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Heartburn and sore throat: what to do?

  1. Heartburn, also known as acid reflux, is one of the main hallmarks of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). GERD is a condition in which the muscle at the end of the esophagus is too loose or does not close properly, allowing acid (and food particles) from the stomach to draw up into the esophagus. Many people have heartburn problems at least once a month

  2. Heartburn, also known as acid reflux, is one of the main features of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). GERD is a condition in which the muscle at the end of the esophagus is too loose or does not close properly, allowing acid (and food particles) from the stomach to draw up into the esophagus. Many people have heartburn problems at least once a month

  1. In addition to the common burning sensation, the acid can also damage the esophagus. This can also lead to symptoms affecting the throat in people with GERD, such as a sore throat.

What is heartburn?

  1. Acid reflux is the last bit of stomach contents in the esophagus. Reflux is caused by a weakening of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which is an annular band of muscle at the bottom of the esophagus.

  1. The LES is a valve that opens to allow food to pass through to your stomach and then closes again to prevent food or stomach acid from flowing back. A weak LES will prevent this from closing properly. This causes stomach acids to run back up through the esophagus, eventually damaging your throat and causing that burning sensation.

The effects of heartburn on your throat

  1. Whether you're on medication or lifestyle strategies (or both), it's important to manage your GERD symptoms properly. Chronic, unmanaged acid reflux can contribute to a sore throat and can also lead to serious complications. Possible complications of acid reflux on the throat include:

  1. In addition to a sore throat, chronic and severe acid reflux that isn't treated can lead to a rare but serious condition called Barrett's esophagus. This happens when the lining of the esophagus changes in composition to resemble the lining of the intestine.

  1. 1.6% to 6.8% of adults in Europe develop Barrett's esophagus. People with Barrett's esophagus have a slightly higher risk of developing esophageal cancer.

  1. Symptoms of Barrett's esophagus are possible:

How can you get rid of heartburn naturally?

  1. Are There Foods That Can Prevent Acid Reflux? Most home remedies for acid reflux involve eating the right foods to reduce the symptoms and signs of this condition.

  1. It must be sugar-free chewing gum. Those who chew gum without sugar for 30 minutes are less likely to suffer from this condition.

  1. One of the reasons you should chew sugarless gum as a means of treating acid reflux symptoms is because it stimulates the production of saliva, which prevents the flow of food. to the stomach. If acid is present in the esophagus, it is also flushed out through the intestines, resulting in an improvement in symptoms.

  1. How do you use it as a home remedy?

  1. It doesn't matter what type of gum you use as long as it is sugar free.

  1. Instead of eating a donut every morning, try oatmeal for breakfast. It is one of those foods that can combat stomach acid.

  1. Oatmeal will not only reduce your risk of heart disease but it will also help reduce the pain caused by this condition.

  1. The high fiber content of this food makes it beneficial against acid reflux. In addition, it gives you a satiated feeling which reduces your hunger. This means you can avoid overeating.

  1. But there is more. Oatmeal can also help you reach your weight loss goal. Remember that losing weight is also highly recommended if you have this condition.

  1. How can you use oatmeal as a home remedy for acid reflux?

  1. This is one of the remedies that are readily available.

  1. Apple can prevent stomach acid from flowing back into the esophagus. It also helps treat esophageal sphincter irritation.

  1. But make sure you eat organic apples.

  1. What makes it such an effective food against acid reflux is that it creates alkaline in your stomach. So this neutralizes any extra acid in the stomach and it also aids in digestion.

  1. How can you use apple as a home remedy for acid reflux?

  1. This tasty and healthy fruit is also one of the foods you should eat to combat acid reflux. Instead of taking antacids, you can just eat this fruit.

  1. Why should you eat banana as a home remedy for acid reflux?

  1. It is high in potassium which reduces stomach acidity. You can only consume a ripe banana and not the green one. This is because unripe bananas contain potassium nitrate, which can exacerbate pain caused by acid reflux.

  1. Banana also contains a chemical that protects the lining of the stomach. This is one of the reasons why banana is recommended to patients with stomach ulcers.

  1. In addition, it also contains a high amount of fiber. As a result, it can speed up digestion. It also decreases the production of stomach acid, thus avoiding the excess acid causing the acid reflux symptoms.

  1. How can you use banana to relieve the signs of acid reflux?

  1. You can also use banana in your smoothies or salads. Make sure they are abundant to maximize their benefits.

  1. This is a great alternative to heartburn medications that you can buy over the counter. Ginger is even more effective than prescription drugs, which relieve heartburn symptoms.

  1. This herb offers medicinal properties that have been used by different cultures for thousands of years. It can treat over 100 conditions making it a versatile food or herb.

  1. Unlike prescription medications for excessive gastric acid production, this herb protects the lining of the stomach, while also promoting the absorption of minerals and nutrients.

  1. In addition to acid reflux, ginger is also used to treat other stomach problems. Hence, it's just an age-old home remedy for various stomach problems.

  1. How can you use ginger?

  1. Another way to use this herb is to chew a piece. This is great if you can resist the taste or you can add it to juices.

  1. You can also mix it with juice from packages. To improve the taste, you can add honey, but absolutely no sugar. You can also try adding ginger to your dishes more often when cooking.

  1. Is it okay to take a ginger supplement?

  1. It is certainly a better choice than prescription heartburn medications. However, if you have the option of consuming ginger in its natural form, you better opt for it. This is because its all natural form contains all the nutrients you need to treat acid reflux and other stomach problems.

  1. Many health experts and doctors recommend eating kidney beans to help with acid reflux. They will not irritate your esophagus muscles.

  1. Because they are low in fat and not acidic, they are a perfect treatment for acid reflux.

  1. However, you may only use kidney beans that have been boiled and rinsed in water. Avoid eating kidney bean recipes that contain other spices, which can cause acid reflux.

  1. Taking a teaspoon of this alkaline can stop your acid reflux right away. Sodium bicarbonate or baking powder has a pH of 7 which neutralizes stomach acid.

  1. Although it is an effective home remedy, don't use it if you have kidney problems.

  1. How can you use this?

  1. You can drink this daily for 1 week. Don't use it for more than a week in a row. This is because baking soda is fairly high in salt, which can cause swelling and nausea. It can also be harmful to your kidneys if consumed in excess.

  1. It is best to take it in the morning on an empty stomach. Then drink the mixture in one sitting. This neutralizes the acidity in the stomach, thus relieving symptoms.

  1. Aloe vera is not only helpful in treating burns and scrapes, it's also great for treating heartburn or acid reflux.

  1. How do you prepare it?

  1. Note: Aloe Vera has a mild laxifying effect. If you don't mind going to the toilet often, you can drink it as often as you want.

  1. Melons can have a pH of 6.1 and they can also be good for treating acid reflux. Although melons are low in fat, they contain high amounts of magnesium, which can help with the signs of acid reflux.

  1. The variety of melons you can try for this purpose include watermelon, honeydew melon, and cantaloupe, among others. Any type of melon is fine, as long as it is organic.

  1. Make sure the melons are ripe enough, as they won't change the acidity of your stomach.

  1. You can choose to have melons at home as standard, so that you can eat something every day when you suffer from heartburn. There are several ways to prepare melon.

  1. This is actually not a vegetable but a fruit. Whatever you want to call it cucumber is a very good home remedy for acid reflux. For most patients, eating this fruit is more effective than the pills they can buy at the drugstore.

  1. Then only the cucumber must be fresh. That is, the skin should be dark green and free of black spots.

  1. Eat 2 slices of this fruit at least every 2 to 3 hours to help reduce acid reflux. Depending on how severe your acid reflux symptoms are, you can of course eat more than 2 slices.

  1. Do you need to remove the seeds and peel?

  1. Health experts recommend not to remove the skin and seeds. This is to maintain the freshness of the fruit. But there is more, the peel and seeds also contain nutrients and fiber, which make it more effective at treating the signs of acid reflux.

  1. Like melon, you can combine cucumber with other foods that can help with acid reflux. But if you want to add it to your salad, make sure you don't put too much vinegar in your dressing.

  1. There are also other ways to prepare cucumber as an acid reflux treatment

  1. This is a common vegetable that you add to your salad and other dishes.

  1. Parsley is great for acid reflux and it can also prevent this condition from causing a sore throat.

  1. Parsley does not directly target the acidity in your stomach but rather helps with proper digestion. Keep in mind that good indigestion can help reduce this condition.

  1. Some people think that parsley can actually cause acid reflux because of its mint flavor. But this vegetable is actually a good healthy alternative to herbs and vegetables with mint flavors.

  1. Another reason parsley is great for acid reflux is that it has anti-inflammatory properties due to the amino acid glutamine. Several studies have shown that parsley has the ability to relieve inflammatory bowel disease and reduce the symptoms of acid reflux.

  1. It also works great with other acid reflux foods because it can neutralize acids, maintaining the alkaline balance in the food and preventing heartburn.

  1. How can you eat it?

  1. Chamomile is known for its soothing properties making it a beneficial herb for treating the discomfort. Make sure the tea you buy is organic. This is to ensure the quality and safety of the tea.

  1. Chamomile contains oils, flavonoids and mucilages. All of these ingredients can soften the lining of the esophagus. In addition, it can also reduce the production of acids in the gastrointestinal tract. This actually protects you against the effects of stomach acid.

  1. How do you prepare it?

  1. If you choose this home remedy, you should consult your doctor first. This herb can interact with anticoagulants and other drugs.

  1. You may think it is a mistake that this food is included on the list of acid reflux remedies. However, the acidity of apple cider vinegar is weak.

  1. It naturally aids in proper digestion, making it easy to break down fats from food.

  1. The acetic acid content in apple cider vinegar is a weak acid, so it can help balance stomach acid production. In other words, it can rebalance the acidity level.

  1. Although not yet scientifically proven, many people who suffer from heartburn and acid reflux have reported that the vinegar has been effective in treating their symptoms.

  1. How could you take the vinegar?

  1. Before you start using this remedy, make sure you are using the unpasteurized kind. This is because her natural enzymes are still intact. You can find this form very easily at a health food store.

  1. Celery neutralizes stomach acid due to its alkalinity. This vegetable contains a high amount of water and fiber, making it an effective natural treatment for acid reflux.

  1. In addition, it also suppresses your appetite, so you won't overeat, preventing stomach acid from flowing back into the esophagus.

  1. The water and fiber content also makes it easier for your body to digest the food you eat and transport it to the gut for absorption and elimination.

  1. There are many ways to consume celery. You can eat it whole or add it to your vegetable salad. Some users choose to eat it with other acid reflux-friendly vegetables.

  1. The enzymes in Papaya can prevent the symptoms of acid reflux from occurring, making this fruit a great way to treat acid reflux. It does not directly affect the acidity in the stomach. However, it does aid in proper digestion of the food in your body.

  1. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and contains a high amount of antioxidants. With these components, papaya can be a great addition to your list of foods that can help relieve the signs and symptoms of acid reflux and heartburn.

  1. You can also easily add papaya to your vegetable or fruit salad. If you like to experiment, you can blend this fruit and make it into a smoothie. Don't forget to include other fruits that are kind to your stomach.

Other natural home remedies for heartburn

  1. In addition to the foods listed above, there are other ways to treat this condition.

  1. For example, you can avoid overeating by stopping eating when you feel full. You can also choose foods that are digested slowly and chewing gently will help you feel full for longer.

  1. In addition to eating slowly, you should also consider cutting back on alcohol and drinks containing caffeine. These drinks increase acid production in your stomach. If you have a hard time stopping the caffeinated drinks, try to limit it to 1 cup a day. If you have chronic acid reflux, make sure to eliminate these drinks altogether.

  1. Then you can still lose weight. Being overweight can contribute to heartburn or acid reflux. Keep in mind that most obese individuals are likely to experience the symptoms and signs of acid reflux.

  1. Why? This is because the extra weight can increase pressure on the stomach, allowing the muscles in the stomach to relax and allowing the contents to flow back. Another thing is the role of body fat in releasing chemicals that interfere with your acidity. You don't need to lose weight dramatically because losing a few pounds can be beneficial in reducing the symptoms of acid reflux.

Finally ...

  1. If these home remedies don't relieve symptoms, you really should contact your doctor. Your doctor will then refer you to a dietitian to help you put together the right meal plan for this condition. In addition to the meal plan, you will probably also be advised to stop eating foods that cause acid reflux and start eating foods that can reduce symptoms such as the foods we mentioned above.

  1. Don't feel like going to a doctor with heartburn? Do you prefer a natural solution?

  1. Then download my FREE eBook on Heartburn. Including 101 delicious and healthy recipes that will help you get rid of heartburn!

  1. Curious?

  1. You can download the FREE Heartburn eBook here! >>>





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