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Herbs to lose body water

  1. Body fluid is the extra fluid that is stored by your body. Sometimes your body retains too much moisture. This condition is called edema or fluid retention and is a common side effect of chronic inflammation.

  1. Retention of excess body water can be caused by many things, from poor nutrition, lack of sleep and sometimes illness.

  1. It is normally a temporary condition and often occurs after excessive eating and drinking. Women also often experience fluid retention during their menstrual cycle and pregnancy.

  1. Although not serious, excessive fluid weight can make some people feel sluggish or uncomfortable and can also negatively affect their appearance and quality of life.

  1. So whether you're having an important event, feeling really bloated, or just want to lose a few pounds quickly, losing body water is one of the easiest things you can do. It might be temporary, but sometimes it's just the difference between fitting comfortably into your clothes and not fitting in at all.

  1. Because fluid weight or fluid retention is a common problem, you will encounter many different methods of losing that fluid weight. Unfortunately, not all of them are safe and most of them are ineffective.

  1. Most hydrotherapy treatments claim to have "diuretic" properties. That means that by increasing urine volume, they help your body get rid of excess fluid. When you take a diuretic, you feel like you need to go to the toilet more often.

  1. These are some of the most popular herbal treatments advertised to help you lose weight in fluids.

  1. You will also see many diets on TV and online claiming that they can help you lose weight. Many of those diets reduce carbohydrate intake, temporarily reducing weight, and some diets may include some of the herbal treatments listed above.

  1. Besides herbal treatments, you can also buy medicines without a prescription to get rid of body water. These products can be purchased at drugstores and pharmacies and often contain 25-50 milligrams of a drug called pamabrom. But just because these over-the-counter water pills are readily available doesn't mean they are safe.

  1. Over-the-counter diuretics are less potent and potentially less dangerous than the diuretics prescribed by a physician, but risks still exist. None of them have the approval for safety or effectiveness of the European authorities because (in the letter of the law) they are not medicines. The over-the-counter water pills may have short- or long-term effects on the potassium levels in your body, but we don't know because the products have not gone through the formal approval process.

  1. Several doctors and organizations have also expressed concern about the use of diuretics to lose body fluids as these pills are often misused by athletes and weight loss people for rapid weight loss. In some serious cases, misuse could result in serious injury or, in extreme cases, even death.

  2. Several doctors and organizations have also expressed concern about the use of diuretics to lose body fluids as these pills are often misused for rapid weight loss by athletes and people who want to lose weight. In some serious cases, misuse could result in serious injury or, in extreme cases, even death.

Exercise regularly

  1. Exercise can be one of the best short-term ways to reduce the weight of fluid in your body. Any exercise increases sweating, which means you lose moisture.

  1. The average water loss during 1 hour of exercise is somewhere between 0.5-2 liters per hour and depends on factors such as heat and clothing.

  1. During training your body also shifts a lot of fluid in your muscles.

  1. This can help reduce moisture outside the cell and reduce the "soft" appearance that people report from excessive water retention.

  1. However, you should still drink plenty of water during your training session.

  1. Another great option to increase sweat and moisture loss is the sauna you could add after your gym session.

  1. In short: Regular exercise can help you maintain a natural balance between body fluids and sweat from excess stored fluid.

Sleep more

  1. Research on sleep emphasizes that it is just as important as diet and exercise.

  1. Sleep can also affect the sympathetic renal nerves, which regulate the sodium and fluid balance in the kidneys.

  1. One study showed that when you sleep, your body acts like a sanitary system and flushes out "toxins" from the brain.

  1. Adequate sleep can also help your body regulate hydration and minimize water retention.

  1. Try to get a healthy amount of sleep per night, which will be about 7-9 hours for most people.

  1. In short: A good night's sleep can help your body to control the water and sodium balance, which in the long run will lead to a reduced weight of fluid in your body.

Less stress

  1. Prolonged stress can increase the hormone cortisol, which directly affects fluid retention and weight in your body.

  1. This may occur because stress and cortisol increase a hormone, also known as the antidiuretic hormone or ADH, that regulates the fluid balance in the body.

  1. ADH works by sending signals to the kidneys telling them how much fluid to pump back into the body.

  1. Keeping your stress levels under control maintains normal levels of ADH and cortisol, which is important for fluid balance and long-term health and disease risk.

  1. In short: Stress increases cortisol and the anti-diuretic hormone, which directly affect the fluid balance in your body.

Take electrolytes

  1. Electrolytes are minerals with an electrical charge, such as magnesium and potassium. They play an important role in your body, including the regulation of the fluid balance.

  1. When electrolyte levels become too low or too high, they can cause fluid balance shifts, which can lead to a higher weight of fluid in your body.

  1. You have to match your electrolyte uptake with your water intake. If you drink large amounts of water you may need more electrolytes.

  1. If you exercise daily or live in a humid or warm environment, you may also need extra electrolytes to replace the fluid lost through sweating.

  1. In contrast, large amounts of electrolytes from supplements or salty foods, in combination with low water intake, can have the opposite effect and increase the weight of fluid in your body.

  1. In short: Electrolytes regulate the fluid balance and cell hydration. Electrolytes from supplements can be helpful if you drink plenty of water, exercise a lot, live in a warm climate, or don't eat salty foods.

Reduce salt intake

  1. Sodium, which you get daily from salt, is one of the most abundant electrolytes in the human body.

  1. It plays an important role in hydration. If the levels are too low or too high, it will lead to imbalances in the body and thus fluid retention.

  1. High salt intake, usually as a result of a diet high in processed foods, can increase fluid retention. This is especially true in combination with a low water intake and no exercise.

  1. However, this appears to depend on the current daily sodium intake and blood levels.

  1. This was tested in a study and it was found that you should only store excess fluid if you drastically increase or change your daily intake.

  1. In short: Salt or sodium plays a key role in moisture balance. Try to avoid extreme changes, such as excessive salt intake or the omission of salt.

Take a magnesium supplement

  1. Magnesium is another important electrolyte and mineral. It has recently become a very popular health and sports performance supplement.

  1. Research on magnesium is extensive, showing that it fulfills more than 600 roles in the human body.

  1. Much of the evidence comes from studies in women showing that magnesium can reduce weight in fluid and premenstrual symptoms (PMS).

  1. These changes can occur because magnesium plays an integrating role with other electrolytes, such as sodium and potassium.

  1. Together they help you to control your body's fluid balance.

  1. In short: Magnesium intake should be optimized as it plays a key role in hydration and body water content.

Take a dandelion supplement

  1. The dandelion herb, Taraxacum officinale, is used in alternative medicine to treat water retention.

  1. In recent years it has also become popular among bodybuilders and athletes who need to reduce moisture for aesthetic purposes or to reach a weight category.

  1. Dandelion supplements can help you lose weight by signaling the kidneys to expel more urine and extra salt or sodium.

  1. In human studies, dandelion intake has been shown to increase the frequency of urination over a 5 hour period.

  1. Although already popular in use, more research is needed on dandelion supplements.

  1. In short: Dandelion is a popular herb often used by bodybuilders and athletes who need to lose weight.

Drink more water

  1. Interestingly, if you are properly hydrated, it can reduce water retention.

  1. Your body is always trying to achieve a healthy balance, so when you are constantly dehydrated, your body tends to retain more water in an effort to keep water levels from getting too low.

  1. Achieving optimal daily fluid intake can also be important for liver and kidney health, which can reduce long-term fluid retention.

  1. The benefits of drinking more water don't stop there. Another study shows it is also important for health, fat loss, brain function, and more.

  1. As always, achieving a balance is optimal. If you drink excessive amounts of fluids, you can actually increase your weight in fluid in your body.

  1. Just drink when you are thirsty and stop drinking when you feel well hydrated. You should also drink a little more in a warm environment or while exercising.

  1. You can also view your urine color to assess hydration. It should be light yellow or quite clear, which is a good indication that you are well hydrated.

  1. In short: Dehydration or over-hydration can lead to fluid retention. Make sure you drink a balanced amount of water every day.

Concentrate on these foods

  1. There are several foods you could include in your diet to combat fluid retention.

  1. Potassium-rich foods are often recommended, as potassium can help balance sodium levels and increase urine production, causing you to lose excess fluid (35).

  1. Dark green leafy vegetables, beans, bananas, avocados, tomatoes and yogurt or other dairy products are all healthy and potassium rich.

  1. Magnesium supplements or magnesium rich foods are also recommended. These include dark chocolate, dark green leafy vegetables, nuts and whole grains.

  1. The following foods and herbs are often recommended in alternative medicine to reduce fluid weight and there are some clinical data to support their use:

  1. In addition to trying these foods, you can also limit or temporarily stop eating foods that cause bloating or intolerance.

  1. These include highly processed foods, foods high in fiber, and sometimes beans and dairy products. You can also try sticking to low-FODMAP foods for a while to see if that helps.

  1. In short: Certain foods and herbs can act as diuretics and reduce water retention. Combine them with easily digestible foods that will not cause bloating or intolerance.

Reduce carbohydrate intake

  1. Reducing carbohydrates is a common strategy to lose excess fluid quickly. Carbohydrates are stored as glycogen in the muscles and liver, but glycogen also draws in moisture.

  1. For every gram of glycogen that you store, 3 - 4 grams of moisture can be stored. This explains why people immediately lose weight when switching to a low-carb diet, which reduces glycogen stores.

  1. Carbohydrates also increase the hormone insulin, which can cause an increase in sodium retention and reuptake of fluid in the kidneys.

  1. Low-carbohydrate diets lead to a drop in insulin levels, which in turn leads to a loss of sodium and water from the kidneys.

  1. On the other hand, if you are on a low-carbohydrate diet or generally diet, a high-carb meal can draw excess body fluid into your muscles and increase the weight of the fluid.

  1. It can also make a visual difference, increasing moisture in the muscles, but helping to reduce excess moisture under the skin.

  1. Try changing your carbohydrate intake and see what works best for you.

  1. In short: A low-carbohydrate diet can cause a rapid decrease in the weight of fluid in your body due to reduced glycogen stores and lower insulin levels.

Take caffeine supplements or drink tea and coffee

  1. Tea and coffee are well-known diuretics that are especially effective because of their high caffeine content.

  1. Caffeine has been shown to increase urine output in the short term and slightly reduce weight in fluids.

  1. In one study, participants were given a glass of water with or without caffeine at doses of 4.5mg / kg body weight.

  1. Combining caffeine and water significantly increased the urine volume of the participants.

  1. That said, although caffeine has a mild diuretic effect, it does not cause dehydration in those who use it frequently.

  1. In short: Moderate amounts of caffeine from coffee, tea or caffeine supplements can help you reduce excess fluid.

Change your habits

  1. One of the best changes you can make is to reduce the consumption of processed foods and excessive salt consumption.

  1. Also avoid sitting all day or for longer periods as this can reduce blood circulation. Physical activity can improve circulation and help you sweat out excess fluid.

  1. Certain medications can also cause water retention, so check with your doctor if you are taking medication daily and are retaining too much fluid.

  1. Paying attention to the foods you eat and making sure they don't cause digestive problems or inflammation is also advised.

  1. Finally, over or under consumption of water, alcohol, minerals, caffeine and salt can cause fluid retention. Find a healthy, normal balance.

  1. In short: Check your diet for overly processed foods, salt, caffeine and alcohol consumption.

Consider prescription water tablets

  1. Diuretics and water pills are sometimes prescribed by prescription to treat excess fluid retention.

  1. They work by activating your kidneys to flush out excess fluid and salt in your urine.

  1. These diuretic pills are often prescribed for people with heart or lung problems and to help with blood pressure, prevent fluid retention and reduce swelling.

  1. It's important to note the difference between prescription diuretics and over-the-counter or online water pills.

  1. Prescription pills have been clinically tested for long-term safety, while over-the-counter pills may lack clinical research and have not always been tested for safety.

  1. Both types can help fight a medically diagnosed edema or excess fluid in your body.

  1. Check with your doctor before trying this one.

  1. In Brief: When looking at diuretic medications or pills, consult a doctor and take prescribed medications under supervision.

  1. If the problem persists, appears severe, or increases suddenly, it is always best to seek medical attention.

  1. In some cases, excess fluid retention can be caused by a serious medical condition.

  1. Ultimately, identifying and treating the cause is the best way to control excess fluid.

  1. This could be excessive salt intake, lack of electrolytes, inactivity, excessive stress, or the regular consumption of processed and inflammatory foods.

  1. Some of these are also among the most important things related to ill health and illness, which are perhaps even bigger reasons to avoid them.




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