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10 health benefits of Brussels sprouts

  1. Even though they are small, cabbage and not very popular with the youth, Brussels sprouts deserve a second (and possibly third) chance because they are surprisingly packed with vital nutrients.]

  2. Even though they are small, cabbage and not very popular, especially with the young, Brussels sprouts deserve a second (and possibly third) chance because they are surprisingly packed with vital nutrients.]

  1. While many of us may remember Brussels sprouts only as a soggy vegetable, we had to eat them as a kid or used to be a crunchy, versatile vegetable over the holidays, delicious with turkey bacon, baked crispy served with coconut oil or roasted with ghee or butter!

  2. While many of us may remember Brussels sprouts only as a soggy vegetable, we had to eat them as a kid or used to be a crunchy, versatile vegetable during the holidays, delicious with turkey bacon, crispy baked in served with coconut oil or roasted with ghee or butter!

  1. Brussels sprouts are good because they offer many important health benefits: they are high in antioxidants, help fight cancer and heart disease, restore healthy digestion, alkalize the body and do a lot more. Brussels sprouts have a surprisingly high amount of protein for a vegetable as well, which is comparable to other leafy greens and members of the cruciferous vegetable family.

  2. Brussels sprouts are good because they offer many important health benefits: they are high in antioxidants, help fight cancer and heart disease, restore healthy digestion, alkalize the body and do a lot more. Brussels sprouts also have a surprisingly high amount of protein for a vegetable, which is comparable to other leafy greens and members of the cruciferous vegetable family.

  1. Just one 200 gram serving of Brussels sprouts will meet your daily requirement of vitamin C and vitamin K, while also providing plenty of folate, potassium, B vitamins, manganese and a host of ingest other nutrients.

  1. Brussels sprouts are part of the cruciferous vegetable family, a group of powerful crops that are especially important for fighting cancer.

All about Brussels sprouts

  1. The cabbage family, also known as Brassica vegetables, includes vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and kale, all of which provide high levels of disease-fighting antioxidants and other nutrients. Moreover, these types of vegetables do not cause excess calories.

  2. The cabbage family, also known as Brassica vegetables, includes vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and kale, all of which provide high levels of disease-fighting antioxidants and other nutrients. In addition, these types of vegetables do not provide excess calories.

  1. Due to their high nutrient content and low calorie count, anyone who knows how to do this will tell you that cruciferous vegetables, including Brussels sprouts, should be at the top of your shopping list.

  1. By increasing your consumption of vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, you can help reduce your risk of obesity, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, neurodegenerative diseases and keep your entire body healthy!

  1. In addition, Brussels sprouts can help you achieve a healthy weight, give you more energy, promote muscle growth, and improve your vision and complexion.

  1. Brussels sprouts are part of the Brassica family, also known as the cruciferous vegetables. Brussels sprouts resemble miniature cabbages and are closely related to large varieties of cabbage and are also technically considered a form of cabbage.

  1. Long popular in Brussels, Belgium - which gives them their name Brussels sprouts - it is believed, although they probably go all the way back to ancient Rome, which sprouts have been a regular in Belgium since the 13th century. were eaten.

  2. Long popular in Brussels, Belgium - from which they get their name Brussels sprouts - it is believed, although they probably go all the way back to ancient Rome, which sprouts regularly in Belgium since the 13th century. were eaten.

  1. First described in 1587 in texts from the Netherlands, Brussels sprouts were found to grow well in cool climates and became popular throughout the Netherlands and eventually spread to the cooler parts of Northern Europe.

  1. They became really popular and available during the 1940s when many thousands of acres of land were used to grow Brussels sprouts.

  2. It was during the 1940s that they really became popular and available when many thousands of acres of land were used for growing Brussels sprouts.

  1. Contains 200 grams of cooked Brussels sprouts (in recommended daily amounts):

  1. In addition to being good for you and having a reputation as the world's most hated vegetable, there are still plenty of other facts to tell about these mini cabbages.

  1. Here are 20 fun facts about Brussels sprouts.

The Health Benefits of Brussels Sprouts

  1. Cruciferous vegetables including Brussels sprouts are associated with a lower risk of cancer because they protect you from free radical damage or oxidative stress and DNA mutation.

  1. Researchers report that the sulfur-containing compounds called sulforaphane give cruciferous vegetables their carcinogenic properties in addition to their pronounced odor and sometimes bitter taste. Sulphoranes inhibit the harmful enzyme histone deacetylase (HDAC), which is known to be involved in the progression of cancer cells.

  2. Researchers report that the sulfur-containing compounds called sulforaphane give cruciferous vegetables their carcinogenic properties in addition to their distinct odor and sometimes bitter taste. Sulphoranes inhibit the harmful enzyme histone deacetylase (HDAC), which is known to be involved in the progression of cancer cells.

  1. Brussels sprouts are also protective because they contain compounds called glucosinolates and isothiocyanates that can reduce the risk of cancer. Studies show that consuming Brussels sprouts can specifically reduce the risk of colon cancer.

  1. One study found that the high levels of glucosinolates in Brussels sprouts, a special kind of compound that fights oxidative stress and helps the body detoxify itself, help the body's defenses against progression. cancer significantly.

  1. Researchers have concluded that the antioxidants and increased levels of detoxification enzymes that people experience after eating Brussels sprouts are partly responsible for stopping DNA damage that causes cancer cells to mutate and tumors from forming .

  1. This reduces the risk for such cancers as skin cancer (melanoma), esophageal cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer and pancreatic cancer. In addition, Brussels sprouts also contain a large amount of chlorophyll, which can block the carcinogenic effects of cells.

  1. Brussels sprouts are one of the best suppliers of essential vitamin K with over 270% of your recommended daily intake per 200 grams!

  1. Vitamin K is responsible for keeping the skeletal structure healthy and helps prevent conditions related to loss of bone mineral density such as osteoporosis or fractures. Vitamin K also plays a role in blood clotting, bone calcification and the elimination of inflammation in the body.

  1. Brussels sprouts provide a high dose of essential vitamin K, which can help offset problems associated with a poor diet and an unhealthy lifestyle. Vitamin K deficiency can occur for many different reasons, including long-term use of antibiotics, preventing digestive and intestinal problems such as chronic inflammatory bowel disease, and popular cholesterol-lowering pharmaceutical drugs.

  1. Vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin, which means that it is absorbed in the intestines along with the fat. For this reason, it is most beneficial to eat Brussels sprouts with a source of healthy fat, such as roasting them in coconut oil.

  1. Brussels sprouts provide a large amount of immune-boosting vitamin C. Vitamin C acts as a protective antioxidant in the body, reducing inflammation and cell damage.

  1. Essential for a strong immune system, in addition to many other functions in the body such as normal growth and development, the antioxidants of vitamin C keep your immunity strong so that bacteria, viruses, toxins and others. harmful invaders that can cause illness and disease.

  1. Due to the protective effect of vitamin C, Brussels sprouts help maintain the health of your digestive tract, skin, eyes, teeth and gums. Vitamin C from foods also protects your cells from free radical damage, reducing the risk of heart disease, cancer, autoimmune responses and more.

  1. The protective properties of Brussels sprouts ensure that the immune system is not overloaded, where autoimmune reactions can lead to further damage. 200 grams of Brussels sprouts contain no less than 164% of the daily requirement of vitamin C!

  1. According to research, cruciferous vegetables can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease. The studies show that high levels of inflammation are directly correlated with an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and neurodegenerative disorders.

  1. The anti-inflammatory properties of Brussels sprouts are due to vitamin K, vitamin C, various antioxidants and even small amounts of omega-3 fatty acids.

  1. These vitamins, antioxidants and omega-3s work together to keep the arteries free from dangerous plaque build-up, lower cholesterol, help fight high blood pressure, help maintain the blood pressure. increase blood flow and maintain healthy, strong blood vessels. Such significant benefits reduce the risk of heart attack and other cardiovascular complications, from which millions of people die each year.

  1. Brussels sprouts are also powerful because they contain many special phytonutrients, antioxidants and compounds - including sulforaphane, glucobrassicin, glucoraphanin and gluconasturtiian - all of which are effective in reducing dangerous inflammation and heart disease.

  1. These phytonutrients, antioxidants and compounds help detoxify the body, support liver function, slow free radical damage and prevent the formation of many common diseases, including heart disease.

  1. Glucosinolates, found in Brussels sprouts, can help protect the fragile lining of the digestive tract and stomach, reducing the chance of developing leaky gut syndrome or other digestive disorders.

  1. At the same time, the sulforaphane in Brussels sprouts supports the body's important detoxification process. They can improve digestion by preventing bacterial overgrowth from occurring in the gut microflora.

  1. Just 200 grams of cooked Brussels sprouts provides 4 grams of dietary fiber, which is important for maintaining digestion. Unfortunately, the average diet today contains much less than the recommended 25 to 30 grams of dietary fiber needed and can be found in foods such as vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts and seeds.

  1. Fiber keeps your digestive system running smoothly, stimulates regular bowel movements, prevents constipation or diarrhea, and detoxifies the body by removing toxins and waste from the digestive tract.

  1. The fiber in Brussels sprouts also has other important benefits, such as helping to lower cholesterol levels and slowing the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream, meaning it helps against the development of diabetes and heart disease.

  1. Brussels sprouts contain the important antioxidants vitamin C and vitamin A. Vitamin C helps to fight damage from UV light that can lead to skin cancer or aging skin, while vitamin A protects against damage to the skin and eyes.

  1. Consuming both vitamins is important to naturally slow down aging and improve eye health, boost skin immunity, and promote new cell growth.

  1. Studies show that those who eat large amounts of fruits and vegetables containing antioxidants lower their risk of age-related macular degeneration.

  1. Eating Brussels sprouts gives you the antioxidant zeaxanthin, which tries to filter harmful light rays from the cornea and protect the eyes from damage and ailments such as macular degeneration inside.

  1. Meanwhile, the sulforopane compounds of Brussels sprouts also help to reduce oxidative damage from stress to the eyes, it can protect you from blindness, cataracts and other complications and it protects the skin, preventing its formation cancer and inflammation are slowed down.

  1. 200 grams of Brussels sprouts provide approximately 14% of your daily potassium requirement. Potassium is an electrolyte required to maintain nerve function, muscle contraction, bone density and all of our nerve and muscle related systems.

  1. Necessary for proper cell function, potassium is crucial to almost every part of the body. It helps maintain the membrane structure of cells and the transmission of nerve impulses, making it vital for a healthy heart rhythm. It also plays a role in enzyme functions involved in carbohydrate metabolism.

  1. Researchers have known for some time that nutrients we get from food, in addition to slowing down the aging process of the brain, can also have a major influence on cognitive processes and emotions.

  1. More and more studies show that nutrition plays a major role in the neuronal function and synaptic plasticity of the brain because the gut and brain have the ability to communicate directly with each other. Thus, consuming large amounts of nutrients can protect brain health and improve mental function.

  1. What kinds of nutrients are we talking about? By that, we mean Brussels sprouts' powerful antioxidants vitamin C and vitamin A, which, in addition to the other nutrients discussed above, help stop oxidative stress and inflammation that can damage brain cells.

  1. Brussels sprouts contain a high level of folate, which is often referred to as folic acid. Folate is a naturally occurring B vitamin, which is crucial for a healthy pregnancy and delivery. By helping the body to produce new cells effectively, folic acid plays a role in the reproduction and synthesizing of DNA.

  1. Folic acid helps the body to use other B vitamins in addition to proteins, protects against anemia, boosts immune function and can support poor digestion.

  1. Present in large amounts in many green leafy vegetables, folic acid is important for the healthy formation of the neural tube of the fetus. Getting enough folic acid can help prevent birth defects such as spina bifida.

  1. Certain green vegetables such as Brussels sprouts contain an antioxidant known as alpha-lipoic acid, which has been shown to lower glucose levels.

  1. These compounds can increase insulin sensitivity and prevent pre-diabetes from eventually turning into diabetes. They can also help reduce complications in people who already have diabetes by controlling blood glucose and preventing further oxidative stress or inflammation.

What should you pay attention to when buying Brussels sprouts

  1. If you are going to buy Brussels sprouts you have to choose the ones that are tightly packed and the leaves must be pressed against each other and therefore not opened. Choose the sprouts with a uniform texture and color and leave the sprouts with noticeable dark spots or that have wilted.

  1. To ensure that you can take advantage of all the nutrients in the Brussels sprouts, it is best to prepare the Brussels sprouts within three to seven days of purchase if possible.

  1. Uncooked Brussels sprouts stay fresh longer in your fridge than when cooked, but either way you can extend their shelf life by adding them, along with a paper towel to soak up moisture in a sealed plastic bag or container.

What is the best way to prepare Brussels sprouts?

  1. Most people prefer to eat their Brussels sprouts when they are roasted or fried. Roasting Brussels sprouts helps to release their sweet, almost nutty flavor. This cooking method also keeps them crispy and reduces the unpleasant, sulfur-like odor that cruciferous vegetables can have.

  1. Although they taste best when baked, cooking cruciferous vegetables is the best way to keep their nutrients intact, as their special ingredients are often fragile and cannot withstand high temperatures.]

  1. Steaming Brussels sprouts until they are soft is a great way to make them taste good without killing their beneficial nutrients. The same can be done by lightly frying them on the stovetop with a drizzle of olive or coconut oil.

Note: Interactions with Brussels sprouts

  1. There is some concern about preliminary observations that cruciferous vegetables, including Brussels sprouts, may adversely affect thyroid function.

  1. Cruciferous vegetables are the main source of glucosinolates in the human diet and certain glucosinolates can be converted to goitrogenic species, which can adversely affect thyroid function. However, studies have shown that the benefits of eating cruciferous vegetables outweigh this minor drawback.

  1. According to a recent study in which 10 volunteers ate sprouts every day for a period of time, the sprouts had no effect on thyroid function.

  1. Researchers believe that although the sprouts contain high concentrations of glucosinolates, these molecules become inactive during cooking and therefore cannot negatively affect the thyroid gland.

  1. For this reason, due to the many proven health benefits, experts strongly recommend that everyone eat large amounts of cruciferous vegetables and Brussels sprouts.

Finallyâ €!

  1. While Brussels sprouts are often not very popular, especially with youngsters, they can still make a big contribution to your overall health. And to make Brussels sprouts a bit more popular with the youth, it might be an idea to prepare the sprouts in a different way.

  1. How do you prepare Brussels sprouts? What do you do to prevent Brussels sprouts from remaining after a meal? Share it with us below!




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