take it with you to work.

4. Breakfast wrap

  1. Breakfast wraps should actually be a much more popular breakfast choice: they are easy to take to work, they fill you up well, and they taste delicious too. However, the wraps you buy at the store are full of salt, which is never a good way to start your day. That's why you can make them better at home from now on. Don't worry, it's much easier than you think!

  1. Prepare all your ingredients on plates before you start filling the wraps. You will need eggs, almond milk, low-fat cheese, chopped peppers and onions, and whole wheat tortillas. You can also add some tomato salsa or hummus to this. Next, make a scrambled egg by mixing the almond milk with the eggs and cheese.

  1. Once the eggs are ready, place them on the open tortillas and add the peppers, onions, and a little tomato salsa or hummus. Roll up a few and wrap them in foil. The wraps that you are not going to use now can be put in the freezer for an easy breakfast for the rest of the week. The remaining wrap (I usually have one or two for breakfast) you put in foil in the fridge for the next morning.

  1. If you wish, you can heat the wrap in the microwave in the morning or take it with you to work or on the road.

5. Yogurt parfait

  1. Greek yogurt contains twice as much protein as regular yogurt, so it's a good breakfast option. However, ready-to-eat parfaits are full of sugars and are far from a healthy breakfast. Save yourself the calories and money by making your own parfait. This way you not only get a lot less sugars, but you also save time because you don't have to go to the store extra.

  1. My easiest recipe? Put a layer of low-fat Greek yogurt in a glass with some fresh berries, honey, or muesli on top and repeat these layers until the glass is filled. Low-fat Greek yogurt contains only 120 calories per cup and you also get about 23 grams of protein, which is pretty impressive.

  1. While this is a perfect breakfast, be careful with the honey and muesli. Both products can contain a lot of sugar and if you are not careful you will quickly eat a double portion. So make sure you take more yogurt compared to the muesli and limit yourself to a spoonful of honey (or other natural sweetener).

6. Breakfast smoothie

  1. Smoothies are another great option if you're too busy in the morning to make breakfast. I prepare some of these for the night before by combining fresh fruit and spinach in a freezer bag and then I put them in the freezer and take them out when I need them.

  1. By morning, I simply put the contents in the blender with a scoop of protein powder, yogurt or milk if desired. Within 5 minutes my breakfast is ready and I have a smoothie to take to work or to drink immediately.

  1. My favorite combination is banana almond butter. The night before I chop a banana and put it together with spinach in a freezer bag in the freezer. The next morning I put the contents in the blender, add a spoonful of almond butter, 1 cup of Greek yogurt, a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon and mix it together with a cup of almond milk and sometimes some chia seeds too.

  1. While the above recipes are ideal for one person, the following breakfast recipes are perfect for the whole family. So if you have to take care of several people in your household, the following recipes are exactly what you are looking for!

7. Vegetable muffins

  1. This is by far the easiest recipe you can make with a muffin tin on hand. These muffins are similar to the breakfast quiche, all you have to do is mix a large batch of eggs with some almond milk and your favorite veggies.

  1. Once you have the mixture ready, pour it into the muffin tins and bake in a 200 degree oven for 20 minutes.

  1. You can also freeze and reheat leftovers on busy mornings.

8. Ham, egg and avocado tarts

  1. If the presentation doesn't matter, the above recipe is perfect, but if you want something a little more upscale then you've come to the right place. While these cakes take a little more work, the presentation will undoubtedly impress your guests.

  1. First, make sure your ham slices are large enough to fit the muffin tins. Place a slice in each mold to cover the muffin tin. Then add either fresh avocado and guacamole, depending on what you have on hand. Spoon a small spoon into the center of each ham mold. Crack Then put an egg in the mold.

  1. Then bake the pies in the oven for 20 minutes at 200 degrees until the egg is cooked perfectly and the ham is crispy. Ham is a much better alternative to fatty bacon and still gives you the feeling that you have eaten a hearty breakfast, while consuming fewer calories. Alternatively, you can use chicken or turkey meat.

  1. If you like hard-boiled eggs, you can leave the cakes in the oven for a few minutes longer.

9. Quinoa snacks

  1. If your family has had enough of eggs and is craving variety, the following quinoa snacks are a perfect alternative for a great start to the day.

  1. Quinoa is similar to oatmeal, and makes you feel full and satisfied. Plus, it contains enough protein with all the essential amino acids so you can start your day full.

  1. Although you can also mix quinoa with egg for a hearty breakfast, I personally prefer a sweet combination with apple and banana.

  1. My favorite recipe is as follows:

  1. Mix the wet and dry ingredients in a separate bowl and then combine gently. Do not stir too much otherwise the batter will become very heavy. Then add the mix to the muffin cups and bake in an oven heated to 180 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes, until the tops are nicely browned.

  1. This recipe is perfect for vegans and those who like a sweet yet filling breakfast.

Turbo breakfast recipes

  1. I see. Although the above breakfast recipes sound very tasty, it may of course be that you even have too little time for this. That chance is there and in that case you need recipes that can literally be ready in 5 minutes.

  1. So if you're really short on time, resort to the following three recipes. They may be less elegant, but always better than a snack from the vending machine.

10. Toast with almond butter

  1. Personally, I like almond butter better than peanut butter. While either option can be healthy, almond butter has the added benefits of higher amounts of iron, magnesium and vitamin E. And almonds are well known to be a true superfood.

  1. For this recipe, simply take a slice of whole grain toast, spread a spoonful of almond butter on the toast and add a sliced ​​banana to the whole. And here's another super healthy trick: add a pinch of chia seeds to your toast to keep your breakfast full for longer.

  1. It really takes less than 2 minutes to make this toast, but this quick recipe will leave you feeling energized and full all morning.

11. Salmon toast

  1. Another favorite of mine is a simple salmon toast bread. This is a little different from the traditional egg and bacon breakfast, but it's worth it.

  1. I cut a small piece of smoked salmon and put it on a wholemeal bread roll with sliders of cucumber and onion. I know onions in the morning may not sound like the most appealing option, but it's still delicious.

  1. Salmon is full of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and iron.

  1. Mind you, this breakfast is on the expensive side because of the salmon, so it's a real treat. Aside from that, smoked salmon is also very high in salt, so don't eat this every day for breakfast. Nevertheless, this is a lot better than fried bacon.

12. Avocado and egg on toast

  1. Finally, one of my fastest and most nutritious breakfast recipes is a combination of avocado and egg on toast. If the avocado and egg tarts sounded really good, but you don't feel like investing too much time, this is a quick and nutritious alternative.

  1. All you have to do is the following: Take a slice of whole grain toast and mash half an avocado on top. Top with a fried egg and sprinkle with pepper and a pinch of salt. This simple recipe is super quick to make and will keep you full for hours. You can even add a slice of ham for a little more protein.

Finally ...

  1. With all these breakfast options, you have no excuse to skip the most important meal of the day. As you can see, it takes as much time to prepare a healthy breakfast as buying a candy bar from a vending machine.

  1. I'd love to hear what you think of the recipes, so let me know in the comments!

  1. Wellness / discover-health / why-you-should-eat-breakfast

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